Come in get comfy. Crack open a cold one for Kavachad!! My prediction its gonna be 52-48. Kav Confirmed. Your Next Scotus Brett Kavanaugh. >Also need a Baker willing to keep it rolling until after the vote. Do It For The KeggerKav!!
welcome to /KCG/ discuss all things kavanaugh and as always enjoy your shitposting, but most importantly do it for the KAVACHAD!!!! Lets get some digit energy flowing and push him across the finish line anons.
yeah that one and the WP seems to be the only one. In this case fuck it, I'll be back in a few hours for the social media salt mining. Rather fuck a cactus than watch a pozzed source
I want somebody to make a Hippo Campus I see hippos running around on a college campus wearing im with her shirts or me too shirts maybe colored hair harry potter tats protest signs.
IM gonna need somebody to take up the mantle and carry /KCG/ to the vote around 5:00pm et. I have some important personal stuff to take care of and wont be able to be a steady baker but I was hoping to get this stickied today for the vote.
meme that into a protesting hippo yelling at Brett kavanaugh that would be awesome
Austin Walker
Sure join the campus
Jaxon Barnes
I know this should get good today. Jeff Flake said he would vote yes "unless something big came up" Sounds like he was signaling something the dems might be up to.
Hudson Walker
The hypocrisy of the Democrats saying her testimony is credible and Kavanaugh is not, despite her having absolutely no proof really gets me. How can they make long speeches about this really blows my mind. The amount of double thinking and callous hypocrisy is difficult for me to believe.
Wyatt Nelson
anybody got any links to protesters outside the court right now?
This looks like the cover to an early 2000 progressive house album
Jose Ross
I feel the same way and honestly would have been bipartisan on the issue but they pushed too hard from the jump. Making fill in the blank letters and signs ready to oppose any nominee trump would have picked.
Nah they keep taking care of themselves. Look at chicago they cant get most of them above the age of 18
Eli King
That actor's chin and jaw is so small. It's not like he's a testosterone driven chad like most action stars, it's like he's a farmer removing disgusting weeds from his fields.
Jason Mitchell
Don't be a fucking retard, you smoothbrained NPC.
12 people died in a particularly violent Chicago weekend. Do you really think there are only 6 African American abortions in Chicago each day? If you're going to be such a stupid fucking cunt please go do it on reddit.
Well I gotta go anons. Whoever wants to be the baker please keep it going. Im out.
Brody Ramirez
Chew on this, mouth breathers. It was never about Kavanaugh. Kavanaugh is pointless. He was a sacrifice to stab another bullshit belief into the American public and get the crazies more hyped up. If they cannot win power by a vote, they'll do it with bullets. Kavanaugh and this whole charade was to that end. Nothing more. Thinking this was about getting Kavanaugh, a fairly liberal judge, out of contention is thinking small. These (((people))) don't think small. They think i terms of winning over the long run. They are the turtle, we are the hare.
Aaron Jackson
>think We know voting will open between 4pm and 5pm. Capitol Hill will be ready at 3pm, just in case.
Jack Anderson
God dam can this fuck shut the fuck up already. Im ashamed hes for my state gotta vote his ass out as soon as possible.
Ethan Morales
baby killer brown
Luis Thomas
Wyatt James
Their eyes are full of stars.....
Andrew Hughes
senate will suspend for a prayer? are you people serious?
Nolan Ward
lol what bullets they don't like guns
Xavier Kelly
>My prediction its gonna be 52-48 Murkowski and Daines are pairing, so there will only be 98 votes.
Chew on this, mouth breathers. It was never about Kavanaugh. Kavanaugh is pointless. He was a sacrifice to stab another bullshit belief into the American public and get the crazies more hyped up. If they cannot win power by a vote, they'll do it with bullets. Kavanaugh and this whole charade was to that end. Nothing more. Thinking this was about getting Kavanaugh, a fairly liberal judge, out of contention is thinking small. These (((people))) don't think small. They think in terms of winning over the long run, even taking generations if necessary, even killing their own in false flags if necessary. They are the turtle, we are the hare. They are totally devious and evil, we cannot comprehend the depths to which they will stoop.