
Is it real or a psyop? It seems to work from what I've tried but there is a pretty even divide between supporters and skeptics.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I subscribe to existentialism and therefore nothing “works” and you’re basically just having a dream

total bullshit, i have been nofap for 3 months now, and not because i wanted to, just personal circumstance has made it easier not to atm

have had no increase in energy or drive or motivation, no increase in anything, just like life with fapping, but not fapping.

it's a real psyop
unless you're already well into your deathbed why not give it a shot, just three months, see how you feel

Fair enough. I see videos supporting NoFap on the top of JewTube way before videos debunking it, but then again pic related.

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Did you fap multiple times a day each day beforehand?
Because that's what nofap is targeted at. People with no impulse control who end up fapping several times a day every day.

If you just occasionally fap, it theoretically won't do shit for you.

How could a mud think that he's a legend? Must be the testosterone building up.

It's just low self esteem guys who want something they can easily take control of in their lives to give them a feeling of accomplishment. You could get the same feeling by getting a real job that lets you feel fulfilled creatively, but that's out of reach for most of them. So instead they pick something that they have 100% control over. They simply decide "I won't touch myself" so when they do it, it creates the impression of making their will into reality, and the result is a slight boost to self confidence. This creates a baseline for further self improvement, which they erroneously attribute to not masturbating instead of the self confidence gained from convincing themselves they have mastery over their own lives.

nofap is an incel fairy tale, delusional retards think theyll get a woman if they dont masturbate. in reality youre just increases your chances of getting prostate cancer and act like a desperate mongoloid in front of any female

So you're saying that if I started a movement called 'NoBed' and claimed that sleeping on the floor, as practiced in Asian countries, improves your willpower, focus and confidence they would believe it? I saw NoMusic on /x/

I usually fap 3-5 times a day and can work myself into a deep sleep. Since trying to stop I have shit loads of energy and can lift slightly more. Way more aggressive and easy to anger in real life. Not to mention I would find myself losing hours going down porn rabbit holes.

Only thing is, my balls and groin really start to hurt after even 2 days and it's impossible to sleep. I am hoping that goes away.

All the great legends like Muhammad Ali, Tesla, Mike Tyson and Michel Angelo did it

That's the basis of Hinduism and Buddhism as well.
>The greatest saint, even if he has sacrificed a thousand times all that he held most dear, even his life itself, for love of others, for that of a God, or for a noble ideal, remains a prisoner of death and rebirth if he has not understood that all is a childish game, empty of reality, a useless illusion of shadows which his own mind projects on the infinite screen of the Void.

This world IS a created illusion, but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't make the best of life, cultivate body and mind and strengthen your morals

I'm 2 weeks in and actually feel a lot more anxious than before, no good side effects at all

To the people who say it doesn't affect them, do you exercise daily?

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Moderation is the key to any vice

how can telling men to not be awful little pleasure seeking faggots be a psyop? who profits? their mothers?

Nofap is a meme, no porn is legit

3 to 4 days a week

Pretty much. Any kind of easily achievable goal where you control all possibility of success or failure would work. Masturbation has a social stigma attached to it that causes a lot of nebulous feelings of shame for those who do it, so it makes sense it would be targeted for a self esteem regimen. If you target activities which are associated with shame you'd probably have stronger results.

Still sane, exile?

Nah, it's just what you feel shame about. If you don't feel shame about masturbating, but do feel shame about porn, you'll get more self esteem out of quitting one rather than the other. In the end the real boost you feel is to your confidence. Self confidence is very uplifting especially to people who have basically none.

Here's what happens. You start getting crazy and desperate so you lose all sense of standards and end up hooking up with a whore and on top of it you come really quickly so you end up with multiple levels of crippling shame to deal with. totally not worth it.

>dropped out of high school to be internet famous

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Its a meme. What does nofap mean in practice? Well it gives you something you can achieve rather easily.It all boils down to not give in into your urges as soon as they pop up. But then a question pops up. Why not focus this need to improve yourself into something else? Getting a job. Getting fit. Being more social. Because its hard, not fapping is something thats easy. It makes you feel like you achieved something when in reality you didnt achieve shit.

No it does not work
i did this for summer work due to lack of privacy and porn
all I experienced was depression and frustration

Everything you're describing is an excellent first step to doing something like "getting a real job" (you're an obvious wagecuck, but we'll let that slide). If things like that feel out of your reach what you should be doing is starting with expressions of willpower over the things that ARE in your reach. This is why shit like "clean your room" is great advice. You start small and then your confidence and competence increase and you work your way higher. Be faithful in the little and you will be set over much.

a prisoner of death and rebirth if he has not understood that all is a childish game, empty of reality, a useless illusion of shadows which his own mind projects on the infinite screen of the Void

This is like some kind of psyop blackpill

Yeah, it leads towards the doomer pathway. Also, people think that just because a philosophy is from south west Asia it has to be correct and true. Aim to be like the 23 year old bloomer.

