Can soibois ever be converted to Chads?

can soibois ever be converted to Chads?

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Just look at McGregor, no they can't

Face is still punchable and soi is a state of mind.
Imagine having this manlet explaining broscience to you at the gym while enthusing about the benefits of onions.

Beard plus glasses is actually so powerful that you still look like a fag no matter how swole you are.

This dude admits to running a tremendous amount of gear

Ask Jow Forums

>soi is a state of mind.

Those are implants, you can see on his right formarm that he got a surgery

just needs a new haircut and better pair of glasses
what could be done about his round baby face though? More beard?

its a shop kikefriend

Is he a midget?

that faggot on picrelated is repulsive
he's literally genetically deformed and no amount of exercise would fix that shit

he actually looks better before he started to get ripped

Steroid use, i bet. His face doesn't look like it lost any fat.

Yeah the chest hair is way different

Kike hits the nail on the head

He’s probably taken 20 years off his lifespan running that much gear in that short a time and he STILL somehow looks like an effete bitch-boy.

what race is this?

manlet proportions.


Haha... oh well, at least he tried.

Nah, he's just roided up.

No, all soiboys have blood of kikes or some degenerates
Only pure aryan whites can become Chads

You people are the most pathetic faggot loser ever. You know what makes me happy? It's the though that you seething autists will never get a body like this guy because you are all lazy,fat losers.
Oh and your a bunch of toxic man-children

once a basedboi always a basedboi

>he's real

Attached: serveimage.png (976x934, 988K)

his previous before/after wasn't as cringe-y

Attached: diHRNJb.jpg (656x502, 32K)

Lol did he turn on big head mode?

naw, it's just trimmed, where before he let it go

still... the dude looks like a fucking action figure with that huge head

Shit he's still a faggot


muscles don't make you a man

His beard, glasses and haircut still makes him look kinda beta faggot. He should try buzz cutting his hair and clean shaving. maybe getting new glasses or eye surgery

Guys like him are proof that not everyone benefits from lifting

Do roids make you shrink?
I know perspective and camera distance is different but they still look shorter.

I think he can fit in my pocket
And I'm a manlet

A lot of people fit in Israel's pocket, I'm sure.

You’re ver triggered right now. You realize that all one has to do is eat the right food/less food and workout? Let me guess, you think that getting laid makes you validates a person as a human being as well?

In short, you seem quite valid and shallow. 0/10, would not chill with you.

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he fixed his body but didnt touch his cuckface or cum hairstyle

>manlets can be chads
Chad is a state of mind and and archetype. It is not something you can become.

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they make your dick shrink

That's it. It beards plus glasses equals fag. Unified field theory achieved.

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>says he's 5'10"

Fucking how? Also, the fuck is up with his neck on the right side?


He looks worse in a muscular state

>ou’re ver triggered right now. You realize that all one has to do is eat the right food/less food and workout? Let me guess, you think that getting laid makes you validates a person as a human being as well?
>In short, you seem quite valid and shallow. 0/10, would not chill with you.
Lol. First off doughboy, i would never chill (hangout) with a screeching autist like you. I'd be embarrassed to be seen with a loser like you in public.
Second, You do realize that eating right and working out is something that a fat little pudge boy like you can never do,you don't have the discipline.
Getting laid has nothing to do with this but it helps to make you a man.
Too bad you will never get laid in your short life

There is something in his face that tells me I could break him in half without even trying, he looks like someone fucked up their proportions of create a wrestler.

he looks like some roided up new vegas character

>Alt right

Look how out of touch this grandma is, I thought all you retards read salon.

Dont you know going to the gym makes you right wing?

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The haircut, glasses and beard makes him look soi-y

This is why you don't breed with the inferior races, eventually down the line you'll create a genetic abomination.

It's actually the eyes, i have studies the s o y phenomenon extensively

Still looks like a loser. Barely definition change on face.

Share your study

translation: i watched youtube meme videos

Here is my study on §oy and it's effects.

