"Just A bundle of cells"

>"Just A bundle of cells"

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>"B-but that poor baby nigger!"
The absolute state of christcucks

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I think the Republicans are doing a mistake with preventing abortion, it's the best weapon against spics n nigs

how about make it illegal for whites but allowed for blacks as a form of 'affirmative action'. blacks will be benefited by the removal of financial pressure to raise a child

fetus is basically a parasite same as a tape worm

t. compassionate liberal whore

The body treats it as a parasite --- hence the need for a placenta.

>I think the Republicans are doing a mistake with preventing abortion

You think wrong.

They're not going to stop abortion. They just fund-raise on the promise. They might limit it in some capacity, at best and only maybe.

little nigger monkey

Why has planned parenthood gotten away with 1.5 BILLION babies killed since 1980......
>muh dead niggers
They are sacrificing babies to MOLECH, an ancient cananite and bablyonian deity of DEATH,
>the jews, Hollywood and politicians world wide worship molech
And in turn are using these babies to become immortal, and demon filled, but they are PUTTING THE BYPRODUCTS, dead used up fetuses , into YOUR food, soda, Pepsi products, Starbucks, Nestle, and so much more..
>dead babies in your vaccines
Good goy take your baby death shot and become GUILTY too!!!

Stop these jews now!! This video has been shadowbanned, instantly demonitized and is pissing off the demon worshiping kikes..



>stem cells COULD be evil also
Not saying they are but I have to look into what this video says
>dan bilzarian gets 200million$ shots of pure dead baby juice
NOT UMBILICAL cords like mel said

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why do so many doctors play around with the aborted fetus on video?

I was shocked the first time I looked into abortion. They made it seem like just a couple of cells or something in class.

Fedora-tipping anti-Christians are only anti-racist until they change their mind.

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Abortion is murder but it's really something how often burgercons will say this then do this the moment the baby pops out of the womb, often in the belief "babies don't feel pain/they cry over everything" (look up state by state circumcision rates)

Pic very related, though this happened in Oregon

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Liberals are hypocrites about abortion.

They say that a fetus is "just a bundle of cells", then they turn around and say that abortion is a difficult decision for a woman.

Why would it be a difficult decision if it's just a bundle of cells?

Liberal arguments in favor of abortion are all stupid.

>how often burgercons will say this then do this the moment the baby pops out of the womb, often in the belief "babies don't feel pain/they cry over everything"

Or "Jesus was circumcised so it's good enough for my son" or "Israel is our greatest ally"

In other words burgercons are brainwashed hypocritical retards who do things that are an affront to millenia of Christian tradition, probably because they ended up like that baby at birth.

y not? I would too tbqh. it's interesting moral question.

>this thing i am allowed to kill, it is alive, no? hmm, it responds to my touch...

That is not 12 weeks.

Remember to use your brain children. Why would someone create that gif with a caption they 100% know is false?

Outlawed soon I hope.


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What is this a value pack of abortions?

Did she get the 5 for 1 deal?

This is genius!


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None of these are fully formed human beings.

Terminating a fetus that isn't even a person isn't "murder".

A fetus isn't a baby.

I know you're very stupid but both of those things aren't inclusive. Terminating a pregnancy can be a difficult decision, but but the early stages of an embryo is a bundle of cells.

That is about 22 weeks, not 12 weeks tho. Just being accurate...

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Had three slip ups in ONE YEAR.
Have three children.
How did I cope?
I'm not sure but I'll tell you one FACT. The an act that is guaranteed to make any situation worse is murdering your own babies.

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I remember seeing this a year or so ago. Completely changed my mind about abortion. We should weaponize it.

>serial killers
>absolutely faultless babies.
your obvious ignoring of this dichotomy is obvious.

Whenever someone uses the clump of cells "argument" just remind them they are a clump of trillions of cells too

this entire thread is why i have a phobia of fetuses

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you are a parasite to the Earth

>Unless you oppose punishing criminals
>Don't tell me you're against killing babies.


subhuman detected

>Protecting innocent.
>Killing evil
These are the same.

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we slaughter animals all the time cry harder moralfaggots

realistically you have to allow abortion in at least some cases like early into an unwanted pregnancy, if the kid is retarded, if it's a medical emergency etc

feeder rats lol

Yes, it is.

It is old as fuck. It was not an abortion but a miscarriage.

yea, probably at costco

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t. upset roastie

>You kill other creatures all the time for sustenance
>Dont cry over murdering your children


Not an argument

Satanists are pure evil


Its only not murder cause the Supreme Court said it isnt...

Guess what's about to change roastie.

yes, because the body literally forms a placenta around a tapeworm to feed and protect it

It's not murder, pussy.

Not an argument

Literally feeder mice for snakes you dumb fucks

The ones that abort are roasties and niggers anyway, i don't want their mutant offsprings in my world anyway

You are the embodiement of subhumanism.

I think abortions have to be done before they get to that state.

The abortion should look like a booger. If it's shaped like a person we've waited too long and you have to allow them to be born.

>worship a god that values the inferior, the weak, and everything subpar
makes sense

i kinda want to Google this and kinda don't

Beleive Abortion survivors.

>I don't understand what Roe V Wade is because I'm stupid

Not an argument moralfag.

It is tho

That can't be real

That fetus is between 16 and 17 weeks old. Educate yourself and beware on whose propaganda you push.

No, it isn't.

Yes it is. Be proud of murder. Support it if you must. Many on Jow Forums proudly do on eugenics grounds. But don't pretend killing isn't killing.

No, it isn't. Murder is a crime and abortion isn't a crime. Even if Roe V Wade is overturned, it still will never be a federal crime to get an abortion. Therefore, it's not murder - you double retard.

