Someone wants to debate me on FB about Kavanaugh and why I support him. To be honest I don't know why I support him I just do. What should I say?
Someone wants to debate me on FB about Kavanaugh and why I support him...
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Tell them that you are a faggot shill who posts numerous threads on Jow Forums.
Just admit you did it for the memes, and he's a good pick for supreme court anyway so who cares.
say it's not your place to "support" him, but you support the Senate, the rule of law, and innocent until proven guilty
Maybe you should have though of the reasons before shilling him on a public forum retard
Tell them that it is ridiculous to assume a man's character from baseless, unprovable accusations from over 30 years ago no matter the scenario. We went from "Kavanaugh has been accused" to "Kavanaugh is a confirmed rapist" in the blink of an eye with no new developments other than what the media was shilling.
Especially when Kavanaugh's "great sins" was just being an average American frat boy. Boo fucking hoo.
>To be honest I don't know why I support him I just do.
Just tell him you don't like women
Because you are a little crybaby just like Bitch Kavanaugh. Quit being a faggot.
tell them youre an NPC
Did Aunt Rachel save our country?
Inb4 jorno cap this thread then say right wing have npc too.
Also you’re shill if you have no idea why you support him.
Say you're an idiot who doesn't form his own opinions.
Don't even talk about supporting him. Just talk about how there is literally no evidence and that Ford's statements are completely uncorroborated. The people that Ford said were present literally denied Ford's allegations. There is no possible reason to believe Ford except for the fact that she sounds believable, but she's also a psychology expert. She knows how to sound believable. The people that Ford said were at the gathering told the FBI that they were not at the gathering. That's the only thing you need to talk about because that's the only shred of evidence that she pretended to have besides her word.
>To be honest I don't know why I support him I just do.
Pure example of a NPC
No support accusations not to mention fords team tried to make one of the supposed witnesses change their story
If unsubstantiated accusations can have any power whatsoever we might as well revert to mob rule and witch hunts with a pillory in the town square.
Furthermore it is disgusting that accusations of sexual misconduct are weaponized.
Real victims of rape are most harmed by these politically motivated opportunistically timed unsubstantiated accusations.
Just because it is about the supreme court appointment does not mean that burden of proof suddenly doesn't apply anymore.
It can not be investigated 35 years after the fact without coming up with nothing more than 'he said she said' which is not actionable or reliable proof.
Flood them with memes
Or that you like beer
If one were to support his cause this would be the principled reason to do so, and an action fit for axiom - I would will this a universal.
Tell them you're a big fan of the government surveillance states, because you can thank Kavanaugh for that. The fact is, hes a shitty fucking pick, even being conservative. He is all about the police state. If thats what you wanted, you probably love him.
Nothing. Fuck that faggot.
Unfriend him
i don't think there's anything to debate. we all saw it for what it was. the serious accusations of sexual assault is the most concerning part of the whole drama. no evidence, no witnesses, no charges. would a female judge be subjected to the same level of pressure as brett if such allegations appeared? i doubt it. if it were a democratic party nominated judge, im sure there'd be total silence.
so pathetic dude, arrive at your own conclusions, I support him but i'm not going to tell you why. you are literally no different from them. Just tell her you don't know why.
This literally explains every single thing.
stay out of that conversation in the current political ckimate
leftists don't debate, they agitate
you know he isn't instigating this for an intellectually honest, rigorous experience, so guess at why he's interested
most like he sees you've got the Wrong opinion and would like to get you to publically dig a hole for yourself wrongspeaking so he can score points with mutual acquaintances
you wont redpill him, he can only reach that stage when he's ready to look for the missing piece. your safety comes first above everything, and right now privacy is safety.