Vargfags how do you deal with the fact that no one actually believes your "Gods" are real...

Vargfags how do you deal with the fact that no one actually believes your "Gods" are real? Pagan's are just LARPing atheists. Christianity is the religion of your ancestors. The white man saw it was true, and willingly converted.

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>The white man saw it was true, and willingly converted.
Does Ameridumbs really believe this?

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shit bait, amerinigger

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If you are mentaly able to follow a desertkike, you are able to believe any nonsense. Including your own post.

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Nobody outside of Cuckistan knows who the Varg is. Stop making threads about him.

I hate nothing more than these people like protestant christians, varglarpers who are atheistis making up their own stories to fit their idiocy and lack of logic. I respect orthodox christians as well pagans who understand and follow DHARMA.

get out, pajeet

imagine listening to a guy that grew up in the middle east about religion after he rapes an infant.

just to clarify my point, you knowingly take heed in the words of a murderer and child rapist.

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> your christan ancestors
I spit on the graves of my traitors jew worshiping christcuck ancestors. We have to learn from the mistakes of our ancestors because we cannot afford to keep making the same mistakes again and again.

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Hail Thy Honorable Pagan Ancestors

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when we want to survive as a race, we have to teach our children that odin is real (doesnt matter what we think) and its honorable to slay enemies of your people.

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>The white man saw it was true, and willingly converted
This is what mutt truly believes

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>following a religion that was literally cucked BY Christcucks
How can Pagans be so weak and retarded?

Paganism uses gods as a phylisophical training mechanism.

It doesnt believe in them the way christianity does.

*blocks your path*

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Reminder that Christianity tacitly acknowledges the existence of other gods. It would be pointless to command "Thou shalt not have any other gods before me" if there weren't.

The Jews that invented your god don't even believe in him.

HEIL ODIN, it's great to be part of the masterrace, so glad I don't worship a kike on a stick

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>Vargfags how do you deal with the fact that no one actually believes your "Gods" are real?

>Gods are real
Brainlett. Paganism is much deeper than bearded men in the sky.

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>Christianity is the religion of your ancestors.

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>varglarpers who are atheistis making up their own stories to fit their idiocy and lack of logic.
>If it doesn't come from a jewish academic source I will dismiss it as false and I refuse to think for myself on any issue.

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>The white man saw it was true, and willingly converted.
You're a fucking embarrassment and most likely a liberal. Shut the fuck up and go back to whatever shithole you came from.

>willingly converted.
Most of the conversions happened when some local chieftain wanted to merry a Christian thot who demanded making his country Christian. So, with sword and fire, willingly if you say so

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Baltic countries are the last bastion of European identity

It's a Finn or an Estonian

I'm Lithuanian not europeean.

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well you literally are European.

I find it hard to believe that anyone over the age of 6 actually believes in any magical critters, including the guy in the sky.

I think we all realize that civilization is not a natural state for primates, so for it to exist, it needs a code of conduct, i.e. morals. Religion provides that. Many feel that the Abrahamic religions have not worked well for the interest of native Europeans and prefer to use one that is more suitable.

No i'm not.
fuck off.

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They're the Mongols of Europe

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>Scientists claim that almost half of the Russian population inherited Mongol genes consequently causing more alcohol to be absorbed by blood. Russians also require more time to fully digest alcohol than Europeans for instance. This means that Russians drink more heavily, suffer from severe hang-over and are overall more susceptible to become alcohol dependent.
>Doctor Nuzhny claims that he conducts the first research of alcohol effects specifically on Russians with Mongol genes

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Finn I think

Algo Kärp (born April 13, 1985 in Tarvastu, Viljandi County) is an Estonian cross-country skier.

Relax, you infested Russians with your Siberian genes too.

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fuck u all, prove to me that SHIVA isnt the ture god.

i bet u cant.

>lets all throw away all fucking logic and reason for some shit scrolls that cant be proven.

*tips fedora at /INCELS/*

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t. Ivan Yurtovich Mongolovsky

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lmao, ok, whatever you say

Nice try Mongol.

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How do you deal with being a native speaker of English and not even knowing proper grammar?

Wait, you are a Mexican?

My problem with Christianity is that it's obviously not true, not that it's full of bad ideas or works out badly for society. I don't believe a word of it, but I still think we'd be better off if many more people went back to church. I just have a hard time sitting through all the "God explained the mysteries of creation to shit-reeking goatherds in the ancient middle east" nonsense.


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t. proud Steppe warrior

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>average russian
Moscow is not russia.

It's a toss as to who is the most retarded:
>Christ cucks following a middle eastern, Jewish desert cult
>Larping pagans who run naked in the forest while banging on drums

*autistic Mongoloid screeching*

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I believe neither.


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>>no one actually believes your "Gods" are real
>If i say it enough, the goyim will believe me

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Stop posting estonians, ok.

>the Druids slit their family members throats and threw them into bogs for a phylisophical training mechanism

Never happened.
Do euros slit their own kids throats now? Nope. Same people.

holy shit this thread is such a shit show

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>actually believing europe's religion is something other than the one it has been practicing for 2000 years.

