Why autists and downs so retarded...

Why autists and downs so retarded ? Look I'm an aspie myself but I'm also self aware of my bad genes but my parents and siblings always help me and try to not make me into a tard like the downs or most severely autists in general but still there's people who push the (((narrative))) that people with autism are smart and the downs are special like I don't get it anyway can you debunk me in any way

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ok if you are not retarded, get a job, pay all your bills and don't expect any help from others

I'm not sure if that girl is actually retarded or just Norwegian.

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It made me cry that you would say that word after reading her sign.

What's the difference?

You think you are smart? I bet you aren't shit.


That's fucking retarded.

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poor girl, those type of threads should be pruned

>Why autists and downs so retarded
>Why are retards retarded
Gee I wonder why.

>more chromesomes than a human
>wants to be treated as a human
Tard math

So called Christians

this shits retarded

Are you a Christian?

God I want to bring eugenics back. Excluding retards from our genepool was based.

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Yeah, but fuck off OP, all girls are roastie NPC and autistic girls are the only decent ones. (male brain traits, socially retarded, intellectually superior, insecure and clingy)

Which religion are you?

This is what marijuana does to your children

No, im a polythiest.

Something tells me "Isabella" didn't write that sign.

Name one of your Gods

so we should use Isabella instead now

What is you obsession with christians?

>retard picking on another retard


Fine, I'll start calling them Isabellas

Ahura Mazda

Tiwaz is my chief deity.

You're not the guy he asked, but in what world would that make someone a polytheist?

May we make Ahura Mazda happy, brother!

How would the Gods view your profanity

good thing you used the meme flag so no one will know where you're from

Larping pagan, got it

Tyr would absolutely not give a shit, I bet all the old norse gods swore all the time.


Heaven is where I am from.

What profanity? I would not bring a child like that to my gods attention, i would not profaine the sacred in that manner.

hi isabella
youre retarded
and so is your mom for making that sign

You said "tard math" and made fun of God's infinite wisdom in Gods creative capacity for transcendence.

Is jesus a macfag or a windowscuck? Ive often wondered.

I learned and developed a profanity habit from a Christian high school.

My family does that to my cousin. He's an autist and pretty high functioning (graduated hs, has a gf and a job, doesn't post on Jow Forums) but they treat him like he's retarded and it's hilarious.

I am not a christian, i dony believe in all powerful all knowing god.

I feel bad for kids like this, they probably just want to fit in but instead their dumbass parents stick a fucking star on them and parade them to the world.

I wish there was something we could do about the global ego level, it's fucking worrying.

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kill all fucking christcucks

>keep retards or the actually braindead alive
>intentionally give birth to children shown have defects in prenatal tests
>want to bring in refugees most of whom are shit colored or have sub human iqs

christcucks have done more to destroy the west that any other group.

So I have 120 iq (proper psychologist delivered test), but am average height, sperg, history of baldness and mental illness in family. Pretty centrist morality wise.

Is it moral for me not to have children? They would turn out pretty good but I'd be passing on mediocre genes.

Autistics are often "idiot savants". They can talent into a certain field, or maybe a couple of fields in ways which normies either cannot or do not. It's like the brain makes up for their shortcomings in some areas by making them super driven in others.
Downs can be incredibly kind hearted, very empathic, which can help raise morale. When it's a mild case they can work physical jobs like nobody's business. Put a mild Down's case in charge of cleaning a small building and it will get done, every night. They are incredibly hard workers, but you have to be careful, they don't often know their physical limits and may hurt themselves and keep working.

Any word used to describe them is eventually stigmatized to the point it is not PC to use it and a new word has to be used, leftist is the new one

Good baiting. Retardation is a real thing, and there has to be a word for talking about it. Now, we can ban the word "retarded," but any new word or phrase that replaces "retarded" will immediately pick-up the same connotations as the old word. Why not make the sign say "Please be kind to me. I didn't choose this, and I hate being like this?" The problem here isn't language but attitudes.

This. I would punch OP in the face if he called her mean names.

I know several downies, there are two kinds. The kind that shit rainbows of love and joy that are too dumb to know what danger is and the kind that violently rub shit on the walls, both are hell on the moms and siblings the dads eventually fuck off.

Well its time to quite the habit before God slaps you, hard.

Well that's dumb, isn't it?

Subdue them with psychedelics drugs, problem solved.

You're probably completely friendly, Isabella. You're still retarded. There's no getting around that.

No, special cases.

Unironically never have children. Being bald is a death sentence.

