Prove me wrong, Statists

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they can't

Says the tard using the internet

What does that have to do with anything?

You should prove it, Communism didn't had tax. Problem is only poor people pay tax in capitalism.

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Why, because you agree to it by your consent via accepting a Citizen Status of your jurisdiction and the privileges and liberties afforded from it.

You agreed to it....or rather...your parents did it for you on your behalf.

just because communism didn't tax doens't mean they didn't seize property and production. forcibly taking is theft.

you're talking legal word play, sorcery bullshit. in reality the individual doesn't personally consent. they are raised and brainwashed into the system by default, tricked into accepting the notion. but once you look into what ti really is it is entirely illegitimate and wrong.

They seized property from those who didn't earn it and made people poor for centuries, the tsars, and gave land to everybody, additionally gave decision rights to people over public space which they never had. Monarchies were owners of everything from birth, they didn't work for anything. I doubt billionaires work for anything either, but at least they gone through your corrupt system and have an excuse to own it all.

Taxation is rent for the land/air space you are occupying.

You're right, it is theft.

I say as a necessary evil it should at LEAST be a flat rate, and not the current "rich should pay more" exponential rate, that is just fucking disgusting.

Wow, I love being sold into slavery now.

Its not your money.
Go trade in etherium

I disagree, I feel if we're ever going to have top-tier infrastructure here in the states then a flat tax wouldn't work. The lower, middle, and normal upper class families deserve to have less of their money taken away. People like Bezos, who are fucking evil, deserve to have more of their money taken.

Most Tax, like the FEDERAL 'income' Tax are voluntary. The IRS does not prosecute, the DOJ seizes things.

The DOJ is allowed to steal anything, and is under the Executive.

Taxation is theft, wrongthink is rape, and governmind is go(od).

I had a question about this. So I just read The Law by Bastiat (on Jow Forums recommendation) and he says basically that taxation is theft. However, he says that the government is fine because it's the extension of personal rights. So, how is government supposed to exist/protect your rights if there is no taxation?

A bunch of fuckers decided before I was born that they were entitled to the fruit of my labor.

This is slavery

>you agree to it by your consent

Consent by it's nature can be withdrawn if the conditions become unfavorable. I cannot refuse to pay taxes. One way or the other the IRS will extract it, regardless of my attitude.

It costs money to maintain roads, sewage systems, waste management etc.
This has to be paid one way or another.
Granted that if money is spent on spice and mind and foreign aid it can be seen as therrft but it also pays for your basic needs aswell.
If you got a problem with that go live in a 3rd world shithole where they have no water roads or sewage systems.

You can however say that taxation without representation is theft.
The fact that the common people have nothing to say about money thrown into a large black niggerpit full of foreigners is wasted money and theft.
while the common man is just standing there screaming his lungs out the politicians laugh at him

Phonepost sorry guys, I'll go kill myself now


>It costs money to maintain roads, sewage systems, waste management etc.
>This has to be paid one way or another.

I need to eat dinner, so someone has to buy me dinner. I decide that person is you.

The US used to fund their government through tariffs, protecting the local market and giving incentives to diversify industry around the nation while also encouraging border protection and regulation of immigration.

Also, government is indeed in theory an extension of your rights. However, ignorant populations tend to be too tolerant towards tax rate increases and increased public spending. Government always degrades into tyranny, as an increasing amount of responsibilities are delegated to the government instead of being carried out by independent subjects.

isn't it more like i need some tools to fix/improve/protect you house , you need to buy me those tools

That's socialism.
I but you dinner someone else bits mind and again you'll buy someone else's

Shitty backwards system.

You need roads to get your food.
You need sewage because you shit.
You need waste management to get rid of Your garbage.
You need water to stay alive.

Where do you think this comes from?

The Romans did this 2000 years ago and it worked perfect.
It could still work if we just don't spend it on the rest of the world.
Tax luxury items only and lower taxes in general would be a better option than no taxes
If basic products like food aren't taxed then the poor would have it easier too without having to count on us to pay their bills.

