Only taxpayers should be allowed to vote

Only taxpayers should be allowed to vote.

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Not wrong. Let's make it happen.

only land owners should be allowed to vote

Illegal immigrants pay taxes

And veterans

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Agreed, good goys deserve more.

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the government owns land and doesn't pay taxes on it

Veterans should be landowners by default anyway, as they should be given land we conquer, like Roman military colonies. We should only be waging wars of conquest anyway. No more "regime change" or "peace-keeping" BS.

Every time you buy something you pay taxes. Are we back in 2007 with the Tea Party? Next.

*federal income tax


Jeff Bezos wouldn’t be able to vote.

Some veterans are dumb as rocks or worse


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>land owners
gtfo city dwelling poorfag

married landowners with children. only the male part obviously

So are some taxpayers

Trump can't vote then

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Only *Net taxpayers should be allowed to vote.

Marsha Morgan, oy vey

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Receiving welfare relinquishes your voting privileges for 10 years.
Can we vote on this?

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Our tax code is so complicated, it's impossible to say who is a net taxpayer and who is a drain on the system.


Sales tax is not the same as the 30% of my income that goes into all the stupid bullshit the federal government pays for. It's also not accounting for social security that I'll never get that I'm sure California has found a way to offer to elderly illegals.

Yes I mean there should be more criteria, like a good IQ, being sane, being patriot, having a job, having chilren etc. Everything to push away the leech and traitors.


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Able-bodied, employed white men of 30 and over who own land. That’s it.

Only millionaires/billionaires should be allowed to vote.

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>the government can collect income tax
Government cuck doesn't know it took a globalist president and a leftist SC to amend the constitution to give Feds income taxing powers.

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How about we change it to “people on welfare should not be allowed to vote”

monarchy is the best government, but if democracy is in place only parents should be allowed to become politicians

Devil's Advocate here...

Does that mean, that those who can't vote pay not sales tax?

Only if we're talking about property taxes. And preferably with veteran status.

Great idea, also all veterans and police officers. Gibs recipients shouldn't be allowed to vote, because they get money from the system without contributing anything, so it's a conflict of interests.


Ok then, only taxpayers who are *actual citizens* should vote.

Anyone can buy land. Even immigrants.

Through VIN numbers, not through income. Whatever they make isn't being reported, thus dodging taxes.

Only white male land owners

I think there should be a point system involved:

>tax payer: 1 point
>civil service/military service: 1 point
>property owner: 1 point

It would certainly stack in favor of those who try in life, but that's just bound to happen

>Only taxpayers should be allowed to vote.
Keep in mind the Left are using that very logic to justify giving voting rights to illegals.

"Undocumented immigrants pay billions of dollars in federal taxes each year"

>Implying your vote matters

>implying pic related hasnt been and will ever be the the best way to vote.

the only people allowed to vote (with bullets) are those who bare arms.

>democrazy is a fraud of a system

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Part of the 'point' of landowners voting in our history is because they were the one paying the tax.

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Not all tax payers, but only those tax payers that pay more into the system than they receive. No one who gets gibs should be able to vote.

Only white men who own property should be able to vote, but taxpayers only would be an improvement and ensure no Democrat ever gets elected again.

>voting with bullets
See, this is why the middle east is a terrorist shithole. You guys can't just sit down and discuss things civilly, you just want to blow each other up and stuff.

Sorry. That angry young man, Rachel Maddow, proved to the entire country on national television that trump pays federal income tax.

Sounds like a great reason to simplify the tax code.

> anybody below the minimum taxable income should not be eligible to vote
If your goal is to increase the number of informed voters to uninformed voters, the most effective way would be to eliminate any stake that the uninformed voters have in the outcome. This is a great idea- I fully support it.

Can you define "taxpayer?"
There is absolutely no legal definition.
You are only a taxpayer if you choose to identify as one.

>And veterans
How about veterans get two votes instead.

>Can you define "taxpayer?"
Pretty simple. You pay more in tax than you receive in government benefits.

Also, I never voted in my life (38 yo) and never will. Voting is for slaves, so have at it.

>monarchy is the best government
I just don't get how german humor is funny.


But, only "taxpayers" owe tax, so your definition is logically flawed.

You're not making sense.

> will never vote, nyeeeeh
Well you're super better than us, user. So much better, in fact, that any opinion you share on the matter means jack fucking shit and should be discarded.

That's my point. Income taxes are complete BS. Only "taxpayers" have tax liability, but there is no legal definition for what a "taxpayer" is. So, legally, no one is a taxpayer. Only those who choose to identify as taxpayers legally owe taxes.

So, your definition doesnt work.

Go fuck yourself nigger. Your laws mean jack fucking shit to me so I do whatever the fuck I want a shoot tyrants in the face if they try to stop me.

>veterans (civilians) and police officers (civilians) should be allowed to vote
>if you receive gibs you should not be allowed to vote
You realize veterans are socialist right? That they receive gibs from the government?

Have you not taken your medication or something? Do you have any idea what you are saying at all?

