How much power does the Bank For International Settlements really have?

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Every country with a central bank belongs to them through incorporated debt

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When I did the research I can't find that every bank is owned by them. Seems to be about 50-60 central banks of about 4/5's of the world economy.

I'm just going to leave this here and let you figure out why it is important to your question about BIS.

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it's every central bank through treasury bond investments.

Every head of every major central bank sits on the board of the BIS. It is the Rothschild headquarters and where the Jews run it all.


Depends on how many babies they eat.

Not every major bank sits on the board. There are tiers of bank members and it looks like quite a few countries are not part of it.

That's the Rothschilds collection agency.

All I can find is that the two banks look identical in architecture. People claim that the BIS is the Bank of the Vatican but I'd like to see some hard proof before I believe it, although I wouldn't doubt it

they meet once every two months behind closed doors to decide how to shape the economy away from politicians they say.

Are there twenty of them total? Just curious.
>Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky,
>Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone,
>Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die,
>One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
>In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.
>One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
>One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them
>In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie."

Just for the record, the Rothschilds have had control of the Vatican bank for over 100 years.

Because it's just terrible if the people have any control over for whom and how their economy works.
The "politically independent" central bank was the greatest trick the Devil ever played.

Can you elaborate? So basically bigger banks own stock in the other banks or they own the debt of other banks, aka treasury bonds? Got any documentation on this?

Black magic 101

How did they take it over? I've always heard that the Vatican used the Rothschilds as their bankers since they were forbid to take part in usary. So the Rothschilds were court jews or the holders of the vatican treasures. So that would make the Vatican more powerful than the Rothschilds

>So that would make the Vatican more powerful than the Rothschilds
Not on your life. The Church gave the Rothschilds control over the bank. The precise intrigue that caused it I don't know. But yeah, (((they))) always blame everybody else for their crimes. All that Vatican/Jesuit stuff, it's always just another name for (((them))). They're at the bottom of every rabbit hole. That's why Jow Forums is always right.

Not entirely convinced. The vatican was far more powerful than the jews in the past and would make sense for them still to have alot fo the power. But I know the zionists are right there too in the power pecking order

>The vatican was far more powerful than the jews
keep looking, lad

The Federal Reserve Act that Baron Alfred Rothschild created was copied throughout the world and used in all central banking economies.
The concept involves incorporating the name of a country, make the people into companies whose birth certificate is converted to a treasury bond then sold to the central bank who then print out money out of thin air and trade it for the treasury bond and sell it on the market. Rothschild and co. buy those bonds and then afterwards a portion of income tax collected goes to paying those treasury bonds.
If the investors so choose they can cash in all their bonds and break the economy of a country in a split second and that's why they exist.

goes to paying the interest on* those treasury bonds

rothschilds are the "red shield" for the vatican finance - its even in their name

Basel, Switzerland's coat of arms is the staff of the bishop honoring the source of gold for the european banking cartel since the Knights Templar were disbanded for heresy

Attached: Basel coat of arms.png (640x809, 136K)