Glorious Day!

ITT Join me in pissing to their faces.


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Other urls found in this thread:

I wanna piss on sarah

why did she have to become an old man-hater, Jow Forums?

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>70% of America is literally partying

What as awful day!

Where the fuck the salt?

I was pretty stoked when I heard he got sworn in today. Seems more like a victory against mob rule and guilty until proven innocent.

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I bet she lets out cute little queefs when she does that

but alyssa milano and that blurred lines titty chick both have/had amazing racks

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There's fireworks all over the place right now where I live. It's like a war was just won.

If there is no porn these people and this subject is irrelevant.

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In even 6 years nobody on earth is going to look back on what happened this week as anything other than embarrassment.

Who is this and why should I care? Also, why's she named after a Pepperidge Farm cookie?

She would probably enjoy it. I'd rather douse her in gasoline and light her on fire.

The irony is that democrats had the opportunity to actually make points about his judicial decisions regarding executive power and the fourth amendment. Instead they chose to cart out some old bag to lie to people at what they tried to twist into a trial. It totally blew up in their face right before midterms.

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actually this was the worst day in american history

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someone is wokeith

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They all used to be hot at one time or another. Now they are just dried up crones. Like most when they realize they have no worth left they go a tad crazy.

>why's she named after a Pepperidge Farm cookie?
Garbage people frequently try to name their kids after things known for prestige and excellence, like how niggers name their kids "Lexus" and "Cristal"

We did, and THEN this woman came forward. Now we will all suffer since he is a Bush neocon. So eat my crown of shit.

Who the literal fuck is Allysa Milano and why would anyone care about this Mexican cunt?


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you have to be 18 to post here. GET THE FUCK OUT KID.

considering what we know know, it's kinda ironic she's standing there with Franken

Keep posting Sarah Silverman's blackface photos to her twitter until the blacks eat her alive

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and you can blame exactly one person for that Diane Feinstein. Nothing will change for the dems as long as they keep her in a position of power in the party and keep listening to her dumb fucking ideas

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My god it truly was a disaster. Bernie really was the only one who would have beaten Trump.

It's pretty terrible when brits are embarrassed for you
at what point will tradcons face the woman problem?

She did that same move nude on the dicks of every NHL player and MLB pitcher who played from 1988-2010. Now that she's a bitter old raostie who has trouble getting work and her vagoo is not in demand since it looks like a blown out tire she plays a leftwing tantrum throwing sjw.

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Sarah's body is absolutely disgusting. LIterally pig with lipstick....

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Bernie would have won. Now I expect Warren to get the nasty women, Biden to get the neolibs and Bern toin get half of his original base (with the other half switching to trump already). Den primaries will be amazing.

Sisterhood is a wonderful thing, isn't it?

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>person playing a character on television has an opinion: "I AM FUCKING RETARDED"
wtf i hate white people now?

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This desu.
They also radicalized them against him by participating in the smear. Literally made an enemy of this man. He's gonna actually rape them now.

Jimmy Kimmel also did blackface and he calls trump a racist for reasons?

you saying you wouldn't hit this classic jewish refrigerator body

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>every NHL player and MLB pitcher who played from 1988-2010
Hey amigo guess what? I fucked that chick from Growing Pains
...I don't know, it's some telenovela over here or something.

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Yes Sarah used to Jew him for airtime, back when she was sleeping her way through the comedy circuit.

As Norm MacDonald would say, "Who's funnier than Sarah Silverman? No one (except dudes)."

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what the hell, that's not how a human body is supposed to be.

>And others
Imagine being such a D-list celebrity that Kathy Griffin is listed and not you. Sorry Sarah. S.

The difference is Trump and his supporters are actual real racists, they aren't doing it for comedy.

Sweet fucking Christ it's like Dr Frankenstein animated a set of parallel lines

hahahahahaha, i'll save that

Is there a vid of this?

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It's like someone put a swimsuit on a pallet

Is that (((Silverman)))? Jesus, I didn't recognize her. Her nose just touched that wall and the rest of her is running at full speed.


