Trapped among libtards

I'm so sick and tired of living in a liberal town. I don't necessarily support conservatives but I am always silenced. This entire Kavanaugh case has made me realize how trapped I truly am. After attempting to have a civil discussion with my roommates about if its ethical to remove someone from a nomination purely based on an allegation, they all stopped listening to me and have been avoiding me all day. I guess I just have to get used to holding my tongue because civil discourse has come to an end.

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you can be in a conservative town and guess what all the millenials are libs. dont go searching for a location with parameters of 'OMG ARE THEY SUPER LIBERAL". youre going to have a rough time. for example theres this place in florida called naples and its like trump town very rich town cool downtown but fuck youre stuck in the ass of southeast florida. whats great about that? your conservative neighbor dickheads? who cares? just find a place where you can make money and live modest and enjoy life. at least try to

Sry dude... we all gotta learn sometime

>you can be in a conservative town and guess what all the millenials are libs. dont go searching for a location with parameters of 'OMG ARE THEY SUPER LIBERAL". youre going to have a rough time. for example theres this place in florida called naples and its like trump town very rich town cool downtown but fuck youre stuck in the ass of southeast florida. whats great about that? your conservative neighbor dickheads? who cares? just find a place where you can make money and live modest and enjoy life. at least try to
i feel this way among my age group, at work, at schools, anywhere, so i know. we just gotta fucking deal with it. honestly you will find most people our age do not really give a fuck. theyre neutral. they like to say theyre moderate so they can just have everyone fuck off and leave them alone too man.

Move to the south. Sure there are niggers, but all least we all hate them

Yea I lost a friend once when I criticized that list of demands that BLM put out. You can't talk to those people because they don't care if they are right or wrong.

south can be generally poor
but i guess if you have desert butts like the nigs and arabs knock yourself out, i recommend

Join the club
This user's right
The young people are vocally liberal and the ones that aren't are like you. Shunned and ostracized if they voice the wrong opinion. So most keep their mouth shut and get drowned out with all the bullshit
Stay strong user

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My general assumption is that the far left is a trap for young minds and as people mature they learn that complaining isn't going to solve their problems. I should probably stop throwing people to the wayside purely based on their views and focus more on the fact that they don't care if they're right or wrong ethically.

>h-how come i can never talk about politics irl without getting in a fight?
>i-it must be because of all these LIBERALS

talking about politics has always been frowned upon in casual conversation, especially nowadays when everyone is so comically polarized.

I don't like the idea of being forced to keep my mouth shut because some people cant handle someone disagreeing with them.

>honestly you will find most people our age do not really give a fuck. theyre neutral. they like to say theyre moderate so they can just have everyone fuck off and leave them alone too man
Fucking right? I can't call myself anything anymore because if I do, I'm pushed into a group I don't agree with.

you aren't being forced to do anything. holding your tongue is a pretty important facet of human interactions.

One of my best friends didn't talk to me for 3 months after I told him we should focus on staying united as a country instead of attempting to start another civil war.

its almost like boiling down every political ideology into Red Team and Blue Team is incredibly cancerous.

Stop giving a fuck and revel in the salt

no no no user. i call bullshit. talking about politics is like talking about fucking sports. theres an underdog and a surefire thing. its just fucking chatter. are you against all forms of smalltalk too bro. fuck off man

>lefties talking about politics nonstop all day every day
>dare to even hint that you might not completely agree with everything they say
>lefties throw a massive shitfit
It never fucking fails. I would think that I just live in a shitty area but I hear about this shit all the fucking time. I'd rather not talk about politics but these soi infused faggots will not let shit go.

although i agree with your points on the current political climate of course ur right there. im just pissed off because its ruined comedy for fucking 4-8 years guaranteed. literally. the election of trump killed comedy because any bad comedian can make it now by sayin FUCK DRUMPFH STEPHEN COLBERT!!! >:O

But what about genuinity? How am I supposed to find people who I can relate to without speaking? Even in college if there is a political discussion I find myself speaking in completely ambiguous and general statements because last time I gave a specific statement I was called a rape apologist from across the classroom.

>its ruined comedy for fucking 4-8 years guaranteed

the internet decentralized comedy. you don't have to watch TV or see comedians to get laughs anymore.

Cancerous is an understatement. It breaks down at the fabric of society and everything we've built as a human race.

I have to live with these people.

That's not entirely true. Where I live, just about everyone is conservative, even millennials like myself. No one is afraid to show their support for Trump, lots of MAGA stickers and even support for Trump on those customizable signs outside of businesses. That being said there isn't a whole lot here unless you like to ride motorcycles or dine out. The only bad thing is that the state is blue thanks to niggertown DC but south of P.G county you're in good territory.

get an interest outside of politics and anime porn then.

I study mathematics, hike and read. Politics is something I believe we should all partake in purely due to civic duty to our country.

unfortunately never experienced texas. im from the north. texas sounds like a fun time though. my generation back home has let me down user. i thought they grew up with the internet like i did lol

You know what works better? Irony posting.
I used to be tight with a bunch of hyper-liberal friends (non-whites and Jews mixed into the group), and the only way I got by was through ironically supporting right-leaning positions while trying to make them concede ground. Think Stephen Colbert, but with an unironic right-wing viewpoint underneath.
Definitely came off as a contrarian, but I got to blow off steam, and I didn't have to sit there and listen to their drivel.
Maybe its worse these days, idk, maybe I wouldn't be able to get away with that kind of thing anymore, but maybe you should try it.

third parties get shut down the second they start to spring up. oy vey'd. what are we going to do about the 2 party system shit user, nothing

how did anyone understand your context? there was a period in 2016 where i was putting shit in all caps and people still thought i wasnt joking

user you sound like a fucking ROTC cadet this is why people aren't your friend.

I knew the people in person, so I maybe they read me better?
Maybe it wasn't that, or they would've seen through.
All I can say is that it worked. I got away with being edgy.

congrats you are a nazi, you dont know it yet, but welcome fren.

npc's are hopeless do not attempt to repair them, just embrace the darkness

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