Atheists are RETARDED- so are the dogmatic religious

Let's get this straight, I do believe in the correct ways of doing things, E=mc squared, Newton's Laws, other physics equations.
I also value all that the main religions have left behind, cultural wisdom on how to avoid social/societal problems, Christianity being a main example.
The main religions have left behind lasting values to guide the young from beyond the grave, some of that advice works out better in practice than others.
However, the search to better know god continues.
God isn't indefinable, we are governed by natural laws, those are as close to god as we can materially witness. Nut there are other energetic aspects of consciousness that we have yet to understand- science is still fully capable of articulating these properties, when we catch up.
There are better ways to live than others, freedom of speech, due process, property rights, and those point in the general direction of a Right way of doing things- which should be labeled as God.
Atheists and the Dogmatically Religious have stopped searching for God, but that search never truly ends.
It is backwards, pathetic, and retarded. We must push past them.

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peoples want a god because they fear the fact that there is nothing after death, that their lifes have a meaning other than reproduce; that there is always a reason for something bad happening, because they need to believe that they are "more than animals" and that they actually maters, by bieliving that rules where set by a "superior being" you're no different than a dog giving the paw to get a treat

so we're just some cosmic mistake? big and complicated mistake isnt it

Jesus fulfilled 333 prophecies that were given 500+ years before he was even born

The probability of 1 person fulfilling 8 is 1 in 10 to the 17th power or 1 in 100,000,000,000,000,000

give a million monkeys a typewriter and with time they'll write a Shakespeare.... we are this universe Shakespeare, we simply lucked out and one day we'll luck out of existance, that's how life is

You are a cruel mistake. But other people are basicaly animals. Drop dead

Is it better to have 2 legs or one?

government is slavery. continue the great work friend!

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Do you know the symbolic significance of 333? It is 3 complete cycles, a complete cycle of all cycles

But there are certain combinations that transform elements, and other combinations that do not- what do you call that?

Checked. Transforming our animalistic instincts to adhere with the best way of doing things is the goal- kinda like how monogamy eliminated the mass majority of men not being able to reproduce, which eliminated the constant upheaval of society by young men with nothing to lose

trial and error combination; it's like having a padlock with 999 posibilty, you try all the posible combination and only one will work, the universe being almost 14 billion years old, there was a lot of random combinations, and we are just the result of one that did click, and maybe we're not the only one...

Supposing atheists are immoral and naturally lacking of "the right path" means you are immoral and naturally lacking of the right path.

Myself and all the other atheist people I personally know all lean toward Christian-style values in living, because those values can be observed to exert a net positive influence on the development of the human race.

True, but I'm talking about only the FEW ways in which something can be done right. What made those things the correct way? What is that property of being transformative and not simply inactive?

I'm not saying they are "naturally lacking the right path"- they naturally have ALL right paths within them. They have just been persuaded to not go all the way. I want to figure out how to persuade them, pique their natural curiosity, and see them succeed on the path toward knowing god.
Those values, the net positive ones, are what I mean by signs of a true way of operating, a Truth- which is god- then concept not sky daddy

Not the concept of sky daddy*

again trial and error, the same way we try to (and manage) to create new atoms, you try, if it fail you try the next combinaison, sometime things work, sometime they don't, sometime they work but not the way intended, nothing is "finite" and everything can be transformed, you put water on a type plastic, nothing will happen, you put the same water on a plastic but change the environement (like changing the heat of the plastic) , something will happen (plastic will harden) , you get from a "inactive state" to a "transformative state" with the same elements just by changing a single variable.

if you need a god to show you the right way, then you are not a good man that's about it

Spirituality is just another form of materialism.

I am saying that what makes the right way RIGHT is GOD. You do not seem to be able to understand this

Tell that to Aristotle and Forms. What make A different from B?

>They have just been persuaded to not go all the way.

what does go all the way mean? sacrificing science and reason to worship a big invisible man in the sky?