Completely true that it has a huge effect on you, how you feel, your body and your behaviour. (*Or at least can do).
Hey every body. Dr. Dick here.
I am 3 weeks and 1 day into a dry spell, so far this is the third weekend in a row I haven't got laid. My balls are round my knees, I'm really feeling it. I never bop my bishop, or to be accurate maybe 10 times in ten years. Sometimes in a long dry spell like this one I don't care or feel it - other times it gets like this and I Spock out, like right now.
I can't think about much else, I feel like I'd cum if I brushed up against a grill on a train (luckily you won't find me on a train) and I feel like punching the interior doors through instead of opening them to let off a bit of steam.
It would seem to me that there's secret ebbs and flows to test like there is with women's hormones.
I can't be arsed typing it all but I usually get around quite a bit. Been ill (but went on an all day & all night rampage anyway, giving my sore throat to at least the 2 hookers and the grill I pulled because hey - that's what hero's do, never give in, never go under) had to work the next weekend and then spent last weekend and this weekend chilling with le shit posting and vidya. I'm seriously backed up though and considering braking one of my own rules by returning to my empties on the excuse that I didn't finish the plans I had made with a couple of chicks. They aren't exactly GF's, pro's who liked me and invited me for a ménage au toit on the basis that I'd just got back from paradise beach tanned and tatted nicely. My tan has gone, fake tats faded, but luckily I've still got a big dick so I think I'll get back on their good side quite easily and if not I can do what everyone else does and pay. I'd have to be re-invited but I expect I can
>pull it off
Until then it's like giving up smoking as far as feelings go. Got a huge craving, I feel aggressive. One thing on my mind and it has got to happen - the sooner the better.

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I'm 20 days in. Calmer and more confident. But it's very difficult not to jerk it to porn.

But I am a sex addict I guess. In denial a bit. It's hard to say.

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i'm on day 15 (because now i have smarter things to do than fap). it's literally the same, except i get boner more easily when i see a regular picture of a woman.
i don't care about masturbation at all though.

Posting lewd photos in a NoFap thread is an extremely dog thing to do

But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

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Sorry, they are effecting me too. I need to be lying behind Paige, the first pic, slipping it too her within 24 hrs or I will explode.

Just limit your fapping to once a day max and try to do it without porn. The longer you wait between faps the less you'll need porn.

This is Islamic way of thinking


I didn't put the lust in here Churchy it's hormones or something. It's not a chain of thought that's going on it's a physical chemical reaction like when you've not had a cig. Purely an NPC like reaction with no inner monologue. I'm fucking gasping.

user, this quote was from the Bible...


I think you might be on to something here. Except in this case, the placebo effect is clearly something that is working in the favor of the helpless-feeling. If you have learned helplessness, becoming master of your domain is something that would be a satisfactory self-proof that you are said master and not your dickfeels. Unfortunately, it's a fucking hell of a hill to climb if you've been regularly fapping, especially to online porn, since you were 13.

Hinduism basically says you can only carry your virtues in the next life. No gold, no real estate, no dollars, no women, no alcohol. So be a good lad.

>once a day
Nigga that's way too much. Try once a week, top. Avoid places which would make it harder to resist. Absolutely avoid actual porn.

Forgot to turn off the memeflag, I'm not actually a commie lol

then i won't even try it again i guess, cut it down to once or twice a week simply because orgasms are so much better
did nofap for almost a month once and noticed no difference at all

Where you invest your love, you invest your life. Do you love this world more than the thought of spending eternity with God? If so, then where do you think you will return to after you are deceased? It is more complex than that, but I'm just trying to give you an idea of what it is you're grappling with without spoon feeding you entirely.


It's a placebo, but it's a very powerful placebo.

Nofap is a meme, porn is a psyop that you need to stop consuming. I fap once a week at most and only to my imagination, sometimes I use tame pictures as a visual aid and pretend that girl is my wife I am impregnating.

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NoFap has roots in superstitious beliefs and -seems- logical. The idea of semen as some mystical life essence that you are depleting by masturbating and so on, NPCs love to believe stuff like that.

Jokes aside, the only time I 'masturbate' is when I have sex with my tulpa.


I plan beat it once a month. In conclusion i plan to fap 12 days, one day for each month (12).

bad end

Honestly, it's better to fap. You do really stupid things when you're horny. If you're not horny, it's easier to look at things objectively.

Would you go on a date with an ugly girl if you were really, really horny? Of course you would. If you'd just fapped, you wouldn't care, would you? You'd avoid drama, a waste of time and money, and possibly an STD.

>You do really stupid things when you're horny
I deny this assertion. (You) do stupid things because you are stupid.

