The disappointing truth about women

You can be the most boring guy ever.
If you had +10 women in your past and it became a routine to you, the next one WILL accept you.

You can be the most exciting and interesting guy in the world. If a woman senses that you don't have a lot of experience with them. (Less than 3 women) they won't take that extra effort and time to get to know you.

Women are all the same so they think men are also all the same. Love is a routine for them.

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nothing turns a girl off faster than a desperate guy

nothing turns a girl on more than a guy she has to compete with 10 other women for

Absolute bullshit, I only fucked my ex about 3 times and that was having fucked only one girl prior and when I openly said "look I'm inexperienced" she accepted that despite having shagged probably 30+ guys herself and with my current partner I've acted clearly inept and inexperienced in the bedroom and there's been no issues either because we talked and she understands. It's all about confidence and honesty mate.

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Confidence ain't it. What Jow Forums virgins fail to realise is you just need to fake it til you make it.

>man discribes experience going to prostitutes.

They're dumbshits with some political power, the sooner you figure that out and start operating accordingly you will be much happier.

>shagged probably 30+ guys herself
I hope this bait.

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You realize you're talking to omegas that can't even look a woman in the eye m8

>Most boring guy ever
>+10 women


ITT: incels who've never had a gf giving their hot takes on women

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Waaah, women get to pick and chose the people they are interested in. So do men. A lot of times, the feeling ism't mutual. So what?

I mean I had a kill count of 3 by the end of high school and that was on the lower end compared to my friends. I'm 28 and lost count now, but its high. When you're looking for a job, would you want to work for a company that has a history of success and making money, or an unproven one? Men with low counts or virginity are unproven.

i fucking despise women, the day I get to start killing them is the day my life is complete

The truth is that the more interesting you are as a person, the less likely you will find something in common with a girl. Most girls, even educated ones, are autistic-tier retarded and their conversation stinks.
I feel like developing hobbies and interests is even counterproductive in dealing with women. Get your looks together and increase your social status if you want to fuck bitches, but dont ever read a book.

I have lucked my way into sex a bunch of times and Im honestly not even sure how. I mean if I were given the task of "go get laid." I would not be able to, I have no idea how the fuck to just DO that, but in many circumstances I have ended up banging a girl due to being somewhat funny. despite my beta appearance and beta status. there are 3 main selling pointa to a guy that girls shop for:
1. Money
2. Looks
3. Funniness

I have known funny to work in terms of gettung girls interested, but it can easily be trumped by someone with the other two. someone with all 3 is a true Chad.

Could you imagine how retarded a guy would look if he could get away with the same picture as this one?

Its the great yin and yang of the dating world. Men want women that are as inexperienced as possible, women want men that are experienced as possible. If you get with a girl that has higher count than you, I believe the relationship will never work out. Even equal count is a gamble.

Its just that you think youre interesting, but arent. Many such cases. Sad.

>It's the German MGTOW poster again
European women as such are holy and certainly deserve better than you faggot.

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its gotta be


Girls don't understand funny they laugh when they think you want them to if they find you attractive


You are mixing up cause and effect

Look, if you're an adult 18+ year old male and a virgin, that is a major problem today.

Sadly not I didn't realise it was that many until after we broke up however, I literally kept meeting guys who'd shagged her and became friends with her old friends by chance - she was desi surprisingly, would've expected as much from a British gal but not a desi desu.

Didn't Jesus say I'm the alpha and the Omega?

>with my current partner I've acted clearly inept and inexperienced in the bedroom and there's been no issues either because we talked and she understands. It's all about confidence and honesty mate.

I also "act" inexeperienced in the bathroom.
I fear the knees of girls in my balls. So I sometimes make spectacular jumps out of nowhere to avoid getting kneed in the balls. Girls get scared first but they quickly find it funny and "accept it".

I also like to be "violent" and grab the girls hairs really hard, slap their asses funny and make them suck my fingers and hand and other kinky-silly shit. They like it at first but get bored quickly.

Anyway, confidence and being ... "genuine" around them doing private bangings is the most important, in my mind.

They dislike it when I am super horny before fucking them but I'm also super sensitive and fear I'm about to come at any moment.
It's that and how I get angry when I'm horny but somehow lose the erection because the girl is not ready yet and needs this or that.
I guess they don't dig this shit because in these events I'm clearly not comfortable with myself.

Being genuine and comfortable with whom you are I think is probably the most important thing for women to "like" on men.

The shitty I say on pol...

This! You took the words right out of my mouth!

Yeah I don't watch tv shows or follow pop culture much but I can talk for ours about music, geopolitics, history, demographics, botany, zoology, genetics, engineering, architecture, philosophy etc. but consequently can't relate to many women

The points you highlight do not seem that decisive, according to my experience.

Literally this. I got cramp with my ex once and just laughed it off which made it fine also I love making it funny.

>30+ guys

Wew lad...

... and she isn't even that hot to pull it out.
Women really have all handed to them.

Jow Forums