God doesn't exist, and every attempt to legitimize his "existence" is a futile clawing at the cliff of life, being so narcissistic that you *think you are fucking immortal*

Your position is one of self-delusion, narcissism and above all, hubris. God was created to allay man's fear of death. The one true path is seeing past this and STILL being a good person.

The way these things operate is the Truth- it is God.

You're delusional for thinking that the only concept of god was painted by the religious. Try thinking for yourself for once- and read the pic in my OP for fucks sake

Science IS god you absolute dipshit brainlet

>Science IS god
ahh, a meme image on Jow Forums, now the universe is clear to me

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no, what makes the right way is helping others whatever their colors, religions or political side is, protecting the whole specie toghether from hate and selfdestruction, not god, if you need the fear of hell to behave like a good man, then it just mean that you're not a good man but a hypocrite

A is for Ass
B is for Benis

Science is the way that creation operates, therefore it is the language of the creating force. How retarded are you?

>hurr blurr blurr blurr creator creation


What makes those things the right things to do??? Here's a hint, it is god

You are so retarded, the definition of it in fact

I like your subject line but just about everything else you said was insane. Maybe there is something, maybe there isn't. No point in thinking about it, really. Any assertions made on the matter are baseless.

>Here's a hint, it is god

Here's a hint: It is evolution. Helping others tends to be the best survival strategy as you receive reciperocal aid and strengthen your race

Nice word salad. I'm pretty sure that learning the language of creating forces is important- hence, science and philosophy

Basically we're in a neuron that is dying of cancer, and we have to stop it from spreading by inventing technologies that will stabilize the temperature of the universe.

Why is it the best survival strategy? Why is it good?

well the "right way" change with context
in the early 13th century, the "right way" was to marry and have kids between 13 a 16 Year old, (because you died around your 40's) during the "old greece" the right way was to have homosexual relations between men.....

so do you reaaaaalllyy think that god said "yeah go have free sex at 13yo " during the 16th century ?

There is more to life than physical equations though, what makes any moment different than another?

make sure you read that last bullet point and let it really sink in.

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I think that we learned that we could delay the breeding age with life prolonging technologies. But what makes success? There are a million ways to do something wrong, what do you call the category of doing things right?

Loving the Passio

according to the bible.....

Exactly. What is ancient is, so far, beyond our scientific capabilities of verifying. So I am saying that we should focus on verifying god now, learning the way nature operates, and adhering to it. Including the best ways of socially surviving. The 1st world and 3rd world are the greatest example I could offer.

"decided by humans"
history is written by humans, not god, the humans decide what's right for them and the definition of right change with times

Hey op!

What do you think of the the Fibonacci sequence and the god particle?

this kills the copy-pasta godtard thread

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What about "decided by humans"? All we can do as humans is point out the obvious. Some ways of living are better than others, across times and geological circumstances- take south Africa, before now, as an example.

Blow my mind, god speaks to us and we like to pretend that only ancient cultures could know the truth of God. It is right in front of us.

Whatcha mean? They will finally stop? Sam Heresy is still bothersome to me- he cannot solve the Is-Ought problem

The continuation of these complex and evolving encephalons we possess is what matters the most, there won't always be a humanity, but our goal is the creation of the ubermensch race, and they will also have to evolve beyond themselves, and so on. As far as I'm concerned every particle in existence is the same particle, and we are simply God talking to himself like a schizophrenic in an asylum, or a brain that was removed from its body at birth and grown in pod to adult, a conciousness that is only aware of what's internal, just as we are only aware of what's inside the universe.

or take the black plague during the 14 century, or pompei compare those to the death durring WW2
at the time, they decided that "it was the good way" ("it was the good way to kill cats because they are the devil", "it was the good way to live near a volcano", "it was a good way to promote eugenics and try to conquer the world")

and see the catastrophic consequences, what you "think is good" today might prove wrong in the future, and it's not "because god said so" but simply because "we made a mistake"

by hoping that something superior control our lives, you're simply trying to escape the responsability of your own actions

How very gnostic of you. I agree, our job is to reunite god with his sanity, to reason how WHY things operate as they do. Creation is discovering itself through us, becoming truly conscious for the first time. We have to aid this process

The only way there is not other humanoids on other planets is if we live in a simulation. I have a hard time believing this is a simulation but i cant disprove it either.

