Muh Pizzagate

>Muh Pizzagate
>Literally ignore that there was a 100% confirmed pedo child sex slave ring that implicates the elite on both sides of politics.

Why does the right make up stupid shit like Pizzagate when the Lolita express was a 100% real thing and none of the elite pedos have been brought to justice because a partisan hack judge whitewashed the case and the child/teen victims were all dealt with settlements out of court?

Attached: Trumppedo.jpg (1000x1000, 197K)

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Literally earlier today I had come to terms that donald has done a lot of bad things but at least he could be the one to expose the elite underground pedophile ring. But now you're here smashing my Hope's and dreams by telling me he is friends with the same pedophiles that bill Clinton rapes kids with??? And he's been on the kid raping plane, and he's been on the fucking pedophiles island too???


Is donald trump really pedophile confirmed? IS DONALD TRUMP A FUCKING CHILD RAPIST

If they had pedo-level dirt on Trump, it would be out by now. Trust me.

>gets invited to secret society
>hates it, vows to burn it all down
>fast forward to now
>much of that 'secret' society has been blown wide open and our orangeboi is in charge now

Lots of samefagging in this thread too. sage

its a disinfo campaign to discredit that idea, make a conspiracy that sounds 100x dumber then the thing that is actually happening

They do, but the Republicans also have it on notable Dems like the Clintons and they're all friends with Dershowitz as well (who 100% fucked an underage sex slave on the island). It would be like dropping a grenade in the middle of Government, shrapnel would fly everywhere.

Attached: tped.jpg (675x841, 191K)

yeah he hated it soo much, just like the lawyer ay

I was under the impression that Trump never went to Epstein’s island or flew on his jet. The most that could be said is that Trump knows him. Unlike the Clintons.

pizzagate was real tho, qanon is the organised disinfo campaign

Im sure that Donal' Chrump probably had improper relations with many young women who were not his wife, but did he bang kids? I highly doubt that. Could be wrong, but I doubt it. They've thrown everything at him, including a hare-brained conspiracy theory about Russia that has zero evidence, and you're alleging that they withheld solid info that he banged kids? No way.

even if it was real, do you really think it sounds in any way intelligent? it worked wonderfully when that dude almost shot up the place for no reason and now people think that shit is delusional.

Protip: Lolita express is a big part of pizzagate theories.

If Trump had to go to pedo island and slam a 9 year old just to get on the inside enough to know who's who and what's what in order to bring the whole operation down, I can easily forgive him.

Went to the island and flew on the jet.

T h i s
Plus his executive order to seize ownership of all property belonging to people involved with corruption in regards to human rights including human trafficking, and all the new busts that get little coverage and never get talked about again
Even Dan Schneider got busted finally

Were you following it at the time?
The day before they literally removed street cameras that normally showed the entrance.

For me when I saw this thread with my own eyes the day before that was all I needed to know.

even if it was real, do you really think it sounds in any way intelligent? it worked wonderfully when that dude almost shot up the place for no reason and now people think that shit is delusional.

youre not looking at the public reaction....

>100% confirmed pedo child sex slave ring
The only thing that is 100% confirmed is that one prostitute among numerous that Epstein brought home with him turned out to be only 14.
Stop exaggerating this shit it makes you look desperate.

>Trust me.

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