What’s the red pilled high test way of enjoying tobacco?

What’s the red pilled high test way of enjoying tobacco?

Ex smoker here but that shit costs too much & fucks your lungs up, dip kinda falls apart in my mouth no matter what, Swedish snus is OK but kinda faggy I feel.

Haven’t tried straight chew or nasal snuff yet.

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Tobacco is degeneracy.

Substance addiction is degeneracy.

pipe with some boswell northwoods

Drinking nicotine.

Juul is literally running an ad campaign in Jow Forums its so weird and fucked up

Occasional cigars?

Dip a cigarette in some pcp. They're called dippers. All the rage with the negroes in DC

>t. No stress teenager lives with his parents

I like it though & it’s more ritualistic than anything. Like if you’re working outside or hunting & not using tobacco, somethings wrong.

>High tier: Cigars
>Good tier: Pipes, as long as you aren't a massive faggot hipster about it
>Acceptable tier: Rolling your own cigarettes with hand-picked, high quality tobacco
>Degenerate tier: Absolutely everything elss

False, they’re very popular at college. Probably 30% of gen z addicted to them.

They’re called loveboat

Snus is the ultimate redpill

>needs tobacco to deal with stress
get some exercise you fucking lardass

Juul™ is the most redpilled smoking method, as three anons would agree.

Gars make me fucking dizzy, I just end up chiefing the whole thing then yakking

No it’s true this thread is a juul campaign thread and not political

You live with your parents

I do like Snus but feel like I’m not getting much of a punch from it. The only real snus here is General & Thunder now. That Camel shit sucks.


Fucking get a vape.

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The Juuler is immunized against all dangers. Call him an addict, a zoomer, a junkie and it will pass off him like water on a raincoat. But watch as he recoils when you call him a Juul Salesman. “I’ve been found out!”

Wtf??? Don't get it but I used it???

I had sex why do guys like it so much.

You haven't so fuck off

Seriously how are you what I see here....

Buy a rolling machine and buy bulk "pipe tobacco". It's just cigarette tobacco sold as pipe tobacco to get around tax laws.
I buy 20 cartons of supplies for around $80
$4 a carton, or .40 cents a pack, or .02 cents a cig. Compare that to the .25 cents that a marlboro costs you.
You can go cheaper, too, if you buy megabulk and freeze the tobacco.

It's a good alternative to quit smoking, but better to give up nicotine altogether. Any addiction is harmful and serves no real purpose other than enslavement.
Why not just grow it? If you want to harvest it and use it for nicotine that's another thing, but what's not enjoyable about growing your own? Stop giving shekels to the greedy kikes who make a living off of helping you die faster and put the work in to having a self sustained tobacco source. If you do it this way you have more options on what you want to do with your harvest whether smoking, chewing, dipping, or just cultivating for the fuck of it.

>not knowing finland is a welfare state
obese AND stupid, what a winning combination

>get a mouth fedora


The only thing you should be smoking is a fat Cuban once a year.

I never mentioned that faggy shit tho. I’m talking straight tobacco not cartridges of overpriced jizz.

Fuck off, kike. Jow Forums is for all things not politically correct, not for politics.
It was always that way until the Great Shillining of 2016, then kike jannies were allowed to run amock

Faggot detected

Try felching tobacco with a good buddy

Buy a fucking pipe. Glass or whatever. Then light that shit whether the bugler or american spirit. But sinsce you don't smoke. Suck a cock faggot!!!

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It's fun to try to draw

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nicotine has huge health benefits. everyone at NASA used to smoke. it's the only drug that makes you feel high and also lets you make better decisions.

It only lets you feel high if you smoke 2 cigarettes per day. Most smokers smoke so much they lose any feeling of the difference between smoking and not smoking.

Yes it is

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Wouldn’t you be stressed living with your parents though?

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i have IBS and nicotine regulates my gut perfectly. without nicotine every shit i take is painful and i often have pain in my gut. with nicotine no pain and i shit perfectly.

Step 1: throw it in the trash.
Dependency on a substance is weak.

that's not really true i smoked cigarettes for 10 years straight because they're fucking good

IQOS all the way my niggers.

t. IQOS R&D engineer

Fuck NASA those lying bastards.

Alcohol is like this for me but with anxiety.

You are fucking retarded ya dumbfuck. Tell your uncle to stop inspecting you poop hole faggot

Juulshills BTFO

But if you smoke like a pack a day, then you lose that small high they give you.

You are in the second year of your addiction, huh