>A fetus isn't a baby.
So it feels pain, it has a heartbeat, it's developing, but it's not a baby? An infant isn't developed and is dependent on its mother for sustenance, in the same sense that is depends on her in the womb. Your logic is flawed. If a women wants to be a whore, that's her problem, but getting pregnant is her doing, as is making the decision to kill the life that she (almost always) willingly created.

Christians condemn non-believers to misery but then talk about saving lives like they care


Why is it okay to kill niggers but not to kill nigger babies?

Murder is an act. It may or may not be a crime depending on laws and circumstance. Abortion is murder. You may or may not think murder in this case is justified or necessary. Its still murder.

It's slut, whores have more respect to get paid than to do it for FREE than sluts.

>don't pretend killing isn't killing
Wait, did you just move the goalposts like a liberal? Killing and murder aren't interchangeable, "murder" is a typified crime with a very specific definition. Seems like you could use to educate yourself before you try to argue with people.

Murder is based on intent. There is intent to kill an unborn life. This is not political, but common sense.

Why was Scott Peterson charged for killing his pregnant wife? Your government made the decision that killing that fetus was murder, yet Roe. v Wade exists. Go figure.


>Murder is an act. It may or may not be a crime depending on laws and circumstance
No. This is not how the definition of murder works in your legal system. How black are you kid?

I can tell how thirsty you are for (you)s so here's one.

No. Killing can include accidents and unintentional acts. Murder is deliberate. I specifically stated that it may or my not be crime depending on the laws and circumstance.

Because i'm not discussing the law. Abortion is legal. It is legalized murder.

>So it feels pain, it has a heartbeat, it's developing, but it's not a baby?

Multiple layers of stupidity at play here. Embryos can't feel pain. Second of all, even if they could - animals feel pain, doesn't mean they are baby persons. An embryo or undeveloped fetus is not a baby.

> An infant isn't developed and is dependent on its mother for sustenance, in the same sense that is depends on her in the womb.

An actual baby has rights. There's legal standing for this. An embryo does not, because neither science nor the law defines an embryo as a person.

>Your logic is flawed. If a women wants to be a whore, that's her problem, but getting pregnant is her doing, as is making the decision to kill the life that she (almost always) willingly created.

The "life" isn't a person. It's an embryo. So "killing it" is perfectly OK in accordance with scientific understanding and legal status.

and what if the kid was going to be born without a face or some horrible defect. It would be a mercy then right? You think the church is going to look after that? hell no they wont

I’m not surprised you fail to understand this Mexicunt, but murder is a concept first, and a legal term second. Do you really think that there wasn’t a concept of “killing a human being” before codified law? The word “murder” itself is of ancient proto-Germanic origin, several thousand years old

Animals=unborn human children

I have seen first hand how churches treat non-believers. you people are in denial, pass the collection plate and buy some douche a jet and a Bentley so he can make love to boys

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The state would probably look after it like they do every random spic that stumbles across the border demanding gibs. If you think killing someone because of a facial injury is cool thats on you. Personally I'd put the bar a little higher given the state of modern plastic surgery. Its still murder though. Assuming the faceless kid had horrible brain damage it might even be a mercy killing but yes its murder.

You're a fucking moron. Murder is a crime. It's not an "act". Learn what words mean you gigantic retard.

>Murder is based on intent. There is intent to kill an unborn life. This is not political, but common sense.

Murder is based on intent of a person or human being. Legally speaking, abortion of an embryo does not fall under this because an embryo isn't a person.

>Why was Scott Peterson charged for killing his pregnant wife? Your government made the decision that killing that fetus was murder, yet Roe. v Wade exists. Go figure.

Because George W Bush and right wing morons in 2004 made an exception to make so that if you kill a pregnant woman, you can be tried for double murder. It doesn't mean abortion is murder, and it doesn't legally grant embryos personhood. Don't ask me why rightwingers are idiots. I have no idea.

Not an argument.

the state!! you think the state is going to treat them with dignity? You are sadly mistaken

“The current law doesn’t classify embryos as people therefore they aren’t people in our society, where these laws are enforced”

Imagine being this dumb...

Also, science can never determine whether something is a “person” or not, a person is not a scientific category, it is rather arbitrary.

Humans are animals dipshit...

>He's all good!!

Seems like they're saying that to try to convince themselves of it.

Murder is an act of intentionally ending a human life. In most cases that is a crime. If suddenly it wasn't a crime to kill someone it would still be murder.

How about we cut off welfare queens and sterilize people who get abortions?

but yeah it is murder i guess either way

What does dignity have to do with anything?

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>Murder is an act of intentionally ending a human life.

Under that definition, warfare is murder.

>imagine being this dumb that he has an actual understanding of what words mean

>Also, science can never determine whether something is a “person” or not, a person is not a scientific category, it is rather arbitrary.

I agree, so since science truly isn't able to determine where life begins, you can't magically decide where it begins just because your feels tell you so.

It is an act, are you stupid enough to believe that people didn’t have a concept of “killing a human being” before laws could even be written down? The word murder itself is ancient, from before any codified laws.

You are a fucking fool.

>pagan nordcuck yet again advocating for Satanism
pagans be like, "yeah im burning in Hell but at least i delayed the white minority by 3 years"

Fish are a bundle of cells, I have no problem cooking them alive, and it probably has more brain capacity than a fetus.

I have a kid and wouldn't have my fiance get an abortion unless the kid was gonna be real retarded or handicapped in some way that'd make it unable to live a normal life.

That picture is basically just a late period.

Warfare is state sanctioned murder as is genocide.

You don't understand what murder means. Murder is a criminal charge. You have to be charge and convicted with murder to commit murder. You don't just declare what is or what isn't murder.