This tweet was made by a writer for the CBS Colbert Late Show. She has a job

This tweet was made by a writer for the CBS Colbert Late Show. She has a job.

Attached: xis142lw9oq11.jpg (738x768, 78K)

Other urls found in this thread:

these fucking kikes

>CBS """journalist"""

>dum ass

Her actual last name is Dumbass.

>"ruined his life"
>lifetime appointment to the SC



>implying he gonna go on living

liberals get the bullet too

Attached: dddc.jpg (951x956, 64K)

yep, that's going in my holocaust collection


Wouldn't it be funny if somebody ruined her life

>a commie purity spiraling
Utopia is always one genocide away, isn't it?

Whatever happens, I'm just glad we got a confession.

Attached: sna.jpg (640x436, 59K)

No one else needs to do anything.

yes, and we are a long way from it so we need to start marching soon

Attached: DCvhl5nUQAARPOS.jpg (677x605, 111K)

It would be cool if one of you went out and cut off her Tweeting thumbs. That would be a nice symbolic gesture.

beer bitches for kavanaugh

Attached: Minnesota-accent-off.jpg (600x343, 47K)

>Ruined his life
I wish this was true but it was all a psy-op to begin with. Dems wanted a kike worshiping Neocon in there just as much as the Republicans.

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>I'm glad we ruined his life
How? By getting him a supreme court seat and fucking up their agenda for decades to come.

Attached: A78363C8-3828-4E08-B903-D71DBFDDB47F.jpg (938x706, 631K)

she's 50 lbs heavier IRL than she appears in her twitter avatar.

Attached: Ariel-Dumas-writers-900x600.jpg (900x600, 41K)

You are a liberal

Is that a pic of this roastie's pussy?

>Ruined his life
>Got him his dream job for life
This bitch must be a Canadian
You can keep her

Attached: fail.gif (164x275, 1.98M)

She's a Nintendo fanboy

>literally a roast beef sandwich as a graphic header
you can't make this shit up

Fuckin loser lmao

with that tshirt on he looks like a gay chinklover

That reminds me of the liberal guy that got knocked out in portland so hard he got brain damage kek

Genocide now

>ruined his life
>he got confirmed

Attached: 1538542915652.png (422x413, 303K)

She's protected her tweets lol

She's afraid of getting James Gunn'd.

So who has the inevitable confirmation of her Jewishness?

>Ariel Dumas
>A real dumbass

>a Dumas working for a Colbert

really makes you think (of Frank-Maçons, if someone didn't get it)

To be fair, it's actually is.

Attached: 1536974493692.jpg (485x720, 55K)

Have you guys heard of this yet? A website naming and publishing uncorroborated accusations of males as rapists.

>Rambo Escobar
Oh boy this thing has some potential.

Yeah but that guy was armed and still got his shit pushed in. This dude probably got blindsided and wasn’t armed at all.

Attached: 01959ECC-C077-4EBC-8668-7D0A91D6A8D2.gif (700x394, 3.78M)

This is the only acceptable version of this meme.

"I don't pay you to put evil notions in my head ... the ones already there don't need company"

I'd facefuck her

I'm absolutely quaking in my boots

I hate libertarians for being soulless and cultureless but if I ever saw that flag irl I’d cave in the head of its carrier right on the spot.

>That motherfucking windup

Attached: stare.gif (400x400, 1.49M)

That Italian beef looks pretty fucking tasty. Giardiniera is the truly patrician choice of condiments.

tiny audience, shrinking all the time, doesn't take much to tweet this to Lou Dobbs, Tucker, Trump and a few others aannnddd another jew is out of a job.

That was the guy who got bikelocked, he was trying to have a civil discourse. Don't worry, my 75gr 5.56 will do all the talking.

Yeah, and so does Kavanaugh. What of it?

He hit that dude so hard he became retarded.

He catches the baton in the middle of it as well!

