Aaand just like that, republicans ensured a blue wave

aaand just like that, republicans ensured a blue wave.

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Other urls found in this thread:


His wife is a top tier qt

>H-ha I'm sure that we'll win.. right g-guys? Blue wave!

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Agreed. I wonder what that footpussy is like.

Maybe, but without control of the SCOTUS Dems will have a hard time tearing up the Constitution.

Polls point to the EXACT opposite. This was a disaster for the demoshits.

>Dem polls lower than ever (including last few midterms)
>Women as a majority believe Kavanaugh (statistically)
>Republicans fired up, both the base and the candidates more than ever

Your retarded mob strategy lost you a seat and will lose you this election.

Why isn't she pressing charges against him right now?


>Polls point to the EXACT opposite
that was when his confirmation was in jeopardy.
use your brain. now that he's in, Democrats will be motivated and Republicans will be complacent for the midterms.

"Surely you would have had a better chance of winning if you lost"


dems will have to stake their survival to mueller now, and he's got nothing

you have no statistics or logic to back that up.

just common sense and an understanding of national politics.

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Lol the liberals are too shook to vote. The low retweet count on twitter says it all. Reagan Moment for Trump.

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A part of me is glad that bitch accused him of rape (now that he is sworn in).

It's main effect was that he is probably now filled with anger towards the (((left))). I imagine every judgement he makes in the future, he will remind himself of this ordeal in which he was almost cheated by (((them))).

In this war, there are no civilians, they will all pay for what they have done.

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Agreed. Would lick feet.

So nothing. You're fucked kiddo, and you know it. The left is in literal shambles over this shitshow, and the right is fired up. Him /barely/ winning when there was NOTHING wrong, and the subsequent chimpout sealed your losing fate.

>common sense
One party tried to use the media to subvert the democratic process and the philosophy of "innocent until proven guilty" to ruin a man's life in a desperate attempt to grab power which was otherwise denied to them by the laws of this land.

People aren't going to forget the past 3 weeks in the next 4. Not if someone has an active interest in reminding them.

This thing has been an absolute disaster for the Democratic party.

Because her story was bullshit and she knows it'll be exposed if she tries to pursue it.

kek faggit

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As much as I don't wanna be negative, this does worry me. Midterms are still a month away and ANYTHING can happen between now and then.
We need to keep our shit together!


Here's better:

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Normally I would say you're right, but it's not like the midterms are a year away from the bullshit that has happened, it's less than 5 weeks away.

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Just reach out to every right winger you know and keep up the pressure online and we'll do this.

Is this a screenshot from The Man in the High Castle, Season 3, which came out yesterday? Sure looks like it. Man that's a good show.

We fucking better. Even here in Texas, I barely see any support for Cruz but Beta Beto has an insane cult following.

Because she lied about it and has no evidence.

Because the right has no reason to be insane, we aren't insane. Just calmly spread the word to your friends and family and get involved online.

>blue wave
Keep pimping that dipshit line. I'm sure someone will be inspired... or disenchanted... or whatever the fuck you're going for.

Remember Remember the RED November.

More like turdukus

Actually this most likely demoralized blue voters. Voters don't look kindly on losers. It's the same reason there's now a red surge.

Winners win.

You mean, killed?

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Because she knows her story is utterly false and if investigations really look at the evidence they are likely going to uncover something. Something that proves she intended to make a false claim to stop a Supreme Court Judge from his position. Meaning ass rape felony due to perjury and making a false rape accusation.

RED DAWN you mean.



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They been working you Shareblue fuckers hard huh?

pretty sure a blue wave would have started with him NOT being confirmed

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>ensured a blue wave.
That's not what the polls say fampai. What Dems have done is shown that they are scummy pieces of shit.

Annnnddd just like that, the SCOTUS is ready to strike down unconstitutional liberal bullshit for an entire generation.

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>winners win
>lives vicariously through Trump and his achievements so he believes he is in a winner, when in reality, he has never been considered a winner by anyone and would have likely committed suicide had Trump not won in 2016 because he had nothing else in his life worth living for

your typical Trumpfag everyone

Older daughters eyes are saying she is going to make it her life's work to destroy the people that tried to destroy Daddy.

You know when you post stuff like this, you only give us joy, right? You are the party of evil, and watching you suffer is like the sweetest music ever sung.

repubs failed to turn out in the midterms because neocon bums continued to disappoint. this may change

look at the pussy the man reeled in and this cunt thinks he'd stoop so low as to rape her. fugly whore just wishes she'd have gotten that chad dick.