Do you have an actual argument? I haven't filed an income tax return since BEFORE Obamacare took effect.

Even better... No one who recieves any benefit in any form from the govt shall be allowed to vote.....

Teacher cop judge mailman hospital worker.

Only those who are deriving a livelihood without the govt should be allowed to direct the govt

Don't do just taxpayers. Some people don't need to pay taxes. Do tax-compliant land-owning white men. If you really want to be safe then make it veterans only, minimum voting age is 30, and you need to have had a wife or child at some point in your life. (exemptions for disabled or infertile people) Oh and do mandatory reserves for every able-bodied male upon hitting 18.

Why should a person who pays $1 in taxes have the same voting power as someone who pays $1000 in taxes?

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There is nothing to argue with in your posts. You are saying random things "because there is no legal definition, the term has no meaning!" Yet most things do have a meaning, regardless if there is an established legal definition.

George Soros has more money than you so STFU and let him institute his SJW agenda.

>I only have to pay taxes if I want to
>it's all, like, a frame of mind, dude
This is why libertarians can't win elections.

>Some people don't need to pay taxes.
Do they need to vote on what gets done with other people's tax money then?

Let's use your example.

Taxpayer - a person who pays taxes.

So, only those who choose to pay taxes are taxpayers. Only taxpayers have any tax liability. So if you don't choose to pay taxes and identify as a taxpayer, you are legally not a taxpayer and have zero tax liability.

Search the net, there are many examples of politicians stating that income taxes are voluntary.

I'm not running for your gay as government faggot. I simply choose to live as a free man.

>Let's use your example.
>Taxpayer - a person who pays taxes.
You misrepresented what I said within your first two sentences.

I honestly do think only land owners should be allowed to vote and i dont even own any land

>Go please yourself you beautiful angel.
Your opinion doesn't matter, remember?

>Yet most things do have a meaning, regardless if there is an established legal definition.

>Yet most things do have a meaning, regardless if there is an established legal definition.
Exactly, I quoted you the official dictionary meaning. A taxpayer is a person who pays taxes.

Hence, if you don't pay taxes, you are not a taxpayer by definition. The income tax law ONLY applies to TAXPAYERS.

Not sure how much simpler I could make this.

Neither does yours.

Bad idea, You pay tax on stuff you buy so that means everyone can vote!

Opps, That first quote should have been this

>You misrepresented what I said within your first two sentences.

> Your opinion does matter, and you are a special and beautiful person who I admire!
I'm glad you think so! That's so sweet of you to let me speak for you.

>implying government expenditure is related at all to tax revenue

>t. delusional roastie
show bobs.

Yet that's not the meaning I represented in this very thread. And it's not the definition that many in this thread are using.You literally said you'd use "my" example. I told you my example right at the start of this conversation. So use it.

sure. i can get on board with that. also
only one vote per household, so wives cannot cancel their husbands vote.

>retarded boomers only
kys grandpa

>only one vote per household, so wives cannot cancel their husbands vote.
Only good in theory.
Married women tend to vote as their men do, ie republican.
Women are followers.
But only tax payers would already reduce the female vote. Getting welfare etc would also disqualify.

But, your entire criteria is based on a completely unconstitutional basis. The Federal Income tax only applies to income from Foreign entities earned in America and those who voluntarily choose to identify as taxpayers.

Foreign entities can not vote. The fact that they pay taxes shouldnt change that.

And, just because you're retarded and choose to identify as a taxpayer and voluntarily pay taxes that you have no legal liability to pay should not grant you any special rights either.

Once again, you're being fucking crazy. You're using all sorts of stupid deffinitions, and are doing this weird thing where when someone mentions "taxes" or "taxpayers" you immediately focus in on income tax as if it's only tax.

And then you're also doing things like
"Oh, taxpayers get the vote? That means you're giving non-citizens the vote!" This sort of stupid idea that if we restricted voting to taxpaying americans we would also have to give voting to taxpaying foreign nationals.

You make no sense. You're not thinking straight.

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i like it

cant follow her into the booth, m8

I'm trying to point out that the entire current system is based on fraud and is unconstitutional, so any system you create based on top of it will be completely flawed.

I'm not using all sorts of stupid definitions, I'm explaining to you what the actual fucking law says.

>You're proposing a change to things? That means you're attempting to build something "on top of" of current system?
Again, you're not being at all reasonable or using any sane definitions.

tell me your mental disabilities.

If taxpayers are only allowed to vote what happens if employeers start employing people based on their political beliefs?

Oh, so you're a tranny? Sorry, the mentally ill are not allowed to vote.

>tell me your mental disabilities.
logic and reason

That's clearly not true. You're not even able to follow this basic conversation. You don't understand what is actually being said to you and you bring up all sorts of unrelated bullshit

> You're a chad? I'm so glad you're voting for me. Why are you wearing a denim kilt?
Thanks. I like to let my balls breath while I'm taking a break from extreme fucking to ensure my swimmers stay strong. Gotta repopulate the human declining population.


If they turn down good employees for their political views they will suffer by not having that person's skilzz