Feel at home thread. Welcome slavs. Express your opinions and discuss current topics with other slavs from this board.
In order to avoid shillery and discussing the same topics over and over again I would like to clarify a few things. I dont use the term ''Slavic'' as a unification of ethnicity alone. While we do share some genetical features to an extent we are more connected linguistically, culturally and mentally along with our sense of nationalism and preservence of our homelands and religion. By no means, using this thread, I imply a single grand slavic nation as like we all know didnt work and it destroys the beauty and culture of the separate slavic peoples. In terms of relations we should act more like the V4 and take their example of cooperating with each other. In that regard I would like to add that the bulgarian prime minister Boyko Borisov was one of the first who openly stood up and supported Hungary in the EU rights standoff. More: reuters.com/article/us-eu-hungary-bulgaria/bulgaria-pledges-solidarity-with-hungary-in-rights-standoff-with-eu-idUSKCN1LZ2BF?feedType=RSS&feedName=worldNews
So you’d sort of like a loose confederacy amongst the Slavic nations ideally? Or like a strong alliance like the British and French developed at the turn of the century and was solidified with WW1?
Would be cool, I really hope you guys stick together and sail onward and upwards. Hopefully us in the occidental will come to our senses eventually and follow your example.
Hunter Carter
The steppe is in your blood, not mine.
Zachary Moore
what's your connection to slavs? whatcha doing in this thread?
Juan Cox
Read some history.
Gavin Barnes
>The Kyrgyz people (also spelled Kyrghyz and Kirghiz) are a Turkic ethnic group native to Central Asia, primarily Kyrgyzstan.
Almost everyone in Kyrgystan is connected to Russian culture - which is why the premise of the thread is wrong: Slavic people in Balcans hate each other more than T#rks, and overall the closeness does not correlate with ethnic legacy.
James Taylor
At first that may be true but the reason mentally ill people are brainwashed so easily into blowing up and driving over crowds of people is because Islam can easily bend nimble minds and its being used as a weapon.
Cultural and to a degree political alliance yes. The west has always been unity more or less on the basis of cultural similarity. When you start from the anglosphere to the germanic and nordic people they each had their backs despite the occassional wars in the past. That is your strangth and this is what we lack in turn but hopefully the near future would be different.
Thracian native blood to be precise. There is only a small proto-bulgar admixture from the proto-bulgars that came down from Volga.
Luis Green
They deported my grandmother to Kirgisistan. Which was why she left the Soviet Union as soon as she could. Yet I visited this shithole with my mother and all she was yapping about was how beautiful it was there. Shitty roads, no water/ power in the village she was. But untouched nature. I still can't understand her.
Ian Jones
>Slavic people in Balcans hate each other more than T#rks
Absolutely not. We bicker sometimes for fun and practice. But when it comes down to seriousness there is nothing we hate worse than the T****rk.
Landon Diaz
>I still can't understand her. maybe it's the untouched nature
Josiah Lee
O have no issues with niggers blowing themselves up, I have a problem with us not being able to kick them out, our elites not being capable of doing so or if neither us having the will to undergo a revolution in order to remove them from our territory
Joshua Adams
*I not O
Jacob Baker
It's easy to shitpost. Way too easy in fact and so they best way to farm those sweet, sweet (You)s is to make someone mad. People outside of this Mongolian throat singing forum simply are more chill.
Ryder Perez
>be me >have horny ancestors >they fucked everything everywhere they went >thank to them have dirty slav genes >body is all fucked up due to piss poor genes and several generations of race mixing between different nations Thanks asshats.
Samuel Adams
russia annex balkan region already iam done with serbian politics
Jordan Thompson
>The west has always been unity more or less on the basis of cultural similarity. Thats largely been due to a historically strong and stable France.
I think your guys problem is you’ve been stuck historically between HRE/germany, russia and Turkey, and a Slavic unified identity doesn’t work well because it’s inevititably dominated by Russia.
The only thing you guys really need to do is protect your demographics and Slavic culture, have healthy birth rates, don’t antagonise russia and don’t do something stupid like vote for full on communism. Birth rates seem to be your only issue currently, like every euro nation
Matthew Gutierrez
>croat >venedic theoris I never though this day will come.
Dominic Wood
no, i don't think that they are connected with the italic veneti n' shiet but i do think that the name "slav" is forced because it's similar or even the same as the word "slave" in most of european languages
Adrian Gray
slavs are subhumans. gas chambers are far too good for these scum
Brandon Watson
Yet our countries are white and based while yours is niggerified and cucked, really makes you think.
Dominic Hughes
Yeah, thats why we won and you country was drown in slavic sperm
Dont thank us. Thank your great-great anglo grandfather for it.
Whats wrong user? I thought there were no niggeres in the Czech. However I do hear your women craved the BBC legend.
Austin Howard
Are you gonna send your pakis against us ?
Blake Gomez
Thanks for including the Sorbian tree in your pic related, OP. Sup, Sören. Now fuck off. Not gonna happen. British Pakis fear the alcoholized trailer park.
Joseph Allen
south slavs are turkic rape babies west slavs are judeo and german rape babies east slavs are mongol rape babies the slavshit is a subhuman yes
Landon Reyes
>the coats of arms of all the other Slavic countries scattered around the large Russian coat of arms Kys Russophile
Asher Phillips
Honestly, just help Seselj and make his party more reactionary, by participating in it.
The honour of the nation, the church, the army and the workers&farmers must be preserved.
Because rurals didn't fall for progressive propaganda yet and as urbanites are convincable there is much hope, People just need to start talking honestly and quit the sajebanciu.
You are welcome to try and exterminate us again. Guess its not that easy to understand that each time you try to invade us, you just fuck up your own countries.
