Why did he become based and redpilled after McCain died?

why did he become based and redpilled after McCain died?

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Mccain had some dirt over Graham, that blackmail material died with him. Graham is now free.

McCain was never going to back down while he was terminally ill. All of the rest of them want to be politically active for another 20 years if they can and none of them have anything to gain by being on #nevertrump.

Politicians are Weasley in public and McCain was the cool mean girl that controlled Republican acceptability.

Because he realized he had to ally himself with the stronger entity. The necons lost a lot of clout because of McCain's death.

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He's still calling for war in Syria and Iran. He's smug but neither based nor redpilled.

He's probably gay

Praise Kek. Fuck Jesus


He is right, you know. It is a disgusting move on the democrats to destroy a man's life over a political role.

I hate these Democrat faggots even more for forcing me to support these Neoconiggers over some roastie's rape accusations.

this. While he has been entertaining it's clear hes just a parasite latching on to whoever the biggest fish is. Never trust a neocon.

He didn't. You're just nu-Jow Forums boomer cuck npcs bots.

I do love that he doesnt give a fuck. It's the only way to win.


low IQ untermensch detected

Maybe he thought, "I don't want to end up like that songbird traitor RINO motherfucker so i better gag the redpill and try to workout a gangrape with feinstein for that supremecourt seat." no doubt

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He didn't you idiots, he's a politician trying to stay relevant, Kavanaugh is an establishment pick.

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Jesus christ that's dope.

Graham has fully redeemed himself in my eyes.

or shit just got real because mccain was really put to death for treason, and he realized he had to do something to save the republic.



This is incrdible


I'd say he did, not tried

Graham unleashed the gay fascist. He unleashed his Ernst Rohm.

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Most of Grham's contacts to buisness and donor money were through McCain. Without Ol' Songbird he doesn't have the opportunities for graft he once did. So now he actually has to appeal to his constituency for financing.

McCain was trying to push that "working across the aisle" bullshit but quickly realized with the attack on Kavanaugh the shit was never going to work.

"John taught us how to lose."
t. Lindsey "Iron Hand" Graham

>McCain was trying to push that "working across the aisle" bullshit
I don't know if he was actually a fucking retard and didn't know what kind of war the Dems were fighting or if he saw exactly what was going on and wanted to exacerbate it.

Him, Grassley, and all. McCain was such an absolute cunt fucker that he was holding them all back.

Graham is most likely gay, McCain knew this and had blackmail material; Graham, being from a different generation and thinking the electorate would care tried to appease him to keep it secret.

I predict he comes out in the next 4 years, supports trumps agenda the entire time, and then runs as the first gay presidential candidate on the conservative side.

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text me back stop ignoring me i literally wrote so much

Rick Wiles says Lindsey Graham is auditioning for Attorney General since Trump has soured on Jeff Sessions.

Remember, you heard it here first.

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fixed mistakes

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mccain had gay pics of him

This is correct. Watch his interview with the guy from the Atlantic, he's still an interventionist, he still wants forever war. But damn if he isn't likeable when he's shitting on dems.

This would unironically be pretty sweet.

>milquetoast republican goes hard for a milquetoast sc nominee
im not impressed

Not sure that’s the case. McCain would simply pass this info on to someone else

we were going to fire him if he didn't straighten up. he'll be another quizling after his re election

because your a easily influenced mind that only thinks a judge is good because he didnt rape that woman and those who accuse him have no evidence but in reality that has nothing to do with what kind of judge he is

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He's tasted blood. There's no going back.

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This, this is the one. Also checked

Mcstain was executed. Graham was spared so long as he started supporting Trump's cause. Remember the exchange with Kelly/Mattis as the funeral?


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he is no longer controlled by homosexual dominance, spongebob is unhinged now

Is Lindsey the Major?

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Because Kavanaugh is their guy (the GOP) and the libs attacked him because they are stupid and now Trump and the GOP are united.

>yfw "Boy ya'll want power God I hope you never get it."

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Can someone link the video to this?

After the autopsy they found Lindsey Graham's balls.

fuckin gypsies

This is just great.

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Because he's a self-hating faggot who wants to see the world burn before he dies

McShame went through military tribunals and was given a death sentence. Why do you think his daughter and others chimped out So Bad??? Also, when you stop treatment you don’t die in less than 24 hrs! Didn’t you catch what was being told to us for the two weeks before his death. And they called him war hero laughing under their breath. Others have been punished and more to come that you won’t know or see in the news. Traitors, good luck! There is a new sheriff like no other! Love it!!!!!!

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McCain had a curse on him that long as McCain lived he would follow the will of McCain but he is free now.

He’s not gay. Stop hitting on him.

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>Tries to hate on MAGA
>Posts mixed race couple w/niglet


You nailed it.


This is why I'm starting to believe this is all an act. There were legitimate reasons to not want Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court, e.g. drafting the PATRIOT Act with Bush, but the Democrats don't even touch that. They just bitch about an obviously fake rape accusation.

Don't ever apologize to a woman, even if you did what she is accusing you of.

He needs to fix his teeth and Flake needs to fix his nose.

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Kavanagh is a dem plant. he was buddies with Bush.

They made up the fake rape claim so that GOP and Trump supporters would rally around Brett instead of asking for a truly MAGA justice.

>Falling for the Zionist buttlicker

Moloch required a big sacrifice to set Graham free.

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The reactions to McCain's death from the "swamp" prove that he was way more than what he appeared to be.

My guess is, McCain was the leader of some behind-the-scenes organization, and his death has started a major chain of events that are not visible to the public.
Is there a power struggle? Have some people defected? Did they split into two groups?
We may never know.

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There is a new bull in town.

el abominacion...

>terminally ill
Amazing how he is the first person to ever not get chemotherapy side effects

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Closed casket

He’s JAG, no? Tribunals.

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Go on..

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You really trying to talk a modicum of sense into these jewmerican circumcised zog slave """paytriots"""?

Listen, C-AN-UCK hehehehe....as long as whatever politician is pissin off da lib'ruls and makin' leftists mad, jewmerican zog slave mutt will cosign everything else, and I mean everything.

War in Iran for Israel? War in Syria for Israel? War in Afghanistan for 20 fuckin years lol...for Israel? Sure ok but just make sure to drop a few TROLL LOLBERTS on the libruls EPIC STYLE XDDDDDD

Nothing we can do about it.

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They faked his death.
>boot on different feet
>botched facial scar
>closed casket
Rumor is he's being punished for his war crimes, or he's on the lam.

Q predicted this. graham turned

He has hillary's e-mails and trump is gonna let him off the hook for whatever shit mccain had on him?

Pretty bold gamble to sink one political party for it

It's to keep South Carolina voters from shitcanning them like we did Mark Standford for not being "Trumpian" enough.

Its an act.

He knew trump would have his back. Trump knew the rape story was bullshit a few days after Ford's testimony and probably was in constant communication.

Graham will make a good long time ally of trump in the senate. Let's NOT make him AG. Get an AG from a state instead.

Trump looked like he was doing trade deals but he was in fact working behind the scenes because this was a very personal matter to him.

RBG isn't gonna last much longer

close he wants to be friends with some one on the supreme court so he can act like a big shot

Not going to lie but I have no clue what he did to get /pol to hate him, can I have a quick rundown?