Make friends with a nigger. Stop being a racist

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Racism usually stems from interaction.

Next they'll tell us it's racist to lock your car doors in black neighborhoods.

I've befriended a Negro barman at an establishment I frequented, he voted Trump and is pretty cool. Doesn't mean I'm going to change my views though

well thats one way to get to know them at least...

I was about to say... its not not knowing them, its actually getting to know them that really has changed my mind. More towards middle easterners than africans though, seems like afro-americans are trash even in the eyes of africans, and several of those aren't _that_ bad, mind you, the higher classes.

This one time I knew a black dude and he ended up in jail so nah.

That's precisely what turned me into a racist.

I'd be friends with niggers If they weren't so prone to murder and thievery

(((Every fucking time)))

I have a nigger friend, yet im still racist now what?

I love getting to know crackhead niggers and migrant rapists

how would he know unless he was a former racist?

i honestly didn't even grasp the concept of racism until it was taught in school, i was like 12 years old then

I knew a nigger in gradeschool. He was like three years older because he was held back. He beat up my jewish friend one time. Pretty based Tbh

You can still dislike the group while befriending the individual same as you can still like the individual while being hated by the group

I have wog, Paki and Poo mates. They are the exception that proves the rule.

Yeah I know one nigger who manages to behave as well. Somali in fact. Just because there's this top 1% Somali who can behave doesn't mean I want hordes of them in my country. In fact, they ALL have to go back, just to be sure.

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The left
Also the left:
Can the lolbertarians just admit already that democracy is a failed experiment?

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>getting to know jews
>hate them more
Wew, lads. Now that Trump has triggered the coin clippers, what’s next.

>be white normie
>see pic related and other propaghanda
>make friends with a nigger
>get raped/robbed/shot

I once let a "nice one" borrow money from me. Never paid it back.
I had to "learn" racism but I'm a fast learner.

Racism stems from not being a rich kike like this guy that only interacts with the 0.01% of niggers and sand niggers that can pass as human in terms of social interaction. And instead being forced to interacts with the other 99.99% that can chimp out at any moment.

There just aren't many niggers in this town.
I know, shocking considering my flag.


Individual is not the same as group

Dont hate all blacks just because the group is shit but don't blindly trust a member of a sketchy group unless you get to know the individual

>get to know a Nigger
>they steal from you regardless

My black friends are racists too

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There is a cure for virtue signalling

It's called "killing yourself"

It works everytime

What about those girls/couples who traveled the world, and when they got to central asia/middle east/turkey/africa they all got killed. All they wanted was "getting to know someone" too. I dont have screen caps saved but I am sure they will be posted soon.

he should go first then, go be friends with a nigger

>there are three twitter screenshot threads on page one

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So getting mugged counts as getting to know someone now?

this doesnt work for anti-semitism

>duhduhduh me met well educated black man
>mmhmmhmhm he good person
>huehueuh racism destroyed
>therefore all black people in the universe is perfectly fine

Even if I met 2 or three nice blacks what good is it if you he rest are Savage apes

Discussing race with people like this is actually pointless. These people in the OP pic are only useful as living examples of sophistry. All other interactions waste time and energy that could be used elsewhere.

Wtf? Now I love niggers.

Half of my best friends are non-white and I'm still racist.

redpill: it's not about racism it's about white people not being able to point out other races / societies shortcomings, not being able to make racist jokes, not being able to say the n word but get shit on constantly by all races.
obviously most of Jow Forums can be civil with black people, but i don't blame Jow Forums for pushing for truth and justice.
it's dangerous to protect one race and demonize the other, Jow Forums balances it out

this is why the meme about whites and niggers getting along just enough to overthrow (((them))) actually scares the shit out of them.

I can’t find it but there is a map of people who self identified as racist and overlaid it on a map of areas of high minority populations.

>mfw same fucking map

I am friends with niggers. Hard to avoid in the FGC.

I was a good little anti-racist until I was forced to interact with muslims and nogs.
Also this. I know a black guy that's really cool, but it doesn't outweigh the countless negative encounters I've had with niggers.

He's right...all of them

I friended a nigger in my skateboarding days. he was funny and pretty talented at skating. Problem was he could never manage to be anywhere on time. He thought it was cute to blame his blackness for making the rest of us wait around forever until he was ready to get his shit together. We would waste hours waiting for him. No patience for this shit. Stopped contacting him.