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that's an 8/10 on the jew body scale

Sarah Silverman is so hot.

They are because you say they are isn't convincing.
Nice meme flag.

What's this?

when he was confirmed i cracked open a beer and spanked it to rape porn

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Why couldn't she have met me before she became ruined by the degeneracy of show biz? She could have been my wife and the mother of my children and I would have taken good care of her.

That beast Sarah Silverman in a shower. Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

They are because of all the evidence. Stop gaslighting me retard.


remember the hag that gets out of the bathtub in The Shining? first thing that came to mind

like someone nailed two fried eggs to a fridge

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She is a jew. You wouldn't have lasted three years.

I hear Jimmy Kimmel dumped her because it smelled like gefilte fish.

>Bush neocon
That's a good thing.

Yes we are doing for comedy, your shill ass just exposed yourself. Nice flag faggot.
It is really funny to see you come here and defend them with a white supremasist flag next to your posts.


truly a disgusting specimen

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is that sarah the jewish fridge kikerman

Today assassinating the character of a white man for being a white man didn't work. My fiancee was talking some shit about that Ford asshole, and I told her there isn't a man alive today in America who hasn't been threatened woth either fake sexual or domestic abuse claims unless they are a celibate virgin. She has threatened to do it to me 2 different times. She probably doesn't think it's that big of a deal obviously, but it just shows that women are fucking mean assholes most of the time.

Not your personal army

Past-their-sell-by-date actresses always hyphenate to “actress-activist” in a vain attempt to continue garnering attention

But she loves us, America!
Bitch killed her career and now begs for us to notice her with a show about how she loves America.
Griffin and Schumer can be her guest stars

naming the jews its like anotha shoah

Isn't this should lead to jail?

Remember when Sarah Silverman lied about being paid less than a male comedian and got called out by the club owner?

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Nice hitlerdubs, hitlerfuckee

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sadly it's not illegal to be retarded

I remember back in the '90s I thought Sarah Silverman might actually be kinda hot. HOW WRONG I WAS!

I am also embarrassed to admit I sorta liked Janeane Garofalo, too, back in the early '90s. I actually thought cynical, snarky chicks were cool and fun. HOW NAIVE I WAS THEN!

I’m aching for another Shoah

I've heard fireworks everywhere today and now I know why.

o me, it seems the only people giving a shit are Trump fans and professional leftist bloggers/celebs, both overhyping everything.

I don't see ANY lefty normies talking about Kavannaugh or even know who he is. The only ones who give a shit are libertarians who share political Facebook pages like Sargoy, Shapiro, Beau, etc.

Some celebrity making a twitter posts seems like they're trying to overhype the situation like bread and circus for MSNBC.

You want to know what normie lefties talk about? Depression, anxiety, polynamory, anti-slut shaming, daddy-doms, soundcloud niggers, or some artsy tumblr/cosplay garbage. The last time I've seen any lefty, especially lefty women, get political was when Antifa were on the news prior to their embarrassing November 4th revolution that they didn't show up to.

Never attractive,she peaked at moderately cute in her mid thirties, and she was never funny.

>Janeane Garofalo

Ur going to make me sick if I have to keep looking this up.

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Alyssa Milano is a Jew?!?

we've all been there, we didn't know about photoshop

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Dude, if they are in Hollywood, they are a jew, or at least part jew

user - there are no "lefty normies" left - they all straight commies. There is no middle on left - socialist all the way.

lefty normies = republicans.
middle republicans = right wing.

Milano's not a jew

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>Alyssa Milano

Does being filled with jew spooge make you a jew.


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I don't think you understand what I'm saying. They're lefties, socialists, democrats, commies, whatever, but they're not activists. Just normies who seem to only care about bread-and-circus. Regular trendy garbage and posting shitty nigger-tier emoji memes on Facebook.

Kike fight! Place your bets!

It is so great that all these harpy libtards (both male and female) are self identifying themselves.

I'll never buy ANY of their shit again....

>mfw Jews look more like monkeys than niggers do

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