I feel so lost

Help me. There is nothing to get up in the morning for. Everywhere, all anyone ever talks about is sex and trivial shit. Every day there is some bullshit about some new gender, or some rape allegation or some some stupid goddam celebrity crying over some unimportant and insignificant garbage. What is the point of any of this? why continue living if this is all there is for life? Sitting here in front of my computer every day writing code to just to find out some narcissists want to destroy civilization because of their mental illnesses? Is this all there is to life? Being the bitch of media? Of corporations? Where's the striving? The will to do anything? Are we really nothing more than stupid fuck machines?

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I know that feels, ese

get of your computer. go for a walk

A reason to live and to get out of bed are two entirely different things. The reason to live is evolution and there is literally no escaping it. Everyone is a participant whether they like it or not.

If you don't have a reason to get out of bed then simply don't get out. Never get off the boat.

Ey pendejo. Grow some huevos. If you're going to kill yourself you need to take our at least 3 members of Nueva generation jalisco before you do. If you a can't do this then just drink a bottle of Jose or Jack I don't give a fuck and go to sleep

Consider your situation as a command from God for you to have a conversation with Him right now.

He's knocking, man. Let him in.

You need Christ. Software dev myself, there is no comfort in the City of Man.

Civitas Dei brother

Detach from all that mess, and seek God within you. Ask for forgiveness and for guidance. Be patient and then things will unfold. I speak from experience when I say nothing else is more important than this. Don't pay attention to the lawlessness around you. They're lost souls headed to the pits and they don't even know it.

Also, start eating healthy (nature foods, no meat, no dairy) and watch how your life improves over time. The right path is not easy but if you follow this advice you'll find your way. Trust me on this.

Rage is what powers me and it's what got our president elected. youtu.be/kxAAr9i_t2M

Therapy, Seroquel, and a hobby got me out of this shit. Religion helped me but if you don't believe in that shit the other 3 work just fine. It always gets better user, but you getting help is the first step.

nice larp pinche brayan, go get a caguama and talk to the gordita from the farmacia, shes waiting to give you her hot tamale

Embrace your ancestors...
The new world we are building will require coders but what we really need are craftsmen to make all the things the Globalist Machine cannot provide.
We need potters, masons, barrel makers.... the biggest problem with modern society is NO BODY MAKES ANYTHING. We need to change that. If we chase that and demand hand crafted sustainable goods instead of plastic molded chink shit we will be better off as a people.

The Neo-Amish movement is the only hope for humanity.

user, let me anoint you:
there. Go and find a goal in life. if this is your life now, then be blessed! For you are not some beleaguered normie or NPC to caught up in the now and everything 3' in front of you. You can now go forth and choose a calling! This is a higher state of being! Sure it has a cost: you don't get to brainlessly endure brainless life because when you have a brain then brainless normie life is actually painful. I know how this feels.
But when you have a goal, towards a higher purpose, everything changes. Every day becomes a celebration of life.

Now you might be thinking "thank's user but where do I start?".
Well, you write code. Great! (so do I). How about a program that might change things. Imagine an AI program that replaces all Human Resources SJWs and puts them out of work? Heck even the idea will give them shit fits. Or perhaps you can weaponize something? Do you want to strike back at this rotten gay earth? Or perhaps you want to boost fellow shitlords? Or maybe just trigger feminists? Sabotage the system?
When you see this, there is no limit. And every day is a gift from God.

seek a new sport. I'm thankful for soccer

I have the same problem, I have to remind myself of god and his plan, this is all to separate the wheat from the tares. Each day I look for the signs, like I'm foraging through the forest to sustain my soul. There are little hints strewn about, enough to keep those with eyes to look alive. Don't give up, keep an open mind and know that there are millions of us just like you all over the world. We aren't in the wrong, we are merely surrounded by lost souls.

>All Christians Are Cucks
>All Christians are Cucks #2
>All Christians are Cucks #3
>All Christians are Cucks #4
>All Christians are Cucks #5
>Cucktianity: What Is A Covenant
>Cuck Identity
>Cuck Identity #2

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Mathew 11:28
Then Jesus said, "Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.

Imagine yourself as a mindless primal animal for a moment, no tools, society, civilization, religion, culture, literature, language, ideology, monuments, scientific accomplishments or any history at all. Just going forward, surviving with base instinct alone.

Then take the fact that you could imagine all of that not existing and then think that at one point, that an animal such as you had an idea that lead to a creation and it just kept repeating over and over, creation after creation, idea after idea.

Then look at everything, literally everything around you whether it be a physical thing you can hold or something digital or even the names of countries/borders on a map and know that before that creation existed somebody had to construct it in their mind and bring it into this world and even if it is the most simplest thing like wheels on a car or something greater like the legacy of a ruler it still has an impact on us now.