This is exactly why the Slavs never get anywhere.

>Never happened.

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Who else was he going to explain it to? The monkeys in African and the insects in the Far East?

Europe has not been practicing Christianity for 2,000 years.

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From what I’ve seen of varg he’s an impersonalist, which is atheism. He says that Thor is literally just “dude metaphors” or something and was never an actual incarnated man who actually made significant contributions to the eradication of giants (which actually did happen).

christianity is just Bhakti yoga with a semitic twist. Read the Bhagavad Gita and then the Poetic Edda if you’re an aryan

>The white man saw it was true, and willingly converted.
The Roman empire had who knows how many civil wars and unrest becauseof it.
(((Charlemagne))) had a choice to go kill a bunch of sandniggers, or kill white european men who minded their own business. He prioritized killing europeans because he could at least "respect" sandnigd for following 1 true god. Also guess who financed Charlemagne in his crusades against anything pagan.
Christians kidnapped childeren from civillians and chieftains and forced conversion.
Don't even get me started in Iceland, which was promised religious freedom for both sides but got stabbed in the back by christians like a bunch of cowards.

They way us europeans see Islam today is how our ancestors saw Christianity back then.

>They way us europeans see Islam today is how our ancestors saw Christianity back then.
Post of the day

>bearded man in the sky
>implying Odin just floats around in the maya as his default setting
Absolute pleb. Do you also think that Jordan Peterson is deep?

Do you guys actually think that Varg believes in Odin and stuff? Really?

What is the Teutonic Order


The retarded christkike mutts here do,

>1 post by this ID

Stop bumping spam and slide threads, retarded newfaggots.

>using a genuine golem word unironically
>doesn’t even know what maya is

How is this slide you dumb /ptg/ trump bootlicker?
Should we be going
for the next month?

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Nah he is right, us danes forced christianty down your torfisk throats.

How would I know what some random word you pulled out of your ass means. I don't read the same books you do.
Also you are a golem.

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>unironically defending the golem utility meme

I get people hate Christianity and reject the current state of the world, and it is a corrupt and decaying religion, but why do you pagans think returning to the beliefs of a long past age is a good thing? We should strive forward, not backwards.

Nigger you’re in a thread about religion acting like a fag because you don’t know the most fundamental vocabulary.
And the mutt meme was spearheaded by jews. I guess you don’t know what the word “golem” means either

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>golem utility meme
I don't understand what this combination of words can mean.
Are you trying to say that it is untrue? I deal in truths I don't care to flatter some dumb shit online.

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But IS IT Untrue?
If jews told me that water boils at 100C should I disregard it as a lie?
Also maya has many meanings so if you want me to talk to you on your terms you have to define it not throw words around as if they have one universal meaning.

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Great argument, Mohammed.

if you're willing to throw away ancient European traditions for the sake of "progress", then you are in fact a kike.

Is what untrue? If there is a room with two people in it; one white person and one brown person, are both people in the room 50% white? Your golem meme would imply the answer as being yes.
>maya has a bunch of meanings
This is a thread about religion. I’m obviously not referring the the ancient South American civilization of brown people. Why are you even in here if you don’t know basic facts of spirituality? Oh wait - it’s because you’re a golem

So it was Vikings who converted other snandis to Christianity? Then why do LARPagans also LARP as vikings? Do they have a cuck fetish?

Traditions =/ Religion
I'm not Christian, but I celebrate my family slava every year. As does my father, as does his, as did his and so on for thousands of years. I had both Christian and Pagan ancestors celebrating the very same thing as I do today, and maybe even some atheists. The traditions hold, the faith changes. How is it different if we accept a new religion instead?

the collective unconscious does not change.

Are these retarded paganwhatever cuck forum raiders ever going to fuck off?

This is what high culture looks like.
This is ancestry looks like
This is what traditionalism looks like.

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Pagans dont believe in a god or gods. We believe in the divine, the one, the prime mover. Quite a few christians, catholics in particular, believe more or less the same thing. The deities of european myths are humans who were elevated to the divine. Saints are similarly deified when sainted.

Do YOU even know what a golem is?
I'm not the one propping up the kikes.
>one white person and one brown person, are both people in the room 50% white?
Explain this to me in detail
You still haven't told me what maya is.

This is correct. Don't need to larpagan in the woods to be spiritual and hold traditions.

So Euro dudes building Euro shit and has nothing to do with christkikery?
Ok. Heil Odin.

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this is what high culture looks like

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>w-we chimped out later so it doesn't count!!
Saint Boniface was a chad. Cuts down the tree-niggers holy tree, everyone in the crowd is btfo, and then he gets martyred by a different savage in an unrelated encounter, yet pagancucks act like it was a historical win.
lmoaing at ur life

No one hates christianity more than a jew.

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Back those claims up.
american tv doesn't count.
What happens in america is all a joke.

>dude I had a wicked nice burrito yesterday Mexican immigration is awesome
>dude look at that awesome cathedral i'm so glad we worship a foreign desert god

>follow my jewish desert religion or you are a jew

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Except Christianity was not forced on them by giant hordes of brown people directed by jews.

well, it quite literally was, actually.