Cooking is Redpilled

Nowadays fewer men and women are unable too cook themselves a meal, preferring to go out to trendy cafes and restaurants.

Learning how to cook for yourself aids in saving money and remaining conscious of your health.

Surprisingly, an estimated 90% of all Americans go out of their way to prepare a healthy and well done meal, seeking faster and unhealthier alternatives.

>Percent of adults aged 20 and over with obesity: 39.8% (2015-2016)
>Percent of adults aged 20 and over with overweight, including obesity: 71.6% (2015-2016)
>Percent of adolescents aged 12-19 years with obesity: 20.6% (2015-2016)
>Percent of children aged 6-11 years with obesity: 18.4% (2015-2016)
>Percent of children aged 2-5 years with obesity: 13.9% (2015-2016)

It is also a national security weakness. Europosters often like to point out that Americans have a gun in one hand, while holding a cheeseburger in the other. With current trends, foreign belligerents need but catapult cargoloads of sugar into our nation and watch imbeciles continue to fatten themselves up while marching straight in.

Although firearms do not require one to be in peak physical condition, it is necessary to be appropriately healthy to maintain a healthy and fulfilling life while being prepared to defend that life, and the nation.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Nah my girlfriend does the cooking.

>Nowadays fewer men and women are unable too cook themselves a meal, preferring to go out to trendy cafes and restaurants.
That sentence doesn't make any sense

That looks like shit

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He means cunts can't cook good food so they probably go out and eat at restaraunts. In America mcdonalds and fast food places are considered restaraunts.

>Nowadays fewer men and women are unable too

What the fuck are you saying?? Retard.

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Yeah but can you cook a meal?

some pale ass sausage my dude

No food colouring muh nugga

The fuck you mean I cant cook

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Questioning semantics in this hive of scum and villainy, where the population is overwhelmingly autistic?

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Did you boil everything?

Peppers are nice, fairly cheap and rich in nutrients.

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Wow boiled food!

yes of course lol

Knowing how to cook def gets the ladies. Knowing that the lady knows how to cook is a big part required to seal the deal imo.

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wtf is this trash?

id fucking rape u in the kitchen if i saw u pull that out u twat

you gotta brown that shit king

it implies there were more unable cooks in the past, or op is illiterate and can't make a point

Real talk: if there is a natural disaster or political collapse lasting longer than 3 days, people who have no food/water on hand start turning into zombies who can only be stopped with a bullet.

you used way too much oil senpai


to get you to really make you think, if i didnt know how to cook, id be dead.

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niggers season their meat in the sink...

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i cant cook but my gf loves cooking so who the fuck cares, even if i wanted to cook she wouldnt let me

Bratwurst and Bockwurst are the ones usually fried or BBQ'd

You butchered those sentences and flipped the meaning.

>Nowadays fewer men and women are unable too cook themselves a meal, preferring to go out to trendy cafes and restaurants.

>Nowadays fewer men and women are unable too cook
>fewer men and women are unable to cook

so your entire thread is bullshit op you fucking lied to me. you said so yourself. MORE people are able to cook for themselves, not less. REEEE

pretty smrt

I’ve realized this for awhile now. Being 23, I know absolutely 0 women who know how to cook. It’s sad. I’ve been learning myself, following recipes, watching videos at work in my downtime. Such an awesome skill to have desu.

Best thread in a while. Cooking is the ultimate red pill. Males should learn to sustain themselves, mostly because of the financial and nutritional aspect.

gotcha, don't think i've had these before - go on then king

I can make anything I feel like.
1 Internet search BTFO's a million ethnic 'restaurants', shitskins now have literally no reason to be in Europe

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>bleach the sink, season meats and then rinse away the seasoning and germs with more bleach and water

sounds like ur a dirty nigger here for not seasoning ur meat in the sink frendo

>following recipes
This is literally all you need to do. Why women are so retarded baffles me.

I was at work and this woman in my office who was a big fat slob asked me out several times which I politely declined. One day we were talking and she was complaining about being $50k in debt. I turned out that she ate breakfast lunch and dinner in greasy spoon restaurants like Denny's. I pointed out to her that this was not only a prodigious waste of money but also bad nutrition.

She adamantly replied; " I won't cook, I won't do it, I just won't cook, nope..."
and on and on.



Enjoy burning away all your nutrients.

Only eat raw meat, drink raw eggs and raw milk and raw blood.

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ever heard of a mixing bowl you fucking retard, have fun with your bleachy meat

I'm the only person i work with that brings lunch with me to work instead of getting carryout or some pre made shit from a gas station. literally, packing a sandwich or left overs is too difficult for most people. unless it is left over pizza...

I cook every day. My din din

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Not even that; just watch You Tubes of people making shit on's fucking fun, entertaining and delicious

raw = retarded

We evolved because of cooking.

if you knew how bacteria spreads you would not think this way. All drains are nasty mf.

Yup. I try and make a new recipe or two every week. if it’s good, i keep it, memorize how to make it, and then build off the recipe (adding/removing different things, etc).

my mom is teaching me how to cook

why is there a photoshopped fork

Do you know what cooking does to bacteria? How can people be this stupid?