Then imagine yourself as that mindless primal animal again, unable to comprehend anything above eating, shitting, fucking, sleeping and not dying. But to be able to comprehend that thought is amazing.


saying a prayer for you user.

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>made by gaygang

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Tell me more about the boat. I'm in love with boats. Boats are freedom

Ready to wake up?

Our Real History

Bible in 24 hours - Crash Course - R.I.P. Chuck Missler


Heavenly Warning of things to come


Decoding Deception

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You are not alone. Many men across the world feel the same way. Start by going to church. One day we will find the inspiration we all seek.

Read into Soren Kierkegaard.

Read "For My Legionnaires"

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Concentrate on goals and live your life. Paying too much attention to the bullshit is what makes you depressed.

I’m scared my rage will eat away at my soul and give me heart disease. What fibyiu think? PS I am the most rageful person I have ever met. If I had access to nukes I would have killed everything many times over by now.

Try taking LSD.
If anything, it will probably be an interesting experience.

Also, spend some time away from the hive. Go outside and walk around in nature and such.

At the base of ourselves and our nature, we are just fuck machines, at the end of the day we are here just to reproduce and carry on our genetic code, yes.

But the good thing about being human, and having higher thought, is that we can rise above our nature, and no we can't deny it, but we can rise above our primitive urges..

In all honesty thought they'll always be there, if you think about it, what are we doing? We're just as animal as the next thing, yet we treat ourselves as above animal...

We've trapped ourselves in a widely cold and unfeeling world... we are a social hive mind and that is completely human nature, but also against it,

We've become so desensitized with the overload of knowledge available to us today, that living is just like this OP...

Just know that you're not alone, although it may feel like it, you're not.

Stop living on the internet, which is designed to agglomerate all of the bad things in the world and present them to you all at once. Nobody can realistically absorb such a concentrated daily dose of evil and negativity without being affected by it. I know the feeling you’re talking about, where the evil of the world seems to be all-encompassing and there is nothing uplifting, nothing to give color or meaning to your life. This realization is what leads people into hedonism.

When you reach the state of mind you are in, you really only have two options. First is to despair and spend your life in meaningless suffering until you die, just like the rest of the world. The other option is to realize that God exists, and that He offers us redemption out of these miserable circumstances, a chance at true and eternal life, and start seeking Him with all of your heart and soul.

Pick wisely user.

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You do it for the user who might be next to you who is twice the hero you will ever be but needs you to watch his back. How? Each day it's more abstract. Your attention. Your energy. Your economy. All have far reaching impact through several degrees of seperation. Whether it's you just getting your shit together, or building something great, you are part of this story. No one before us had this access to information and influence. This is the great awakening of mankind to give us a chance to emancipate ourselves from the perverse hell of origin to our own destinies. Kek happened to this board back in 2016 and hasn't been visibly active since. Consider it the great commision for us. Consider it a revelation for our time. Find the others. Build a team. Make a company. Be the face that us faceless hopefuls deserve.

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You don’t matter, you filthy subhuman. SAGE.

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Everything about modern society seems so fake. People are taking pictures of themselves fake crying about a SCOTUS appointment so they can get attention on their social media. It feels like we're living in a reality tv show, and the contest is to see who can feel the most victimized.

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How hard is in learn to dance pol? I'm cute russian 5'5 boi with boyish face. I want to learn some make kpop dances.

I know this feel.
All everyone talks about is garbage. "Small talk" is useless cancer. But without it you can't have any friends. I refuse to talk about such trash with people.

This. This right here Mexican user...
You can not be fulfilled any other way... And it's not an easy path. At all... But the reward is incredible.

You're weak user. Thinkers don't need superficial shit, just shitpost.

Based. True human history is all about The Annunaki / Nephilim (same shit, only the presented aesthetics are different)

Posts like this fill me with such disgust it still surprises me. Fucking sub 90 iq monkey is what you are.

The point to life is what ever is stopping you from killing yourself. The things that matter to you.

This.. The first part anyway

Go do something creative, even if it's getting better at drawing or writing stories. All that takes is pen and paper. Prove to yourself that you're not just some random mexican who fits the stereotype of "worker willing to do anything for cash pay so he can support his 4 kids and fat wife"

Sorry man the age of exploration is over. Theres nothing left to strive for.
>inb4 muh space
We missed the truly golden times in human worth.

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I'll fuck you on the ass until you like me you bitch

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Study the Bible and get some diehard libertarian/conservative friends. You have no idea how relieving it is just to have one or two good right wing friends. You won't feel so alone anymore. Remember, Trump won. The left is powerless. They control the media and Hollywood so it seems like you're drowning in a world of leftism but they're just being over-represented. Yes, there is an global agenda. Yes, it does involve dissolving our nation's values. You just gotta be on the right side and fight the good fight. It will all work out in the end.

A lot of things can change your life, self improvement, supplements, new hobbies, but it's ultimately up to you OP