If you consume it the odds of me breaking your orbital bone go up drastically, this is as far as I have gotten.
>I keep meaning to ask if other people would punch such faces

Look at the fucking state of these things

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This a good study

give it to me straight, are they natty?

nice shoop

>Master Roshi looks like a fag

why does he look like an action figure

Yes, the old "let myself go" look fitted him better.

this has to be shooped

Roshi is bald, which adds another element, plus his glasses are "Chinese Opium Smuggler" specs rather than "Premium NHS Specs"

Judging by his new choice of underwear...

Dumbbells weren't the only thing being worked at his gym

>An anime character
Grow up, childish nerd

It's part of my bigger thesis.

All SJW's are only SJW's because no one has punched them in the face (Yet) and why it is in countries best interests to fund right wing punch squads.

Say some virtue signaling weasel shit? that's a broken nose.
Say some race baiting nonsense? That's cauliflower ear.
Say some stupid shit? That's a cheekbone fracture.
Prance around like a fairy with the camera on you?
Orbital annihilation.
>I call this plan the final solution, it has many phases.

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There might actually be something to this. Masculine faces have a smaller distance between the upper lip and eyebrow ridge, smaller distance between the top of the eye and the bottom of the eyebrow, the ridge is sharper/more horizontal. He doesn't have those things. Also, his face seems more rounded and softer I guess. It's actually a bit disconcerting to look at the right image because of the contrast between his body and face.

Attached: masculine-faces-100316-02.jpg (575x404, 47K)

>thinks he's above anime
>has nazi memeflag

the pic of him that was in the OP isn't natty as admitted to in his reddit post

>Before anyone asks, I used some sauce. After about 7 months I hopped on 525mgs of test prop and 50 anadrol for 6 weeks. Cycled off and the last 10 weeks have been on 400mgs test e and 50mgs Var to hold onto my precious gains while cutting.

the first one (i.e the post you replied to) - i don't know, it's one pic (the best of many) pumped right after a work-out, in specific lighting, and it's a guy with a pretty broad bone structure.

>This is an argument

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>never get a body like this guy.
Im over 6 foot tall. So yeah.

>Says the man with a nazi flag

>muh anime
Become felo-de-se

Your dick must look especially small

>build muscles
>still a manlet
Learn to spell you illiterate cunt.

he just converted to gay

Kind of. I have a manlet friend and his dick looks pretty big but i know its not.

A fist is simply an exclamation point directed into the physical realm.

SHOCK! I have been punched! I must re evaluate what lead me down this road!

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Seriously, this has to be shooped. He looks like a ripped toddler covered in hair.

Did anyone call him out on his shit result or were they reddit-sucking his 'dedication'?

With Photoshop they can apparently be turned into disproportionate roided fags

You're not far off. Ted's thesis talks about the psychology of the Left as consisting of a combination of "feelings of inferiority" with "oversocialization" compounding those feelings, causing them to become antagonistic towards the natural order of things which they try to dismantle. That's why they identify with the "oppressed" of society--not because they actually give a shit about them, but because they themselves view these people as inferior and therefore their allies in dismantling the system they can't compete in.

Attached: ted kaczynski on leftists.png (1200x1630, 152K)

all that effort and yet he still looks like a complete fuckboy

Attached: Super Soy Brothers.webm (270x480, 2.9M)

Its okay, my dick is small too.
And i cant even get a proper boner lately

here's the thread:

he's honest about that one thing at least, if you look at his profile, you see he's kind of a douche. must be the altered brain chemistry, small dick and INTJ thing combined

Cut the drinking and get some cardio in. I had that issue a while back and I have boners again. Weight loss will make it ultra effective.

soi cringe alert

>My desire to punch has lead me down the correct path

Is this what the call unification of body and mind.

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kek one of my favorites. trying to pull off a move and killing yourself.

Did he died?

His neck looked fucked up.

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Those air punches made him sleepy? These people are made of what?


he die?

No fixing that face though.


He has the Bog gene

>Vice principal donothing

Shit, I thought he was just a meme I didn't know he was a real actual comedian.