Trump Rallies

A genuine question:
Trump's rallies were a big part of his campaign, they also seem to be a big part of his presidency.
Is this a new phenomenon, or did past potus also arrange these types of events?

Attached: Trump_Thank_You_Tour_Iowa.jpg (220x224, 43K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Also, do they help?

they did rallies but they were boring as fuck and low-energy compared to The Master

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they are for midterms.

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they gave a chance for the every man to be felt and heard. They also allowed trump to bypass the sondbite media, though they still worked their asses off to misquote him.

i attended my first rally, last month. it was inspiring and definitely will return when another is in my state.

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Trump has changed the game, and nobody can hope to be as good as he is with this.

He's been doing rallies every couple of weeks this whole presidency.

Trump is basically a RL shitposter, you never know when he`ll go off the rails. It's always entertaining.

I can't recall any Obama rallies. He probably had them. The difference with Trump is that he actually makes it feel like a rally. Any other politician would only be able to repeat the same trite lines that could just as easily been conveyed in a TV ad, but not Trump. He'll say what he thinks without a filter, and that gets people hyped

A lot of other presidents wanted to lay low during their spare time, this is just how an entertainer by trade prefers to spend its time. As you can see, it leads to a very engaged (one way or the other) populace that only ever wants to talk about him. I'd say that's fairly strategic. Trump isn't much of a policy maker, but he's good at staying in the spotlight and making his achievements known and never letting you forget them.

No POTUS in modern history has had the sort of popular support this President has.
Interestingly, and on a related note, no POTUS in modern history has been smeared this broadly and this consistently by the (((media))).
Every poll, even Rasmussen which has him at 51% approval, is highly skewed to the left, sometimes polling 10% to 20% above reality with D's to produce the results they want.
Despite all this, Trump is more popular than ever, and more importantly: more successful than any president in modern history.
When the dust settles he will be the fifth and final face on Mt. Rushmore.

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Why he's gonna keep winning!

They're new.
He's doing them because he doesn't control the MSM.

Yes. Substantially.

Obama still does speaches in other countries as if he's still president, at least Trump is actually the president.

As an outsider, I genuinely believe that Trump will come to be seen as a"great president".
That's probably table stakes here.
I find the whole rally thing interesting because of the team back to the Nuremberg presentations.
I'd like to see more iconography. A cathedral of light perhaps - to give me hope.

there's only one other person in history with rallies like his

Attached: Nazi_rally_Argentina_1938_1[1].jpg (1600x1228, 657K)

Trump loves his people.

previous presidents and presidential candidates did rallies, but nobody cared because they were boring as fuck
Trump goes on stage and calls his black opponents low IQ and tells his supporters to beat the shit out of protesters

>Trump isn't much of a policy maker
>most substantial foreign policy president in 25 years
>not a policy maker


Trump's rallies are the most exciting thing in the world nothing else even compares