Why men like to pretend number of sexual partners only affect female sexual organs and not male?

Why men like to pretend number of sexual partners only affect female sexual organs and not male?
Young virgin boys have dicks hard as diamonds and they cum a bucket. You all on the other hand have small flaccid peckers from all that death grip masturbation and when you cum so little comes out you can't even be sure you are done.
Try to remember how much bigger and harder it was when you were 15.

Attached: penis chart.jpg (655x637, 49K)

OP you need to go see a Doctor.

Women are whores they will fuck anything and degrade themselves.

Attached: white-woman-led-around-like-dog-by-black-man-inside-kroger.webm (202x360, 2.83M)

it was a little smaller, but definitely more hard, nicer looking for me.

cool, now its not a double standard thing and girls can shut the fuck up.

begone thoth

The roast beef thing is a joke to make roasties toasty. If it were true, married women would have the most extreme beef curtains.

If so it wouldn't work on roasties without beef curtain and the joke would be pointless.
Btw it's not a joke and the penis thing is not a joke also.

Sure, ever since I had started HRT my dick couldn't get that hard anymore and I'd only cum a few drops, if I reached orgasm at all. Also I stopped feeling the need to fap daily, which is a huge relief.

I think genital degradation is a meme but STDs aren't and hypergamous people still have nasty dirty dicks/slits so it's somewhat true

>Why men like to pretend number of sexual partners only affect female sexual organs and not male?
It does correlate with more unstable relationships. Hard to say how much of that is causation though.

My dick actually got way bigger, but my erection strength is weak. That’s due to SSRIs though not having too much sex.

>implying that it matters whenever you masturbate, have sex with multiple partners or have sex with one partner

It does matter. Because if you ruined your wife's vagina and she ruined your penis you are even and you both enjoyed not ruined parts of each other for some time.
This is the only right way about it.
One of the many reasons why people cared about virginity for so long.

She's the one that made them do it after she read too many fetish blogs on tumblr. They're just putting up with it.

So, it does not matter because you can only ruin it once
People cared about virginity because it will make people more loyal


>he thinks the roastie thing is a joke

No my friend, some women may have larger labias but beef curtains are the result of excessive sex and/or masturbation. Also married women don't typically have sex every night, especially when responsibilities like work or kids are in the equation. You tend to have sex less and less frequently as the marriage goes on.

>why men like to pretend number of sexual partners only affect female sexual organs and not male?
Because it does only affect females you absolute dipshit.

Men and women are not equal in this regard, or most regards anyways

Nah, the dick dosent work like roastie flaps

more I jerk it the longer I can pound a fat bitch

pro tip, yelling trump in liberal pussy will make it convulse and ovulate

thats why i do kegels

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kegels wont stop your shit from drying up

repent before you are hellbound


begone thot

I unironically gain lenght and girth while jacking off to thigg nigresses

Attached: 1537647379549.png (773x764, 642K)

>how much bigger and harder it was at 15

Nigga I been layin my hands on muh dick daily for 23 years. It aint changed.

Have you tried adderall? It does wonders for your Jimmie. Really gives you that extra oomph you need when your running low on energy. Try BOOFING it


i've seen someone walk a goose on a leash but this is some next level shit

My penis looks healthy and youthful because luckily my foreskin is intact.

I've been masturbating 5-10 times a day since I was 12 and nothing has happened to me desu

don't remind us of the eternal Jew we can't change what was done to us when we were babies

As men get older, they often lose the ability to produce testosterone, or produce as much. This needs to be supplemented - often by exercising and burning more fat to ensure that testosterone levels remain constant.

While this CAN affect arousal, there are other factors as well. At 15 most men were thinner than they were in their mid 30s and up to their 50s. Fat can make a normal penis seem smaller because there's more tissue now in the way of seeing and enjoying the full penis.

It's not "shrinking" though. You're just fat or getting old. Start doing some light jogging or calisthenics. You'll see more of your dick length/girth with less fat obstructing your view, and it might even be a little "harder" with more testosterone in the blood instead of trapped in your fat ass/love handles/man titties.

Yeah, but sluts actually have even less sex, it's just with more men. The beef curtain thing is a meme. The problem is all their STDs and completely destroyed ability to form a pair bond. Really extreme insertions might be able to permanently deform the vulva, but only if there was sufficient damage to cause scarring. It regenerates like the rest of the body and can fit a whole baby through.