REMEMBER YANKS: HE WHO LAUGHS LAST, LAUGHS LAST. And that is the Royal Canadian Air Force

Trudeau has approved the release of the design blueprints for the most fearsome military machine ever made: The awesome Royal Canadian Avro Canada CF-105 Arrow...!!!

Now every Canadian will have the ability to 3D print their own Arrow. Imagine the awe-inspiring sight as 35 million "Aeroplanes" blacken the skies above. You Yanks will be filled with groaning dread, weeping and gnashing your teeth along with the remaining vanquished nations, wailing with fear and expectation, not knowing the way out

Canada will once again rule the skies, and dominate the entire planet (Earth)...!!!

>Speed: mach 5+
>Ceiling: 120,000 ft.
>Virtual invisibility iCloaking device
>Armaments: triple inline 85mm Romulan rotary cannon firing 600,000 rounds/minute; 14 Bomarc 12 mega-tonne nuclear-tipped anti-aircraft missile; pure, unbridled wrath.

The Royal Canadian Avro Canada CF-105 Arrow was, and still is the most advanced fighter/bomber/tactical/reconnaissance/strategic ultimate air superiority military aircraft inside the entire planet Earth. It even supports it's own, onboard AWACS/JSTARS systems making it a fully isolated, self-sufficient "Death Monster" (its nickname among test pilots). ICYORU!!!

Not one Arrow has ever been lost in combat, nor have any crashed.

Attached: arrow.jpg (900x600, 120K)

>if it crashes, it flies

A Canadian goes onto Jow Forums to shitpost and only proves his autism. MANY SUCH CASES.


>if it crashes, it flies
lol...!!! Did you just say "if it crashes, it flies"?
That is literally THEE, funniest thing I have EVER heard, in my entire life!
LMFAO! My sides are hurting!! lolololololol
Oh man!!! ROTFLMFAO!!!!!!!!!! I can't stop laughing! Guffaw...!!!

Attached: tuckerpede.png (408x431, 396K)

> reddit spacing
lol reddit spacing

Attached: cghgf.jpg (72x72, 2K)

its just a picture

I think its pretty good considering what I've got to work with. Lets see...

The last time I heard about Canadians in the air it was when they found Chris benoits body

>goes Mach 5
>still can't escape the crown

looks unmaneuverable

There's no proof it ever went mach 5.

I just said it does.

>14 spare dildos
>runs on bagged milk
>judges you... constantly
>biomarker check for AIDS before it can start
>wheelchair accessible


kek. i'm having a laugh in this baked bread leaf. thank you.


wiki says it only goes to mach 2-2.5 or maybe 2.8

>wiki says
Wiki says for you to shut - up.

Attached: index.jpg (263x191, 10K)

This thing doesn't even exist unlike the SR71

oy vey

Many keks were had

Holy fuck you faggots can't even afford AtTaCk helicopters; back to the dog shelter leaf

Attached: IMG_9004.png (400x400, 9K)

The Arrow was a plane? I thought it was a submarine.

Attached: The hopes of Canada.jpg (620x348, 61K)

Oh wow that sounds pretty co-
Wait a minute, look at the OP's flag

It's OK mods you can delete this thread now it's just a leaf posting stupid shit.

Attached: 1502065148490.jpg (342x430, 59K)

>wheelchair accessible

Attached: 1538844594058.gif (666x666, 575K)


Based Cripdeau, commander of LGBT army

Attached: 1525406880532.png (1600x960, 1.2M)

It can do both you fucking knob. That's what makes it extra terrifying.

Are they maple-powered?

Attached: canada-1394195988895.jpg (1280x720, 108K)

Attached: 1468049895031.jpg (2048x1306, 167K)

An artist rendition? How much CanaDough do Americans need to donate to this project?

Attached: 120216_Harper_smiling_wide.jpg (1000x441, 182K)

That's a nice pic, leaf.
Is it from of those Gerry "Thunderbirds" Anderson annuals like "TV21", which claimed we'd all be living on the moon and eating fish'n'chips in pill form come the year 1999?

Attached: TV21.jpg (900x636, 102K)

Attached: creepyharper.gif (320x320, 2.46M)

>reddit spacing
is a meme to weed out newfags trying to pretend they're oldfags.

and guess what

i have bad news for



Didn’t the us debut the f-105 in the 60s? Isn’t that pathetic to be bragging about producing one now?
-pic related, should’ve just built these.

Attached: 827AB60E-0342-4A7B-928E-D062D21B3279.jpg (497x576, 88K)

put a women in it now it's 4x terrifying(for both sides).

The US did this in the 80's. Nice job ripping of an obsolete design, leafs. Maybe next year your govt can try to copy something useful like an F-14....those kicked ass in Top Gun