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I got way more than enough time getting to know niggers going to the public school system and I only became more racist

Anecdotal evidence is anecdotal, statistics is statistics. Are you gonna trust an anecdote or the stats?

I’m not prejudiced, I’m experienced. From this experience I’ve come to distrust and hate niggers.

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>befriends you

we know all we need to

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Well said. Thank you.

Isnt that the jew that got butthurt over "JEWS LOVE BLACK COCKS" posting?

I have had black friends, but that does not change the bell curve. The average black IQ is 2 standard deviations below the average white IQ. It's basically like making friends with a kid when you make friends with the average negroid.

Due to the fact that 95%+ Of blacks are Democrats I dismiss them. The same is true of white Democrats.

Freedom is #1 for me, and under the Democrat slave ideology people are less free.

Also there is nothing wrong with having a strong in group preference. I'd rather hang out with a black Republican than a white Democrat.

>couple of black guys hang out at my house one day
>not from around where I live
>figure they're from the city
>they seem cool enough
>act totally normal in front of me and my white friends and family
>after a few times of hanging out they ask if they could crash
>say ok
>figure it was because they were from out of town and couldn't get rides or take a bus
>they stay several nights
>it becomes a cycle
>leave for a day, come back and stay a few nights, repeat

I found out later that they were using my house as a base to sell crack in my neighborhood and would go and resupply on the days they weren't here. They never bothered to use my shower and always stank. I confronted them about it when I found out, after that they had a huge falling out with each other because one of them actually hated doing it and had a conscience. That guy grew up and actually has a family and takes care of them now, the other I see occasionally around town still selling. Never relax, I wish I had known when I was a teen.

>go live around niggers because you just got out of college and don't have money for a house yet
>all your liberal brainwashing evaporates and you become a White-Nationalist
>didn't even hardly know what a Jew was, someone points them out to you and then you notice them in every story about corruption, big lies, or degeneracy, become a fascist
Its is ignorance that keeps 'anti-racism' alive. Only White people who don't ever see non-Whites believe in equality.

When i was a small boy, my only friend was a black girl. She would come over every afternoon and my mom would take her home in the evening. We would play with my toys and watch the kids shows on pbs together as we didnt have cable. My mom would always make us kraft mac and cheese, i prefered the ninja turtle box but it was sometimes the cheese a saurus rex box, my mom would always serve it in blue plastic bowls. When i started kindergarden i was exposed black people in ernest for the first time. I stopped playing with her and started to ingnor her shortly after i started kindergarden, i started to demand a different color bowl and would refuse to eat from any of the blue plastic bowls we had in the house, i even refused to eat with forks since she used the forks and i couldnt be sure witch ones she had used. Sometime after christmas that year she stopped comming over. About 15 years later i was christmas shopping with my mom and we ran into her mom, i didnt know who she was but she knew who my mom was and my mom knew her. This girl now has 6 six kids and is not married and works at mcdonalds across town. This was three years ago. I never told my mom why i stopped playing with her, didnt really know at the time myself.

>be me
>be optimistic hard studying kid
>get thrown in "the experimenting class" where the cream de la cream of nerds is together with the lowest scum of immigrants
>half the class is italian the rest are morrocans, chinese, albanians, romanians, ukrains, indus,...
>every day is a fucking struggle with people throwing punches insults spitting on each other and disrespecting everyone
>get out of school with highest grades and full blown racist
>get on the internet
>get told to know people to not be racist by anti-white propagandist kike

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my coworker is a nigger. makes me hate them more.

Why do you think im racist?

As a nigger I can honestly tell you there's something g wrong with us. Just because one of us is B A S E D and you're cool with him doesn't mean Lemarckus isn't finna bust a cap in your ass and rape your bitch. There's something wrong with black society in America and I can honestly see the merit in the arguments of the far right. Simply ignoring reality and saying ((just get to know them))isn't going to fix it.

>I'd rather hang out with a black Republican than a white Democrat.
So you'd rather hang out with a Black guy who tries to imitate White people than with a White guy who tries to imitate Jews? Makes sense, actually.

It does though. I don't hate blacks at all, I think they are funny and many of them are as smart as the best whites I know. That said, its clear blacks want to and should rule themselves, whites themselves.

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>theres something wrong with us
god damn man, you even need whitey to explain it? this is all so tiresome
high time preference + zero impulse control = total disaster
also, avg. iq is around 85-90 which makes your people even worse.