Same with the existence or non-existence of god. I was a Christian then i was atheist and now I am agnostic

Who said anything about a personal force controlling our lives? You did, the problem is within you. Our lives are controlled by laws of nature- the terrible ideas of our ancestors are seen for what they are and we are supposed to carry onward with our quest. Bad ideas are different than Good ideas, and we should be constantly searching for better ideas. This is the search to know god

Simulation or not, there are rules we operate by, physically and mentally. These rules should be regarded as the language in which creation speaks, we should try our hardest to discover these laws- it is agnostic.
My problem with christianity is that it puts god in a box and ends the search, like it is already figured out. Christianity is a road map, we still must work to update it

what you're describing is not to "know god", its called "to evolve by trial and error and not repeat our past mistakes" it's litteraly the oposite of "god"

There are only certain ways of evolving to last, most mutations end in death. The beneficial mutations lead toward a better path, more in alignment with reality. IT IS GOD

there might be some other forms of lives on others planets, but they might have not be able to find us for the same reason we couldn't find them : they are not enough technologicaly advanced

And the technology to advance these things would only work in certain ways... which is better learning of the universe we live in. Which is conceptually god

you might be misunderstanding what "god" mean, you thing that we are guided in some way to a mean or a end, what you don't seem to understand, is that we are simply walking blindly forward and using science as a cane to "try to find a way"

there's no godhood in that, just trial, error and luck don't try to find an reason where there is none...

What we are walking blindly toward is a better understanding of how creation operates. How is that not god to you?
Is your definition given to you by institutions? Have you ever thought about the concept on your own?

I have a theory that when civilizations get too advanced, they destroy the planets they live on in search of the advancement of science.

The only way a utopia could exist is if the planet focused on balance

Balance? The only option is growth or stagnation. Bored civilizations do destroy themselves. Look around at the masses with no skin in the game

understanding how creation operates is not becoming god or "walking toward god"
it's understanding how we became what we are

it's like making a kid, you create the thing, educate him, teach him the rights or wrongs, show him the way... are you his god ? no you're his father, and when he read in history book how you lived, he don't become god, he just become wiser, there is nothing godly in that

Who said anything about becoming god? You really need to clean your mind dude, you're coming up with phantoms to battle of your own creation. The correct way of doing things is the language of creation, it is god. You raise a kid to teach him how to continue searching for the right way of doing things, a better way- learning how the universe functions. The truth is what is, what is is what works, what works is different from that which does not yield results, and that right way of doing things is the continual discovery of how god works, how nature functions.

i think that being advanced mean preserving a sustainable ecosystem to survive in, i think that we are not advanced enough to understand that,

the only way we can reach utopia is by becoming more humble and united and trying to focus on preserving our ecosystem and our global species instead of our indiviual believes or greediness

That is very godly of you- adhering to what works and trying to better the standard.

Growth of a system that revolves around followers and kings will certainly fall.

A few miss steps and we will see the de-evolution of human-kind or maybe a future where only a small group on humans actually evolve which could control the rest like we control dogs

it's not being godly, it's just my own opinion and worst thing is,i might be wrong and i would never know... the scariest part in being human is that we know that we might sometime be wrong

We have already seen the de-evolution, again, look around. I'm going to Nassim Taleb you on that other point, a system built that pretends that greed doesn't exist will be destroyed by it- however a system that channels greed into the betterment of all will raise everyone's standard of living, like free market capitslism. Followers and kings are against natural law, so of course they will fail. Every man should be king of himself- discipline is key

Way to admit defeat. Try thinking things out, try some philosophy if you are actually capable of logic

Deism=pantheistic monism=wrong.

