No. LOOK at this video. YES it is Japanese. But you can understand Japan and Turkety have good relationship
Jordan Lee
t. sells greasy kebabs like a trojan horse in tourist districts
Austin Rogers
Turkey is a kino country that should have bonded with mine over our shared Greek genes. propaganda has been rampant though, and the west has really never been fair to Turkey. I'm against the neo-ottoman shit, but Turks are our brothers here.
Robert Wilson
Fuck off we're full
Angel Morgan
>Turkish has rich history.(Also, Islam is religion of peace^^) >RELIGON OF PEACE ISLAM XDDDDDD iam glad my father and hole my ancestry fight those inbred so called peaple
The TÜRKLET is the epitome of male submission and failure.
Let's start by looking at his body. His body is large, but not in the good way. His bloated, hairy form makes his presence known as a subhuman without him even needing to point himself out. He has a weak build, as a result of his high levels of fucking livestock and reliance on gang-rape tactics to overpower one weak woman. This gives him the appearance of weakness and pettiness. He is then covered by his dark skin. This dark skin reminds us of his subhuman nature, a feature that developed due to being exposed to the scorching sun of Central Asia and interbreeding with pre-sapientic humanoids, made to breed like roaches and smell fucking terrible. It also has a psychological effect on the observer. The dark skin reminds us of our dark, deep desires to sharpen sticks.
The TÜRKLET's demeanor is one of a confused small dog. He is arrogant, annoying, and can be aggressive if allowed to exhibit this behavior. His behavior brings forth disgust into the more civilized and noble races of men (white gods).
The summit of expression of his pathetic nature on his body is his penis. The TÜRKLET penis can only be called one formally. As the penis is the penultimate symbol of manhood, this alone would suffice to make the TÜRKLET the laughing stock of every locker room from China to Japan. This small, insignificant proto-clitoris is unable to fulfill the desire of any woman, forcing the hairy, small-statured TÜRKLET to seek young prey. Its short length ensures that when it does so, the damage to the young victim will be minimal, as the short weak arms and barely functioning genitalia fail to cause any serious damage, unless of course in groups.
In total, the TÜRKLET expresses himself through boasting and being assroasted by superior races, and can never even begin to compare through its impotent rage.
All this is the reason why the TÜRKLET deserves the oven.
Look you fucking nigger. Dont ruin reputation for cool nips on this board. If you love cockroaches so much then buy house full of it.
Adam Collins
Stop posting turk in Japan threads you cockroach
Liam Myers
so you invite your mongoiloid cousins to live there, you do have the same langauge and culture tho
Grayson Jones
WHAT THE FUCK is up with Japanese-Turkish relations? These countries are on opposite sides of the Earth, yet they have this strange relationship as if they know eachother? It just seems to random.
The fact that there are actually Japanese that UNIRONICALLY think this, drives me mad. Literally one look into a history book aught to reveal the Turkish greed and bloodlust to the reader... How are they any better than the European colonial powers, if not worse?
All the shilling for the dirty Turks (and Europeans, Americans, etc) by the Japanese media is so utterly criminal.
Aaron Ward
Might come down to mutually having bantz with Russia.
Matthew Ward
t. turk living in Greece, no Greek would say that shit. Turks and Greeks only have shared genes because the Turks invaded and raped the Greeks for several generations.
Brayden White
Turks are way worse than European powers, at least America doesn't force Japan to racemix or pledge fealty to Allah.
Eli Brooks
Not as long as they are Muslim and call themselves Turks, they are mainly Greek, Armenian and general Anatolian.
Carson Ross
1. Turks are very similar to Americans: they are violent, rude, mongrel brown, bloodthirsty, and highly arrogant. Their histories are very similar also: they took their respective lands from the native inhabitants when 90% were wiped out by disease, and then they proceeded to LARP as the third Rome (lol) and go out butchering their neighbors (especially Serbia, and various ares of the Middle east, which they have in common). They both have a highly mediocre culture that is just a remix of copying other cultures, made inferior. The most famous food from both countries is a shitty piece of fast food. Most importantly, both are the biggest good goyim to ever exist, save for Britain. America is essentially a second Ottoman Empire. That is why the Ameri-leftist-influenced Mass Media continuously shills for both the Turks and the (leftist) Yanks in Japan.
2. Anti-white Cuckservatives all have this bizarre love of Turkey for being a powerful colored nation that "resisted European imperialism" in their own words. They talk about the evils of the exploits of Europeans, all the while NEVER mentioning that the same was done by the Ottomans, if not worse! They also happen to never mention the fact that Jews are over-represented in the evils of both Europeans and Muslims, especially the slave trade, but the Cuckservatives NEVER mention this. In fact, some have a love affair with the Jews, saying that they are similar to Japanese (we literally never enslaved any blacks, consider agriculture to be the most noble career, and have continuously resisted communism... the total opposite of Jews in many ways)... and then saying the Europeans are blonde devils!
3. Leftist cucks love them unconditionally for being racially foreign. These people love everything foreign and hate everything Japanese.
4. The media continuously shills for Turkey by repeating how Turkey is just so Japanophilic, but not for other ME countries that are just as japanophilic, like Iran.
Elijah Young
True, but it's the modern Turks that are the rape-babies, rather than the Greeks. Greeks don't have Turkish admixture.
Oliver Foster
Nobody in Turkey is a real Turk. Turkey is just a place where people from the surrounding areas come to mix. My family all did a DNA test and the results are persian/greek and caucasian. 99% of people in Turkey are just like this. Greek/Persian/Armenian/Caucasian and randoms from former Ottoman territories like the balkans.
I doubt Turkic people even have a genetic profile. It's just a language. The people themselves are mixed former nomads. From Istanbul to China.
Bentley Morris
turk roach here. Let me explain.
Your population is declining because your men would rather work themselves to death rather than working to impregnate your women.
If your government is so concerned about your population, then they should make laws that give time to fuck and make children instead of expanding social services to immigrants.
Judging by your loli porn and other wierd shit that comes out of your country, it clearly shows extreme sexual repression.
Christopher King
1. Birth rates outweigh the death rates, population is on a steady increase.
2. Government provides a huge amount of benefits for child rearing, from hospital labor expenses paid for, to covering daycare expenses depending on how many children you have, the more kids, the more you get.
At least our porn isn't, you cuck faggot. There's no sexual repression, forms of prostitution is legal here, want to bust a nut? Visit Soapland for $35 bucks.
Brandon Diaz
why do Turks travel half way across the earth to be "refugees" in Japan?
Luke Morgan
Turkish people may be nice when they live in turkey but i dare you to come to germany for some time and say again that you want them in your country