I know two black guys

One is a hard working dude whos a superintendent for a modular building company. He has brother in Montana who is a big as redneck as me. Guess what they hate niggers.

The other guy works in the oil industry in south Dakota. He's a cool and hates everything that is "black culture" to liberals.

Great people. They get called uncle toms all the time. It's depressing. There are black people and then theres niggers. Its sad that niggers out number the black people 45000 to 1.

Around blacks never relax

I encourage (((Ed))) to live in the hood.

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> There's something wrong with black society in America
>in America
It's the same everywhere. Black 'Americans' act basically the same overall as Blacks do in Britain or Liberia or the Congo. The only difference is that where there are more Whites there is more of an incentive for the higher end of the Black bell curve to act White in order to gain material wealth and status in White society.

I tried being friends with black people buy the say nigger way to much.

>muh blacks vs niggers meme
look at this dank black guy in a maga hat, fucking based *squeek*

I have no issue with individuals. I wouldn't care one bit if someone like Thomas Sowell wanted to live in Germany. At some point you're getting into a statistically relevant number, though, and get closer to the racial average.

If you don't want to be friends with a black guy like this you're a racist. STOP BEING RACIST.


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> all people are just like you, trust them
The central thesis of leftists boiled down pretty well. I don't mind the honesty here. But it's completely misguided and dangerous.

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>thinks reddit spacing is a thing
Fucking newfriends.

There's an easy way to learn who rules over you.

It's called getting to know Mel Gibson.


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>implying that interacting with pavement apes at work hasn't made me more racist


>avg. iq is around 85-90 which makes your people even worse.
Keep in mind that this is the average IQ of people who self-identify as Black, to include people like Beyonce or Barack Obama or any other 50-75% Black person. Without White admixture, their avg IQ is the same as in Ghana, Senegal, or Liberia.


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but liberals tell me im still racist no matter how many black friends i have

You're right, I befriended a Black Man, turns out we both hate Jews.

Shit, meant to say 50-75% White person. Anyway, the mullatos skew the stats heavily. The darker they are, the lower the IQ.

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not an argument, bud

I've got Hispanic friends

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I garantee you that jew has no nigger friends

The left has always tried to impose white behavior on your kind, first through legit white supremacy, slavery, discrimination laws, and all that... and now through globalism, racial (brown) homogeneity, assimilation, toleration, equity...
And the right has simply leeched off of them and tried to get the best of it economically, first by exploiting the slaves, then by promoting immigration even more and try to assimilate them on the right.
They're both fucking leeches kikes, the only solution is for different people to live separately with consensual and benign foreign economic policies to help each other out

I'm friends with a nigger at work. He's a cool guy.

I'm still a racist though.

I've met plenty of africans and most of them are dumb as bricks.
They're good people. Not even horrible criminals like the majority of Jow Forums believes. But they're dumb as fuck.

This. Niggas owe soooooo much to dey great great great great granddaddies (mastas with jungle fever)

Yeah, I went to high school with them, had to work with them, installed cable TV in black neighborhoods... (the horror).
So I can tell you that that's a BUNCH OF SHIT.
Plus, taking advice from a jew.
nah. No thanks.

Such a retarded meme. I've looked down on Blacks since I was a child, not because my parents did, but because my Dad was in the military and every 1 or 2 years until I was a teenager was spent in a new state with completely new racial demographics. I've lived in places with almost 0 niggers and places reaching oversaturation point. Even a child knows that niggers are poison and act different.

They don't have nigger friends, they have nigger pets which they use to subvert whites.

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wew lad, dem's some tasty digits. but yeah, i know what youre saying. fucking coco the gorilla, rip in peace, had a higher iq than even blacks w/white admixture.

>was neutral about race
>gets to know niggers closely
>become racist because of this
>why don't you get to know niggers?

"Reddit spacing" is older than reddit.

holy fuck this
literally all faggot libs think like this. they met the cream of the crop of blacks in university and were hooked to a feeding tube of jew media so they come to the conclusion that everyone racist must have never met a black person.

no doubt there are upstanding black people. their image is burdened by the retarded ones and the sociopathic sycophants using history/oppression to build their political profile.

In my HS class there were two black kids. One got suspended for fighting with a teacher and we never saw him any more. The other one was put into a special needs class. We also had a Moroccan kid that got one month of penitentiary for dealing drugs.