>intellectual level: Shawshank

What the fuck is a "wroter"

Attached: dumbass.jpg (800x432, 60K)

>treading on a rattlesnake
Ancoms really are retarded.

best meme

1st time ive seen it too

It's Dumb Cunt for "I wrote for these shows."

>grabbing a venomous snake
Commies are dumb as fuck.

The guy was prepared to scrap. He is wearing arm guards under his long sleeve shirt. Very smart


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Check ‘em, Pence....

Attached: C74F77CA-5542-4864-AD03-4C1A512B5668.gif (250x167, 339K)

>So who has the inevitable confirmation of her Jewishness?
You didn't notice the blue check mark?

his wish came true then, he now gets disability payments and will never have to work again in his life, only problem is that he will be too stupid to realize it


DUMASs Roastie. This timeline is just fucking with us now.

Attached: y5q8tljsbex01.jpg (498x471, 43K)

that's cause I just made it up, someone else made a meme "that's going in my holocaust museum"

Attached: Antifa owned by batman.webm (1500x1000, 2.2M)

Attached: hie111mes -- 185 -- yjk111nfk'.png (1183x1168, 1.83M)

Better than the shit I'm finding

Attached: Screenshot_20181006-232518.png (1200x1920, 1.02M)

Pronounced Doo-mah.
Have neither of you seen The Shawshank Redemption?

The roastie thing is a meme, it's a genetic lottery, some vagainas are like that.
My mom for example has a pussy like a baby, you can't see the labia
Yet my sister has a big labia even when she was a virgin
Same as the "uncut dicks smell" thing
I am cut and mine smells in just two days of not showering while my the dick of my father, who only showers once a week, never smells.

>she's 50 lbs heavier IRL than she appears in her twitter avatar.
They always are.

God damn look at the woman.
Every inch of her is tensed in fear.
She's never experienced the feeling of being powerless at the hands of another person.
You can even tell she's aroused by it.
If the punching guy had wanted to, he could have taken her and given her the best sex of her life.

The pronunciation isn't the point here, aussie shitposter. The spelling is what matters.

>My moms labia

You fucking weirdo


Attached: Rufio_Panman_One_Punch_Chad.png (895x1286, 1.59M)

That looks like a Jewess. Brb going to wikipedia

>intimately familiar with the shape and smells of his family's genitalia over time
user, I...

>grabbing the snake

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who cares what aryian dumbass writes and who she writes for desu


Pic related was actually trying to bring peace between the two sides and your faggot in disguise Eric Clanton hit him with a bike lock and then scurried back into the crowd. Go play in traffic some more AnCom faggot

Both points are applicable here. Laughing at Dumas (pronounced Doo-mah remember) because it sorta, kinda, almost looks like it's spelled the same as dumbass just make you look like a....dumbass.

And that copypasta? Yeah, it's a copypasta.

Attached: S1T8U0P1D-G0Y1M-N3V3R-K9N0W.gif (288x377, 1.83M)

>What is a copypasta?

>I’m just glad we ruined his life.
That was always their goal. They always knew Kavanaugh was innocent. They would have used this same tactic against anyone who was nominated by Trump, not just Kavanaugh.

And you shits won’t do anything about it because you’re pussies.

Her blown out pussy protruding on her banner. Very disrespectful.

>I'd facefuck her
only with an iron dick. she has teeth.

>What the fuck is a "wroter"
used to be a writer but dried up.

>shitposting by pretending to be smart
this is 36d inter-dimensional Go


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love this clip

What a perfect hire for (((them)))

lol oh my goodness sweetie gonna be just fine

I close 4chans for you

>bring peace between two sides
he was instigating violence and disharmony by walking around with a pepsi

How the fuck do you know whether you dad's dick smells or not and whether your mom and your sister have a large labia?

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I wish they'd ruin my life that effectively

fresh pasta

>Ariel Dumas
>A real dumbass
I refuse to believe this is real. No way its that easy.