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He's... actually right.

the really funny part is she only has a couple of donors that are laundering money through her gofundme

She's going to need that and more to fight the perjury charge.

shes gonna need that money to defend herself.

>How do we launder money from our pedo island playhouse?
I believe it.

Why should we be mad for? We won and she's walking away with the leftists money.

>Republicans believe in the rule of law

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Kav made more

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Not my money. She scammed liberals and now the supreme court is well on its way to being stacked against them for decades.

>literally try to abolish 'innocent until proven guilty'

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We win again :)

she's laughing all the way to the gallows

Less campaign money for Dems, I see absolutely nothing wrong with this

>he thinks trump and his goons care about the common white man.

LMAO have fun getting kiked

This trial was a complete fascade--made up.

It generated a lot of money and divided people along gender/race/etc.

The rich upper-class is certainly happy--and Jow Forums will defend rich non-jews until their dying breath.

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She had a couple gofundmes and the total for her was over a million.

Ya, shes a goon who was lionized for "having nothing to gain". everyone knew she was a phony scam artist being used for a character assassination, and nobody was surprise when the gofundme showed up.

you at the bottom, below the nig

Not going to do her much good during the tribunals

quiet nigger, let the whites speak

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That will just about cover the cost of a libel suit.

We saved America for another generation.

All that is going to be spent on her trial and she will still be going to prison

Stupid democrat money moving to another stupid democrat. Seems zero sum to me.

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She won’t see a cent of that money.

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She's laughing at those lefties who actually funded her.
KavaCHAD got elected and she just was used for media pressure

and why not?

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Isn't that profiting from crime though?



Please, educate me what this fascade was...

I'm sure your circumcized brain will think you know everything.

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it goes directly into her bank account... yeah ok

Aren't you Democucks getting sick of grifters taking your money away and not having anything to show for it? Didn't you get enough of that with Stein and Bernie?

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It was a judicial confirmation hearing you fucking retard. Turn off your tv

This is basically how kikes are paying her off for false testimony.

Scrotum Pole

When she gets charged with perjury and plea-bargains out of it, the government will make sure that she'll have to forfeit any profits from her illegal action. More than likely they'll either go back to the donors or be seized as fines. If they become fines, GoFundMe will probably have to offer refunds back to to the donors - not out of any obligation, but because they don't want to look like profiteers.

Either way, don't be surprised if there is some new federal law that makes this sort of crowd fundraising much harder.

If they were sick of it they wouldn't be democrats.

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she can't be sued because you can't prove she lied. Hence her whole inconsistent testimony.

But she can be sued. Lower standard of proof there anyways.

He has a job.

Post of the day!


And the personal lawsuits from Kav and anyone else she claimed was at that party.

Kavanaugh needs to sue her and take Soros' money

>we get a supreme court pick
>you get some woman who will be forgotten in 2 days since she's served her purpose having enough money for 3 years of her lifestyle

oh wow

money won't keep her fraudulent ass out of prison


How will we ever recover.
I am literally shaking.

If we had an aggressive FBI on the president's side I'd agree with you. Unfortunately we have the opposite.

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All that money came from Liberals anyway, why should I care?

>she has to be telling the truth, why else would a women put herself through all of thi..... oh

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So you have two people that behave appallingly and you reward them with hundreds of thousands of dollars and tell them to go sit in separate play sandboxes. Helicopter parenting justice system

she's gonna be suicided and it'll be pinned on the right. cap this

remember bernie bros no refunds

should have confiscate the money

I could give a fuck what she does so long as she's never in the news again.

I didn't do anything, just stating the fact.

Whoop-dee-doo, so a couple of lefties with deep pockets paid her off to perjure herself - they've been doing that shit for 20 years.

The important takeaway is that it didn't work for a fucking change. All that scheming and plotting and bribing and grandstanding was for nothing.

don't forget russiagate and stormygate too, I think the total's easily over $2.5 million supporting anti-trump political agendas

>makes false rape allegations
>become a millionaire
the absolute fucking state of weimerica

Yeah, she sure scammed leftists out of a good deal of money, I know that really hurts me! But hey, congrats on giving your money to a conartist.

The IRS will be getting their fill too.

Tell me how flooding the country with the dregs of third world is in my economic interests again.

1) we won.
2) she earned that lefty money payoff.
3) I'd take that trade if she made 100 million.

>400k is a lot of money

When did Kav disbehave? Missed that.

Highly plausible

>thinking that her opposition donated to her
So just how gay are you OP?

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I thought she had collected around 1 million for a couple of accounts. Why did she drop it?

>two people that behave appallingly
I only saw one person falsely testify to being sexually assaulted, not two

Fingers crossed for perjury charges

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She dropped charges in fear of being raped in the ass by the authorities. She loves money more than fellow sister women.


>Lawers get paid no matter who wins
>Jews always win no matter what

>shes gonna need that money to defend herself.
Defend herself from what. There is no criminal case, nor will there ever be one. Why?
>don´t know where it was,
>don´t know how she got there
>don´t know how she got home.
>Don´t know who was at the party
>It´s impossible to determine who was or was not at the party when you don´t know where it was.
>It´s impossible to determine weither the party even took placee
Nothing to investigate. No valid people to question. And america made her a semi millionaire. And women in america are in total outrage without checking the facts first.

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She bankrupted leftists.


Oh no, a bunch of gullible liberals got robbed of their shekels by a con artist, I'm so angry. Lmao

yeah and we're laughing all the way to the highest court in the nation

under rated

Average donation, $46.04. Libs aren't that generous, that's why they always demand other people do things instead of doing things themselves. There's definitely a few huge donors in there that are just hiding the fact that this was all planned by drowning their donation in the crowd.

>She dropped charges in fear of being raped in the ass by the authorities. She loves money more than fellow sister women.
Wrong. There were never any charges. Kavanaugh was never charged with anything. Nor did she file any criminal charges, or attempt to start any criminal case. You can´t even say she perjured herself. Because she said basically nothing. She told a story that can never be proven or disproven. And would never make it to court because the allegations are ridiculous due to these things. Any woman could make similar allegation and if she followed the same procedure. You can´t disprove it because you can´t even find witnesses to interview. Since she don´t know where the party was or who was there.
She´s made a lot of money out of these crazy women who think she´s right simply due to the fact that she´s a woman.

seems to be the hillary story all over again, lots
of money, yet still failed. good time line.

By Quitting right after the confirmation she is making her supporters look like idiots. She should have kept the scam going longer. You might say she raped her followers.

>By Quitting right after the confirmation she is making her supporters look like idiots. She should have kept the scam going longer. You might say she raped her followers.
It´s the only thing she can do. There´s no case, no criminal charges, nothing. if she tried to bring it to court it would get thrown out immediately.

Thats really not very much money

>Soros money

You could be right, but I think she is leaving money on the table. Hopefully, she comes to Jow Forums for advice and we can convince her to keep the scam going.

Party on, Garth!

Bretty much this.

Gofundme is the new "I did someone a favor, and then found a duffel bag full of cash by the train tracks".