I don't see what the issue is?
>Buy 2 high-quality fleshlights, one shaped like a mouth and the other like a pussy.
>Keep good care of them, warm them before using, etc.
>Whenever me or my tulpa are in the mood we give eachother signs
>We undress and foreplay commences.
>Touching is primarily 'imaginary', I can feel her own flesh in my hands as if she's infront of me.
>We caress eachother's bodies, her touch actually feels like something, I've once had an orgasm without touching my dick at all
>When we switch to oral or vaginal stimulation, she manifests her respective bodypart to the fleshlight.
>We have the best sex in our life
>I am only allowed to use both of her 'parts' when she's manifested in them, this is a sign of trust.
>Always a joy when I get her to orgasm
At this point masturbating is very awkward, as she spends most of her time beside me.
I couldn't convince her to do anal, even though I really want to.
I am not going to share any more information about her herself, the only reason I can type this right now is because she is taking a shower.

Okay, fair enough. But it's reasonable to say that you behave differently when horny.

If anything I'm safer when I have sexual urges because it drives me to heightened levels of awareness of myself and my surroundings.

/fringe/ made a post
please clap.

>all I experienced was depression and frustration
Thise are withdrawal symptoms. You have to suffer through them to see the light. I am 2 1/2 months in, and it is slowly getting better.
>I am 3 weeks and 1 day into a dry spell, so far this is the third weekend in a row I haven't got laid.
I never know whether I should laugh, or whether I should cry when I read normies writing things like "OMG I haven't had sec in THREE months!!!" here or on normie centrals like Plebbit or Twitter. I am a conservative Catholic in his early 20s who has never had sex in his entire life, and this won't be changing anytime soon. These statements show much the mind of modern man is clouded by lust. Admittedly, it is very difficult to suffer through loneliness in your early 20s. Sometimes I feels as if it this loneliness slowly eating me up from the inside. But every Sunday, when I go to mass and see these graceful Christian women there, I know that the waiting will be worth it.
What I do find more puzzling however is how these manwhores have the audacity to go around in the so-called "red pill community" and cry about there not being enough virtuous women around (by which they actually mean sluts who are somehow loyal and are their personal cleaning ladies while at the same time putting up with their unvirtous ways because apparently it is okay for men to sow their wild oats). Sir, if you haven't realized it yet: YOU are part of the problem.

>son why is the shower running when you aren't using it AGAIN
>y.. You don't get it mom

As far as I know, the manifestation of a Tulpa requires the loss of a piece of one's soul. You not only did that, but you're also pouring your own life essence into the tulpa, making things more complex. Can a tulpa take in so much life force energy through the act of sex that it becomes something more like an addicted succubus? Well, I guess you're gonna find out, user.

Interesting video. Is he Jow Forums level of redpilled?

The only thing no fap ever did for me was encourage me to get myself into some pretty disgusting situation that I would have stayed far away from but for the burning in my loins.

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mfw cold showers actually stimulate testosterone production, making you hornier

What is /fringe/?
I can only find a TV series when I google it.

but yeah, she showers at her home (wonderland).

I am usually a very logical guy, the idea of tulpas is not necessarily bound to paranormal activities.
For the most part of my life I did not even know that the concept existed on /x/ and I always just assumed it was a traditional buddhistic method that was modernized.
Your interpretation is really interesting, though.
Her mature nature will probably prevent her from becoming a succubus IMO. We've been doing this for two years.

I take cold showers and noporn. You need self discipline, and just like lifting weights you need to add resistance and make it more difficult to progress.

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For your sake, I hope you're right.

I'm guessing you're all young, right. Little money. Porn keeping you wasting your ambition and making your keyboard all sticky?
What stops you getting wasted and going into a brothel. You know they are really cost effective compared with all the costs of pulling and help with your confidence. It's easy to relax and talk to 10/10's when you know that you can get busy any time you like. You'll pull more then. Also I think women can smell sex on a man. My sex tends to be clusterfucks as in a bunch on the same weekend or same night. Sometimes the only problem is getting a shower to wash the actual real smell of sex off before the next thing happens.
You do know the difference between this type of thing happening and nothing happening depends on where you are as much as who you are? Go to the right places and you are swarmed. Stay in a sexually deadbeat neighbourhood and you could waste years thinking that's normal. I can't pull where there's no action. Nobody can. Not on the reg anyway.
I might be wrong but planning to fap sounds like you've given up. Hero's never give up. They adapt and they win.
Had to let the debits on my on line hook up profiles slide last month. All the hysteria with screeching women wanting to have been raped by Brett Kavanaugh made me para. I tried to post something here about how many women on line are asking for bondage and mild S&M where no doesn't mean no but I couldn't do it out of terror of the thought police deciding that this made me technically guilty of rape even though I'd been approached by the women and this is their fantasy that I'm just making real (churchy will love this, I larp as lucifer on line and get chicks sending me their fantasies and fetishes so I can choose lucky winners and make it all come true for them - like 'Jim'll Fix it' but for the living - Brits will get that one). Thats an easy way to get practise girls, just make your pics sexy and don't write a message. Just: can't host. No dating. No relationships.