I prefer this:
>Pull meat out of freezer.*
>Put meat in fridge for a few hours, while I do my daily activities.*
>Put seasoning on a disposable plate.
>Put meat on plate.
>Season top, flip meat to other side.
>Season other side, put back in fridge for 30 minutes while I prepare the fire and/or prepare my vegetables.
>Pull meat out, put on grill or pan.
>Cook for a few minutes depending on the type of meat, flip and cook for same amout of time, bring to table with vegetables.
*Steps 1 and 2 don’t apply to freshly bought meat.
Well, what do you think of my cooking?

High functioning autists would care about an extra negative screwing up a sentence.

I cook all the time, here's my best dish. Fucking delicious.

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You are wrong, there are so much to cooking, women can't comprehend this shit. Women are good at cooking basic shit for their children, only their motherly love makes these good good, nothing else. But if you really want to eat delicatessen, you need to pay attention to the produce, you can't make Michelin-star level food without that.


Did you do it for Kool Konfirmee Kavanaugh?


Scrimps and grits?

pretty chill, you should let the meat rest at room temp for a little bit before you cook it so it doesn't bring the temperature of the hot pan down when you place it on there

top kek

Do you have a stroke, or are you one of the illegals?

This is the best, with a nice sauce

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Good job with the presentation. Personally I've neglected esthetics. I just think men should learn to save money and cooking is a good way to navigate the current economy.
Like user said you rarely meet a girl who can cook these days and it's depressing
Your mom is a good woman, my mom taught me too

Looking good

Pretty nice. Although I would add another 5 or so shrimp, portion size seems a bit small.

How long did it take you to prepare this, what ingredients were used, etc?

I'm having Miller High Life with a burger right now.

Here's a burger I made a while ago

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Where are the Brains?

Cooking is not redpilled.

Cooking is for basedboys who enjoy the cooking celebrity culture that's cool firmed to be part of late stage civilization collapse

You're a fucking meme. Leave the house and get a real 'hobby' other than following some basic intructions from the internet.

>prepare the fire

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In the head, I take it

Why would you ruin this with bacon. You fucking moron.

Yeah, use a chimney to light up the coals, then put on the grill.
I use Weber, they’re rarted like that.

have fun paying some illegal immigrant to cook your food for you because you're too much of a lazy inept faggot to care about your money, health and wellbeing

>women can't comprehend this shit

Well my mom can cook 9/10 (not joking) literally anything and she learn it from some old books so your opinion is invalid.

She also use to have a sweet shop

No I think you should kill yourself desu. If anything learning how to ration your meals is one onf the most important skills you can learn.

What is the proper way to stack a burger from an American perspective?

I hate eating food strangers prepared for me. It just doesn't taste well. I mostly cook on the weekends and put it in small boxes in the freezer. My freezer currently contains beef Goulash soup, Kung Pao chicken, beef with celery (Chinese), self made Gnocchi die Patate, Ragu alla bolognese, Chilli con Carne and German potato soup with pieces of Wiener sausage.

I hope the Chink illegal serving you sneezes in your food next time you eat.

Yeah, if you cook it wrong it's shit, If you know what you're doing it's great.

> bun
> condiment
> lettuce
> tomato
> whatever else
> cheese
> patty
> bun

put a sausage in it

i s[pray bleach on my body every week in the shower

eating meat with bleach on it is fine goy

cretin. it goes like this:


otherwise your condiments soak into the bun

This is the ultimate blackpill.
Cuisine is the true mark of civilization.

>ruin with bacon

>Cheese, but not (((American Cheese)))

Try butchering your own meat.

gotta toast that bun a little senpai, otherwise yes i see you

It's a copy of a dish from a local restaurant.
Grits with white cheddar and a touch of cream, Chorizo for the sausage, the green stuff is roasted then pureed Poblano. The hot sauce is an add on just because i wanted spicy. The shrimp is seasoned with paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, black, cayenne and white pepper.

doubly non-kosher

bacon is such a fucking annoying pleb food meme

No, its a horrific clash of ingredients any way you cook it. The strong flavor of the bacon would overpower the delicate texture and taste of the shrimp, rendering its contribution to the palette small and meaningless. Thinking bacon goes on everything is reddit tier cooking.

i prefer to
>put the seasoning in a bag
>put the meat in the same bag
>squeeze the air out
>let it sit for 30 min


because its fucking delicious

helping our serbian friend on his path to obesity
>lettuce? don't do this
>mayonnaise ONLY

Thanks fren

>Peppers are nice, fairly cheap and rich in nutrients.
I love them, but where I'm from they're $1.50 a piece, too expensive.

faggot, it goes

green peppers
Monterrey jack
Thousand island

what does Jow Forums think of my 5$ frogistan baby back ribs?

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I tried to grow some peppers this year but they all died.

Bell peppers are a waste of time to grow anyways. Buy a bunch when they're on sale and can them.