Taxes aren't a bad idea it's just bad execution

If you define "theft" as the seizure of property without consent, then yes, it is theft (or at least it can be). But not all theft is bad.

>Giving a nigger on welfare tools

Didn't even know they had opposable thumbs

It's theft if it's taxation without representation, IE Commiefornia

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All theft is bad but then again there are countries where they don't tax anything.
Can't exactly say they are the best places in the world tho

This man gets it finally..

You have to pay for protection from your government. Also the government has laws that make peoples lifes better. It's like a service. You can choose what you want with votes and you pay for what the majority wants.

>The Romans did this 2000 years ago and it worked perfect
Most people in the Roman empire were farmers without citizenship who lived without the support of Roman infrastructure. People who in their lives never travelled more than 20 miles from their birthplace. Of course a (((merchant))) needs ports, roads and safe shipping routes, and wants the authorities to acquire the necessary goods to have a standing army and navy. Give that a few centuries' time and you will get socialism.

>t. American being trained by mossad.

basically it a cashcow for criminals to get easy money from you.

At least you didn't memeflag, like the typical JIDF shill fags

Yes Donald Trump should do something about it.......but will he?

Ted Cruz wanted a 10% flat income tax for all. That would have done much more for everyone.

"Ted Cruz (R-TX) released details of a tax reform plan.[1] This plan would institute a flat 10 percent tax rate on all varieties of individual income, with a large standard deduction and personal exemption. It would also repeal all itemized deductions except for the charitable deduction and the home mortgage interest deduction. The plan would replace the corporate income tax and all payroll taxes with a broad-based “Business Transfer Tax,” or value-added tax (VAT), with few exemptions. The plan would maintain the Child Tax Credit and expand the Earned Income Tax Credit by 20 percent. In addition, the plan would eliminate the Estate Tax, the Alternative Minimum Tax, the Net Investment Income Tax, and miscellaneous credits."

If you can choose what you want, how can that be reconciled with the majority rule? Democracy is a system where you are either a master or a slave, depending on your vote. The maximum is that roughly 50% of the electoral outcomes suit your interests, but in most countries this is impossible due to cronyism at the higher bureaucratic echelons.

If you have no respect for the law, ideally you would want a government job. Only fools go to prison.

It's called non-verbal consent.

You're free to go live in Antarctica if you'd like, with no taxes, but also no roads, no law enforcement, no public facilities, no social benefits, etc.

not, if its well spent but in the current form, yes i agree with you

"My system of theft is better than your system of theft!"

Cruz is another statist government parasite who wants to rob us.

ask that ex-nigger Fredrick Douglass about Taxation

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Rather have someone rob me for 15% less (25% tax bracket under Donald Dump) than rob me at all.

I agree about roads, public services, sewage etc. But have you seen some of the read offs for what they spend taxes on ? Some of the shit is ridiculous. One was a study of whether small doses of cocaine in monkeys would increase sexual arousal. Cost millions. In that case one could assume yes. But I'm not a full autistic, I'm one hundred percent sure they get government funding for asinine studies to get easy pay because they(colleagues, associates, family of those in power) are in bed with the government leaders

You're a dumb commie. If Trump is spending even more than Obama is, then he's still robbing you implicitly.

theft is something secret and nonviolent

taxation is more like robbery

and completely necessary

theft implies ownership.
ownership implies property rights.
property rights implies either a system in place to protect your claim, or fending off hordes of niggers 24/7 in order to keep your shit.
neither are free.
checkmate ankikes

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I bet youre really fun at reddit

I keep hearing we need taxes for our roads/schools/police/etc.....

Income taxes don't go to those things. Local state taxes and property taxes pay for those things!

Income taxes go directly to the FEDS and do nothing at all for your city/state! It goes to the bankers, the government, government workers/politicians, military, social programs, etc. There is not a transparent system given to anyone of where those trillions go to! Billions are stolen!

Who will build the roads?

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technically its not theft its extortion