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Is this thread actually suggesting jews created no fap to trick the goyim into not watching porn?

holy shit this guy is delusional

>a psyop?
everything on the internet that is not approved by me is a psyop. have you seen me approve nofap? here is your answer faggot. now go and fap or don't go. i don't really give a fuck. i haven't approved you either.

1 in 3 male suffers from Prostate diseases. Regular fapping makes sure you don't get those diseases.

well, how about you circumcise? thats how the jews and mudslimes handle no-fap, then push the fap onto others. not that those are the most degenerate religions anyway.

Fucking help me guys.I broke with my ex and i fap like 4-5 times per day.


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The sudden boom of nofap is nothing different from alternative medicine, spirit stones and homeopathy.
They don't work. Anyone saying otherwise is just selling something, whether something that gives them money directly, or their agenda.

>take your bank account data
>log in to your bank account
>pay the debts
Simple 3 step procedure.

Alot of guys have death grip I couldnt stay hard to fuck a girl until I stopped fapping. And when you fap everyday it becomes a unhealthy habit you lose alot of ambition and confidence around females

Chronic masturbators will defend their addiction at all costs.

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Then prove this correlation instead of parroting.

So do jewpuppets.

He's a literal low income poo manlet with autism. How's not masturbating going to fix that when women in India would reject him even if he was rich?

These aren't the best examples. It's a screenshot from some point in summer of one of the sites I was on, I was just using the number of messages I was getting to help me chase off the shill rats telling everyone to stay as virgins at the time. They were trying to end your nationalist bloodlines.
I never used a match or approached another profile. If I ever got sexually backed up like I am now I could choose from 100+ (?) women. I seriously don't even know the numbers they were so retarded.
I only used these a few times during summer, I was busy anyway so I didn't mind letting it all slide. Now the veins are standing out in my temples, I physically need a shag like a coffee or a cigarette. It's not always like this sometimes I don't care but other times I have had this where I'm hyper horny, aggressive and tense which is why I'm guessing either there's some periodic routine to test like there is in women's hormones or I'm just a basket case who's been over doing it for way way too long.
Anyhow these sites are cheap, about £1 per day to host your profile and can - if you get your look just right - provide you with a harem of women for any time you chose to click your fingers. This was just a randomly timed screenshot I took during an argument in here. The women range from horrors to 10/10's. I'll just post some 10's all on one page before I leave it. It's the hotties collection and this is where you'll be (in the stud version of the hotties selection) if you get it right. You never have to fap again then. Hotties are the next pic.
Just trying to help so BTFO if youre already giving me shit.

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it definitely works. I don't know how anyone who tried could say otherwise. THerefore I assume that the "skeptics" just want to keep you down with themselves in their misery. Like fat people drag down other fat people who want to lose weight.

>this lvl of npc answer
I doubt you even formed that sentence yourself. Just copied from one of your forums.

I don't feel like looking up male masturbation studies but death grip is a pretty known thing caused from fapping. And why are you jerking off in the first place? Because you're sexually unsatisfied, you want to be having sex but youre to weak. What's the point in trying to get laid when you know you'll come home and jerk off?

Hotties. Yay!
A Brazil nut thought these were hookers the first time I posted it. You needn't worry about that Ive never come across one pro hooking up ever, I suppose since prostitution is a normal legal high-street business here. They have adverts linked to these sites, but prostitute menus tend to look like this in Europe (particularly good one I used in May in Cyprus)
The hotties page is longer than this, Itheres more screen caps but you get the idea?
It's all so fucking easy. Normally. Liberals are ruining sex with their hysteria.
Right I'm out. Got some clothes to wash.

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Sorry to hear about your botched circumcision bro

I didn't mean the death grip part. And no, that doesn't hold true either. Male sex drive is just higher.
If you aren't willing to prove your point, even when you initiated it, you are automatically wrong. That is how it works, tough huh.

lmao, thanks. I always thought my english is pretty bad, so I will take it as a compliment. Also I don't browse forums about that subject.

I have gone 150 days without porn and masturbation. I didn't notice anything. No increase in motivation. No starting to notice attraction levels rise. No changes at all. I still sat at my computer on Jow Forums, only difference is I didn't look up porn occasionally and fap.

only idiot brainlets deal in absolutes,
just try it and do what works best for yourself

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Nofap only works if you have thots in your gym you can use to motivate yourself and lift when u take a peep at their ass. Only works during the first week of nofap

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You need to use will power for the affects to work, your still a crack head if you go to jail

>Everything that ever happens is a psyop. normal people can't form their own ideas.
spot the retard.

>What are first steps