Now they've talking about the Democratic party splitting two among hard lefties and center. What is amazing they said the same when Obama got elected. Inf act I seem to remember hearing that The Gop might never get reelected ever again.

*red tide

and it wasnt the republicans that ensured it, it was the democrats you filth kike

...the sleeper has awakened...

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Thanks for nuclear option, it makes things so much easier

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Exactly. Try taking out guns now, niggers

Oh sweetie...

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democrats gambled all their credibility and lost big time. they overestimated their power

Republicans are learning what it feels like to win. Now theyre gonna get addicted.

Everyone's jacking it to Mrs. Kavanaugh and you're being a big faggot writing blogs, fuck off.

Okay kid




Yep, they are done for.

who gives a shit, I'm not the one who's only source of satisfaction in life comes from the things that happen to a man on a screen that most likely will do nothing to affect my life

it's pathetic, I pity you...find a better hobby than politics and sucking the president's dick

look at how totally smug his daughter is

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All conservatives need to do is go out and vote and the libs will lose again easily.


nice bait maple boy now take ur (you) and leaf us alone

I can't wait till the Democrats win in 2020 take the house and Senate and pass an AWB so I can watch all of you autistic fucks cry.

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>Daddy, we should say some prayers for the poor crazy lady too!

your understanding lacks the true perspective of the right wing in this country. the right wing is PISSED at the shit the dems pulled. there is no complacency here.

I thought the losing side gets demoralized and doesn't show up
Whenever R looks like they are losing this is a favorite talking point of pundits

You're forgetting POTUS will drop the 2016 wiretap docs right before the election

Everyone loses with this Bush neocon judge. It's amazing how cognitive dissonance runs the ranks of Trump supporters.

You can say whatever you want about the sexual assault allegations, the man's record stands as it does. He was a long time Bush adminstration official, his hands are all over Bush policies such as warantless wiretapping and erosion of the 4th amendment, as well as the Patroit act, yet you guys still support him just to "own the libs" like the useful idiots you have become.

Meanwhile, Neocons and their policies have infiltrated every level of the Trump administration and you have all turned a blind eye while it has happened. Funny how the "outsider" Trump has filled his admin with former Bush officials, all while supporting a senate and house filled with the same criminals that threw American into two illegal wars and defrauded trillions from the American taxpayer and put us further into debt, all while causing the deaths of tens of thousands of US soldiers and civilians in warzones, one of these wars continues to this day.

You're all to blame for this. Very few people could see Trump's "outsider" image was all a conjob. As soon as I saw who he was appointing to his cabinet I knew he had tricked you all.

His wife is so fugging pretty. There's no way he would stoop low for an ugly ass turkey neck cunt even in her ugly ass nerdy ass 15 yr old prime. My nigga was a virgin till his late 20s. Literally one of us
Hold steadfast virgin Bros, you can have a KAVANAUGH qt3.4ohhhhdaaamn later in life


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What do the Democrats bring? Please tell me what (other than identity politics) the Democrats will bring to voters? They have noting but obstruct and resist. They are nigger-tier in the world of politics. Trump has the economy.

>inb4 muuuuh healthcare, muuuh workers' rights. Fuck off.

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How the hell is she so fucking wrinkled? She legitimately looks like a 95 year old in a wig. She had to have been fucking 60 when she was trying to get Chadvanaugh to fingerbang her. Someone lock this fucking pedophile up.


>I pity you
I don't think about you at all.

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She's a very nice looking lady.

we're gonna be okay :)

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That's bait.

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This I believe.
Trump always deals in leverage.
Trump has something else planned for November and it may be the FISA exposure or Mueller shut down. But, doesn't matter this Kavanaugh thing is worth at least 3 months of bad optics for those angry Democrats.

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What do the males who own the handmaids look like in this universe? I want a costume to wear to their protests.

Dems shot themselves in the foot with their fake accusations.

but you do, you only give a damn about Kavanaugh to spite Dem's which you most likely assume I have internalized your Supreme leader's message that Dem's are the enemy and every second of your existence is to make yourself believe that you are yea, you totally think about me, in fact you are obsessed with me while I just feel bad for you and your delusions that must keep you up every night

I'm surprised she wears such ill fitting shoes in such an occasion.
Anyways, OP is a faggot and the Democrats will probably lose, provided the Republican voters move their asses and go vote..


Kek. Wrong.

Only niggers would argue with this post

I agree with you 100% this guy is Bush neocon scum. But the Obama tranny pro feminist politicos are a far more cancerous breed.

Dress like pic related. Explain to them Islam has already implemented everything they claim to protest.

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