Should these be controlled like nuclear weapons?
No small country should be allowed to BTFO the USA or otherwise hit the continental United States for any reason even if we cause the butt hurt.
Should these be controlled like nuclear weapons?
No small country should be allowed to BTFO the USA or otherwise hit the continental United States for any reason even if we cause the butt hurt.
>No small country should be allowed to BTFO the USA or otherwise hit the continental United States for any reason even if we cause the butt hurt.
I disagree.
RAND is pushing hypersonic control hard and early.
Kek. In march when Putin revealed the hypersonic weapons, Jow Forums burgers were full of such weapons existed!
Now in October when it's clear Russia does have hypersonics....
Hurr derr, that's not allowed.
Look at the US military budget.
Wasted money.
The US gets all bend out of shape over defensive weapons but our entire military posture is for first strike.
I see silly burgers on Jow Forums reeeeee about Rusia invading the US. The USA is geographically one of most defendable countless.
Russia, as 1000 years of history shows, is extremely vulnerable to invasion....,from the East, the southern underbelly and Europe.
Not surprisingly, they have responded to NATO encroaching to their European borders, US bases in Asia, the Middle East and Central Asia.
OP has it backwards,
ALL countries should be allowed NUKES & hypersonics.
Then no one fucks with anyone because mutually assured destruction.
Only zionist neo-cons want "weak countries" to exploit and invade at will.
>poo runes
this tbqh
also keep in mind what you see in the press is at least two decades behind whatever fun stuff they are prototyping now.
I disagree. Canada, Mexico and all the Caribbean islands should get nukes.
>The USA is geographically one of most defendable
Americans had to be propagandized into communist world domination coming home so we would fund military bases around the world. Otherwise we might become America first and not give a damn what happens over there.
Hypersonic weapons are only dangerous with nuclear warheads.
Wrong. Iran could shoot one at a legitimate military target in the US and with little time to react the US would strike by with nuclear weapons. Getting attacked by a state sponsor of terrorism is literally Pearl Harbor x 911.
I'm not up to date on hypersonic weapons.
Can someone give me a quick rundown? Are there working hypersonic missiles around by now? Have we seen them being tested or is it all talk and disinfo?
How fast do they go and how far can they reach?
It just offers a fast strike anywhere in the world like a ICBM without a ballistic flight path so its target can't be predicted.
Ok, but are some of these things around? Who has them?
Last thing I heard (a few years back) was that these missiles are barely navigable and prone to blowing up.
They're still working on but since it doesn't fall under existing arms control how should they be treated?
Because they are meant to destroy American navies. Why the hell would anyone agree to that?
Its getting old hearing you idiots talk about military relations weapons budget like any of you would have a fucking clue.
Whats on Fox News this morning dad?
I think russia should launch a surgical strike using their hypersonic weapons. Russia should selectively target radical liberals across the nation. Target the headquarters of the "Human Rights Campaign". They are degenerate. This would be in alignment with stated russian values. We both want degenerates dead.
read: how to make leftists lovable again. If I had known what New Yorkers were like before 9/11 I wouldn't have had that much sympathy for them.