To be safe for all eternity:
A: Admit that you are a sinner, who violates the Will of God, and that you need a Saviour.
B: Believe that Jesus Christ, Son of God & Messiah, died for you sins and rose again, as prophesied and recorded in the Word of God.
C: Call on His name, ask Him to save you, and confess that He is Lord.

Some resources that may help: has a verse by verse Bible Study for download or daily listening.
Chuck Missler’s Learn the Bible in 24 Hours (
Robert Breaker’s Bible Study and Topical Sermons (
J.D. Farag’s Bible Study and Prophecy Updates ( )

Clearlywrittendotnet YouTube channel details near future events. ( has a free online bible & apps with cross references. is a group of Israeli Jews who know Jesus is their messiah. tracks information that points to Jesus’s soon return. shows how many world events are prophetically and numerically linked.

The End is nigh. Tomorrow may be too late.

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Elvis is still alive.
His name is Bob Joyce. He lives in Benton, Arkansas.
Google it.

it's not admiting defeat, it's simply remembering that nodoby's always right and that i'm not above others and can make mistakes too , you should also question your beliefs sometime, you might find out the answers to some of your own questions....

Evolution evolved from the false Copernican cosmological system.
It is a lie.

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I will have to refer you to the Merovingisn scene in The Matrix, if you don't understand why you're right then you are merely a pawn.
As a dogmatic theist, you are limiting god and not truly trying to discover what creation is made of. I'm not saying you're wrong, just saying how you do not understand why you're right

You absolute dipshit you still know nothing about what I believe. You're too dumb to think through anything, try harder next time

the smartest man alive has already proven that reality itself is god and we are localized projections of him with the objective of furthering humanity. it shares many aspects with Christianity.
ctmu dot org

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Evolution is our coming to understanding of the Right way, the Truth, the "Word of God" throughout time. Again, you're very closed minded, hampered by christianity.

Discipline is very important. Understanding time and history also benefit the individual greatly.

If you read some passages in the bible, its literally talking about astrology and is corrupted by false metaphors.

Thanks? But I'm more focused on how we can prove it to ourselves. I will check out the link, taking other's words for things should be frowned upon

Astrotheology- because the sky never changed and it was the one thing the ancients could use to tell stories to future generations from beyond the grave.
Understanding time and history are also ways of discovering aspects of what Is, reality, truth, aka god

and i wish you all the luck in the world, let's hope one day you understand what i meant today and see things with a new light

I have already been through your state of mind. Think about the concept of creation on your own one day, it will benefit you immensely

I love the satanists that say "if Christians can do evil things in the name of god, i will do good things in the name of Satan".

I have met way too many Christians that beat their wives or stab a person or 2 or 3

It has nothing to do what what people SAY they are. Their actions are what count. Hypocrites abound my friend- it does not mean that there is no right way of doing things

i get not wanting to just repeat what other people say, but inductive reasoning can only get most people so far. prove it to yourself by reading the CTMU. every human has a soul, even if some people are less self aware than others (i.e NPCs). Unless you are absolutely on autopilot, you have every reason to believe that you have a soul given to you by God. God projects himself into every living creature, and said creature's physical characteristics help determine how they can interface with the natural world, what perceptions they can make, etc. People with dementia, dogs, even plants share some level of their identity with God.

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its why the people with everything will give nothing and the people with nothing give everything

This is in my first post, the image. Creation is god, it is truth, what is.

It is being motivated by different purposes- different frequencies. Our goal is to be most in alignment with reality.
The jesus myth was one man sacrificing ALL for his tribe, for the betterment of everyone. It is the perfect archetype for what makes civilizations last- those that are willing to endure for the whole

we are all archetypes of god. We strive to be more like god everyday. This is a cat that glows in the dark because its embryo was fused with that of a jellyfish

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I've been about archetypes from the beginning of my journey. Thanks for chiming in. Archetypes are the patterns that govern reality

Thanks all!