Brit/pol/ : Fuck Newcastle

And everyone who lives there.

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Liked every gerodie i ever met, fun lads

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Start buying Vox amps

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Knew a bunch in the army, one of the few groups that got on with everybody


1: Mugged
2: Mugged
3: Left in a blizzard on my own, stayed the night in a phonebox unable to sleep and got shooed off by police

>would begin to hide they're British

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Redpill me on castle. Why is it new?

What times the fight? depending what time i need to pace my drinking.


don't pace yourself

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said this last thread, I find Scottish and Irish lads will treat us like we're locals. Not the Welsh but you expect that.

its like the siege of mount badon all over again

oh shit i forgot the fight was tonight


Battle of Newburn lad, against the Scots. Got an ancestor who was killed by those wankers.

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TIL my girlfriend of three years slept with nonwhites in the past. getting wasted with whiskey, beer and mdma now

Irish boys are getting in the ring and the octagon fighting niggers and Pakistani and you boys are doing what? Wanking each other off online? Sad! You're pathetic anglos! All the good Englishmen died in ww2

leave off the mdma

Is the horse blinded?

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In my experience jocks like scousers as well, I've got a weird vaguely southern accent that cant be placed so I dont fit in anywhere

He's English

Nobody cares

This: your comedown is going to be monumental if you're already pissed off when taking the stuff.

Connor is getting wrecked lol

I remember your vocaroo, what was the name of the accent again? It's the one you get mostly by moving around a lot when you're young.

is he fuck

brit/senpai/ is live

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Pads brat

A pads brat is an army kid. You've only heard me drunk, it's a bit more controlled sober

>the captcha gets progressively harder as i get progressively drunker
nice 1

fucking progressives


t. Robot

Nah there was a name you gave the accent once over, can't remember but in Italy a pads brat are called Caligulas. There's a factoid for ya.

The Rock is from New Jersey, not New Castle.

Ive only ever called it a pads brat accent

are you even drinking

why? i'm a quarter into a litre bottle of spiced rum, so going to slow down for a bit and play some vidya. i don't want to black out before the fight. Also looking for a good site to stream it.

>Dude just smoke weed be a cuck lmao


3rd beer, just debating getting more
Fat bird might get me weed

>Newcastle edition


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Maybe I'm misremembering or maybe you were wankered at the time (or me), sure it was somethign else though. Not important though.

What is your accent then? I'm being influenced by the British mass culture involuntary speak Queen's English because I don't know how to speak otherwise.

Really though why is the horse blinded and not the others? I thought to keep them calm but I doubt that'd work and why would you mount a blinded horse?

What a fucking awful colour scale, blue to purple with pink in between. Shite.

Alri newfriendo

>? I'm being influenced by the British mass culture involuntary speak Queen's English
RP English is the name of the Queen's English. You'll get battered with that accent in Newcastle.

Someone will have the vocaroo
My accent isn't normal

you've had so many different names

might be in there

Threads full of druggies and alcohols, Nadiya was smoking drugs from a crushed beer can the other night

clean yourselves up it's like a flop house in this thread

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fuck that entire situation lol

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If you see yourself as British instead of English/Welsh/Scottish you're a guaranteed loser

You should come early morning, threads filled with speed freaks, alcoholics and neets. Its comfy as fuck actually.

>Nadiya was smoking drugs from a crushed beer can the other night
Also I saw that last night.

I thought it was just weed and he was like 12.

She's a nice girl, and I like fat tits

Yes, RP, Queen's English, BBC English some sort of that. I feel also that Cockney influence me too, I drop "t", I pronounce "th" as "f" and sometimes and so.


Fuck you and fuck Newcastle

Learn to talk geordie, drop a few teeth, start drinking pints and move to the centre of geordie civilisation lad.

You're in Gateshead on the sissy side of the Tyne you big fairy

I was on the other side before and it was even worse

Why do you come to britpol when you're more of a peace loving hippy Reddit kind of guy?

Most have your vocaroos have expired
This one works

>That Norn Iron 'I'

Did you pass a B&Q on Scotswood road?

poor people like fat tits according to studies

if you want drugs go to any african barbershop at closing in liverpool
don't ask some fat bird

but more importantly
don't want drugs

No idea, all I saw was a post apocalyptic wasteland

Sounds like the West End. Describe something. City centre?

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No I didn’t go that way but it’s only 2.2 miles away

I know lad i'm here every morning, every single fucking morning, I should just kill myself 2bh, anything to release me from this Limbo we call Brit/pol/


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''A curse upon you Oliver Cromwell You who raped our Motherland I hope you're rotting down in hell.To our misfortunate forefathers the horrors that you sent I hope you rot in hell tonight''

messaged every girl on my tinder

'khabib mcgregor'

might have to change my sheets from pizza stains to the ones that have been hanging on my hang dryer

alright nigger mountain, how's your sis

This was just on the tele lads. SPECSAVERS YES!!

Newburn/Throckley/Lemington/Walbottle are the nice areas up that way. Presumably not because those are the nice areas.

In the opposite direction, it's the gypsy-paki-indian shithole in Benwell and Fenham on and near the West Road. I assume near there is where you were, 30 minutes away from civilisation.

i was doing that a few months back and started getting real anxious about the time i was pissing away on here, stopped for a few weeks, and now i'm back in it again. been stuck in that cycle since october-november 2015.

Sad innit.

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In my experience, the English English is the most right one, you pronounce as it is written, at least I can follow the logic.

The American English is not simplified, it's sort of mongrelis[z]ed and spoiled like a cesspool of lowlifes who wanted to communicate at least somehow.

It doesn't keep the treasures of a culture, it erases and blurs it.

Alri newfriendo
Fuck knows... I've never been around many Irish, let alone NornIronish
Dude chill
Lol hes back

chill winston

- hitler

RP English is correct pronunciation and probably the gold standard for articulate English, definitely. The plainish American-Canadian speak is also up there too with the exception of American English its self, their pronunciation is "correct"

Conor must win over Kabib or else he will bring the shame on the Irish forever.
Kabib mocked him ''Where is the Irish language,why do you speak English,what did Britain did to the Irish''

Unironically Conor can say the same about Kabib as he isn't ethnic Russian either

It always makes me laugh people recommending books on here, like as if we spend any time not shitposting.

Nah mate I went round the posh areas too, they’re all fucked up roads and shit is all wrong everywhere

>I've never been around many Irish


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I have less free time now,they put me in different section of magazine where I had to write 6 times more than before.Higher salary but more work and more double checking and more complicated subjects

>Nah mate I went round the posh areas too, they’re all fucked up roads and shit is all wrong everywhere
Geordies don't have posh areas ya big fanny.
>caring about roads
Major southern fairy vibes right here.

das a mad ting

I think that's a transparent visor.

Ain't don't know nothing about linguistic and history, in my very inept opinion, Broomie sounds as I would read an English text.

He let (((them))) back into England. Which pretty much still has repercussions today. England won't be white in a hundred years because of him.

>,they put me in different section of magazine where I had to write 6 times more than before
Moving up in the world.

>Hans points out the obvious and expects to be congratulated

Worse than yank posters honestly

every girl in dundee 18-24 wants mcgregor to win lol

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Only faggots and nonces can’t design a workable road system

Ah yeah, good eye, should've seen the reflection.

Mad lad, punching a horse.

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Eastern Europe should've been germanised to be honest