Joshua Butler
It's just one of the groups that formed the later Slavic one
pic related, go back to the refugee-center Ahmed. What should you have to say about Slavic affairs, Fin, shouldn't you be putting your dick in a snow-hole? Russia is the largest Slavic country by population and land-mass, with the largest economy and army, thus it makes sense to put it in the center.
Also, how does it feel to sit home, knowing that dear Karelia is 85% Slavic at this Point?
This Actually, Slavs are a pretty old group, it's just that the newer tribes only formed later (White Chorvats, White Polacks, Masurians, the Seven Slavic tribes etc.).
>Also, how does it feel to sit home, knowing that dear Karelia is 85% Slavic at this Point? Finnic people have been adopting Slavic way of life and culture since the 9th century on. If it weren't for us they'd be chasing reindeer and picking berries today
those westernmost slavs called themselves "Lech". it's just the Germans who called them "Wends"
Venedi was in my opinion, the common name for Lechs, Slovenes, Antes and Balts.
The western roman empire called all these people "Venedi", and then later they switched to the term "Sclaveni" because they were the largest tribe, which invaded south the most. read this:
>...and beginning at the source of the Vistula, the populous race of the Venethi dwell, occupying a great expanse of land. Though their names are now dispersed amid various clans and places, yet they are chiefly called Sclaveni and Antes.
Ryder Rogers
Why are you here, finn ?
Cameron Roberts
Lads how do we escape from western shekels?? based
There is a complete mess when it comes to the nomenclature of the later Slavs. Some call them Venedi/-ti, some Sklaveni/Sklabenoi and there are also Antae. It's not clear which of these names is the supergroup and which represent the subgroups. Different authors present it differently.
There is a paper on the topic of Slavic ethnogenesis written in Croatian (by a Slovene) and it sheds light on the Slavs - Venets problem as well.
From a linguistic point of view the Slavs emerged when a group of people from Pomerania settled on the southern part of the Old Baltic areal. There we find the oldest truly Slavic hydronyms (as opposed to the Baltic ones).
The people from Pomerania were called Wenden by the early Germanics.
the problem with historians is that they still don't accept genetics as an important historical tool
when you know that there is a close genetic connection between Slov-enia and Slov-akia, and it's weaker in other slavic areas, things become pretty clear
We learned glagolica in middle school and it was even graded if we can read it since it was pretty easy to learn but i never tried it since it was a waste of time just like Russian
Luke Diaz
Haхyя ты yчил pyccкий, тeбe чтo, нeчeгo дeлaть?
Nathan Morgan
Question to Serbo-Croatian-Bosnian native speakers:
What language do you understand better Slovenian or Macedonian?
To what extent you are able to understand those? In %
Nolan Anderson
polish american grandpa was 100% polish dad got kinda cucked by liberal ideology bullshit in his head thanks to the wifes dad. smfh
Eli Davis
Macedonian It sounds like drunken SeroCroatian Slovenes use Ja instead of Da Heresy
Dylan Carter
both our meme languages and are easy to understand after getting used to,I recomend that they ditch their languages and adopt Serbian just like Croats and Bosnians did
Carter Gutierrez
you sound fun at parties dickface
Cameron Turner
I'm explaining points as I'm posting the development stages of Slavic archaeological culture.
this map shows r-m558, just like the last one see that area where Poland, Belarus and Ukraine meet? that's exactly where the Bavarian geographer placed the tribe Severians "from which all Slavs originate". and that big hot spot in russia? that's exactly where the Severians tribe lived later, in the time of Kievan Rus'
I work with a couple slavs, nicest guys you would ever meet out work other guys half their age. but boy are they dumb, i mean literally fucking retards. he called me over one night and made me watch the video of a dog being spun around then flung into a river. he was laughing so hard and for so long I thought he was going to have a seizure. and thats the height of entertainment for him people or animals getting hurt, falling down, or russian dash cam footage. great guy though
Samuel Stewart
>I recomend that they ditch their languages and adopt Serbian just like Croats and Bosnians did I get you bro but your excess of "u" sound is making Serbian sound like some ooga-booga version of Slovene.
We have kept the quality of the nasal sounds ǫ > o (not your brutish u).
Jose Gonzalez
slovenian seems like a germanic-slavic language, and macedonian seems like a spitting gypsy slav
Charles Carter
side note my dude hates muslims, soros and is red pilled as fuck about the american bombings. he knows how the press lied to the entire world and doesnt blame us.
Cooper Taylor
macedonian, and maybe some eastern slovenian dialects(their dialects are very different)
Connor Hughes
purest slavic group in ex yugo states is slovenia. bosnians, croats serbs and montenegrins are a mix of dinarics, slavs, greeks, illyrians and hungars. macedonians are the most greek
I think three vectors should be considered here. Genetics, archaeology and language.
You need to bind your genetic theory to an archaeological culture and there are strong indications that early Zarubinec represents an early stage of Slavic culture.
How do you explain the relation between Veneti and Sloveni again?
most croat speakers understand bulgarian-macedonian-old church slavonic better, but region where kajkavian dialect of croatian is spoken understand slovene better. Kajkavian dialect is crossing between serbo-croatian and slovene
Xavier Sanders
>У нac в дeмoкpaтичecкoй pecпyбликe Кoнгo I chuckled, have a you
Ryder Hill
and finally, this is i2a dinaric north, it's divided further into many subclades, western slavic ones carried by Slovenians and Croats (i.e. spread by the Sclaveni), and the other ones can be connected to 7 slavic tribes and the Antes
which makes the Slovenes and Slovaks 50+ % descended from Sclaveni (and not Antes or Lechs) which explains why they kept the name
im interested into slovenian view of the nazis and serbs. my family are friends to another slovenian family. i know that during ww2 slovenians fled to serbia for protection