Checked and this is called the Euphemism Treadmill. The problem with Retarded specifically is that it's still a usefull word in many contexts. People may call you on using it to describe someone's retarded politics but if they're holding us back then it's absolutely correct to use the word.

Feel like a badass?

Cant even use special anymore.

Just because you haven't found it, doesn't mean it isn't there.

How would that in any way be relevant?

God damnit, i really like this kiwi girl

Saying they are often sevants is a gross over exageration my dude. Read up on dr aspergers research.

Ok, potato.

it is pretty moral to not have children, intelligent but mentally ill genes being passed on and on eventually lead to jews or people like them. You're still pretty good, im not saying you arent, but if you have children and their grandchildren marry other mentally ill people you'll be the start of what creates a race of unironically autistic psychopathic geniuses and look at the harm they've done this world already

Nothing wrong with adoption, mate, cheers for the self awareness

Farvahar’d and avestapilled

Oh yeah jealousy will make them a shitty little fuck, the ones smart enough to realize their position usually turn out to be the most evil transparent little fuckers in the world.

The dum dums are fine or at least easily more manageable, It's ironic that them being extra stupid results in a better life for them and theirs.

It’s a question
>You're still retarded. There's no getting around that.
Does laying the smackdown make you feel edgy in a good way?


Baldness is only bad when you think it is. We got two guys in work who are balding, one tries to hang onto it the other just shaved it off. Who do you think we bully?

Listen pasta nigger, you're gunna get a lot of hateful and degrading comments, but you are beautiful just the way you are, have kids and be happy
>mfw thinking of you hurting

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>believe in an all knowing all powerful perfect god
>created in his image
>everything is a part of his plan
>bad things happen
>god loves you
>you dont understand its all part of gods plan
>creates evil and sin and all the bad things that have ever and will ever happen
>but muh free will
>gods plan, he loves you i swear
Well thats dumb isnt it?

Fuck i forgot about those smart ones that game the system, evil fucks. Thankfully they are the rarest.

Hardly, have you seen where you live?

>Why autists and downs so retarded ?
>Implying high iq autists are no different than downs
Come on

I have and its beautiful. I live in a forest and have to travel at least fifty miles to even see a minority. I have crystal clear clean rivers lakes and streams to myself and family any day i want. If someone is a t a lake ijust take a very short drive tobthe next one peace and serenity. You should try it.

In my experience the only people who actually care about "retarded" being offensive are the retards' handlers and family members who get offended on their behalf. I called a downy "retard" to his face once and he thought it was hilarious and started clapping and chanting the word.

True for the most part but pc bullshitters are aboundant. He only did that because his parent or guardians told him its a no no word.

Nigga that is a potato nigger

>Gay, trans, retarded, atheist, jewish nigger
Can Jow Forums name a lower lifeform

Banning words is retarded but have some fucking common sense about who you are saying them to. Our quest to improve language is a futile one.

To be fair, they basically the same flag yours is just a little darker on the end. You two should fight a war to see who has to change flags.

How abouts a furrfag?


Bet you have some tard sibling or something

I believe he already mentioned women

Kill them all.
Only people with no defects at all, deserve to walk the earth.
By the way, where the fuck is god to make everybody perfect ?

there's a fuck off massive defect on your face m8

>Doesn't know the difference
Ignorant cunt

But it doesn't stop my desires of euthanizing tards.

I'd stop saying it if that retard wrote that herself.

You mean it'self?

A Jew calling others genetically defective is like a nigger calling others lazy.

Why would it?

Autists are best
>neurotypicfags btfo
>adhd niggers btfo
>schizo faggots btfo
>downies btfo

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True, I was diagnosed with ADHD when I was a child, they though I had Autism.
I am sure, I have Aspengers syndrome



I have a young brother on the way and the doctors have determined that he will have Down's Syndrome. I don't know what the fuck my father is thinking, he's getting old and I don't know how he managed to impregnate his wife at their age. But this is happening and there's no going back. They are pro-life so abortion was out of the question.

So I am about to have a baby brother with Down's Syndrome and am having a personal crisis everyday thinking about it. Was my dad a fucking idiot for doing this? What can I even say or do about this? I don't know what to think at all, so many mixed emotions.

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Autistic people can be smart or dumb. They have a lot more variety. Downs are regards tho. But at least they aint niggers

Autism doesn't necessarily have to be a weakness. You can train yourself in your strengths and have superhuman abilities. This is if your autism is not crippling on the spectrum.