Tasks: Make memes and propaganda for Germany Spread and share said propaganda and memes on social media Always believe and have trust in Germany and the German people Beware of defeatists and leftist trolls
fugg, we are actualy beeing monitised and wieved 24/7 everything that you write here is absorved by some faggots, good thing that i mainly shitpost. :DDDDDDDDDD
Easton Kelly
Yeah because admitting to murder for someone who killed a little girl is just something I would expect them to do. Right up there on the high morals and "better than thou" holiness.
Honestly, it is somewhat accurate in terms of claiming that this general has nearly no impact on the outside world, compared to what we have seen/achieved in 2016.
Xavier Lopez
DAS rite! White cis males on kraut/pol with their toxic masculinity and Krautism are to blame here!
Of course she is, but ironically, her articles provide quit a lot of usefull resources, by quoting other anons who went through the trouble of creating various guides on gathering/spreading messages.
Oliver Jenkins
Yup, but it's called "sekaná" in czech.
Isaiah Gomez
Who killed who now? Can someone elaborate?
Evan Cruz
that one kinda looks like the one christ chan waved for germany
Sure, but the overall value for someone who never participated in stuff like that still holds up. Maybe some of the apps used to spread it are outdated, but links to tutorials which highlight the importance of designing and creating your overall message still hold up.
I just think there is some valuable information in there, which can be usefull for people with no experience, and sort of act like a stepping stone for further researche.
Robert Anderson
Did you enjoy it?Your sadistic, we all know that, but does it work on animals to or only humans?
I neither enjoy nor hate it. It's just part of life. My grandparents raise bunnies for decades and slaughter them in the autumn. The last couple of years I did it for them.
At least we have sex to get AIDS LMAO. Krauts can't even compete.
Isaac Powell
ok guys, what do you think about the following project for pol/tards; plenty of trolls go on twitter and start writing stuff like: 'we jewish people have to acknowledge our jewish privilege! having too many children would increase jewish supremacism!' and if some normies complain: 'im not jewish, im huwite.'
if plenty enough people do this we could get this into mainstream media, red pilling alot of people on why we did this in the first place...