What is needed to fix the prison system? How do you prevent people from committing crime...

What is needed to fix the prison system? How do you prevent people from committing crime, while stopping current criminals from re-offending when they get out, and make prison safe for inmates, if you even believe they should be made safe?

The rate of prisoners who re-offend, and are permanently entering and leaving prison shows the system doesn't work and it doesn't stop criminals.

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I’m not sure it’s to stop them re-offending (the rehab model), rather it’s about keeping the rest of us safe.
Some people are just pieces of shit and need to be locked up

kill more criminals. Death penalties should be carried out quickly. Public executions.

Castration of violent inmates. Hard labor.

>How do you prevent people from committing crime
Kill ALL liberals. The liberals that beat up old ladies to snatch their purses and the liberals who enable them.

Liberal marshmallows think a civilization is measured by how well it treats it prisoners.

Convicts are in prison because they're uncivilized. You can't treat them like they're civilized. They lost their rights. THey have no rights. They should be punished and taught what happens when you live outside civilization's rules.

As a eugenicist, the logical option is to kill the worst offenders. It's logical.

We need way more capital punishment, and we need to make prison far more hellish, so that the Justice system actually punishes people again.

Even outside of eugenics, if the purpose of a government really is to keep us safe, and there is a high rate of former prisoners reoffending, then the state is failing in it's most basic function whenever it does anything with a violent criminal other than execution

>The rate of prisoners who re-offend, and are permanently entering and leaving prison shows the system doesn't work and it doesn't stop criminals.

it's only intended to stop them from breeding out of control. long sentences are a substitute for execution. there are probably many people who are there unjustly, and for them i have nothing but pity and sympathy. the net effect of prison is eugenic. the whole "prison industrial complex" thing is just a side effect of substituting long sentences for execution.

>sympathy. the

missing a "however, "

Dude, prison system itself is a ponzi scheme to make the state money. Realistically, to "fix" it, you have to de-incentivize crime: legalize drugs, social programs to help the poor....and you have to kill all repeat and violent offenders. Make it so pointless to be a criminal.

But the state likes their money from legal fees, incarceration pyramid game, and providing canteen/phone calls to inmates

>What is needed to fix the prison system?

Kill all the niggers, wetbacks, and Muslims.

Also institute the death penalty A LOT more often.

Attached: average day in american prisons.gif (450x248, 3.63M)


fuck I was 1 off

>shows the system doesn't work
Because repeated offenders aren't executed.


recidivism is natural. you can't fix stupid, you just have to make sure it doesn't contaminate the gene pool.

before the concept of white guilt, this was naturally understood by most societies that were even remotely civilized. that's why the relatives of criminals were stigmatized, because they were of "bad blood". criminal behavior was a shame upon not just you but also your family. this was the case for pretty much every society in all of eurasia.

go back to public hangings. steal something loose a hand. rape lose your dick. kill someone public hanging. we treat criminals too well and they know it. they get to do a crime and if caught they get to hang out with their buddies till it's time to get out again.

consider japan a few hundred years ago. individuals weren't even considered legal entities by themselves. punishment was meted out to your family. china was similar. ancient europe was similar. many times and places, if you fucked up they'd confiscate your family estate and strip you of your title.

this is a necessary evil to keep humanity moving in the right direction. our present day individualistic attitudes are toxic.

Man, Cuba Gooding Jr really went downhill

Can you imagine this nigger asking you for money to buy some maffdonal. Hey mofouu gibs me mani.

Was medieval Europe's crime rate lower than say, 2000's Britain, percentage wise?

But this is what they do in the middle east and there is more crime there than in Europe and America. Plus, having a brutal government runs the risk of having the population believe its okay to be brutal too.

I'm not disagreeing that the law may need to be harsher, just some thoughts.

any society that lets its worst members roam free and breed out of control is doomed from a darwinian point of view

Remove various limbs.

Then they will be an even bigger burden on the state.

Bring back gladiatorial arenas.
Your sentence becomes how many victories you need to secure freedom.
Misdemeanor offenses get non-lethal fights and/or team deathmatches.
The severity of the felony offenses determine what sort of matches you have.

>Was medieval Europe's crime rate lower than say, 2000's Britain, percentage wise?

"crime rate" means nothing. who can say what the "crime rate" of medieval europe was? laws change, enforcement patterns change, record-keeping methods change, cultures change, etc. this question borders on the nonsensical.

we have to have some social standards and a culture of order. we can't let ourselves slide backwards. not after so many of our ancestors worked so hard to make us what we are. we should care one bit for the nigs who land themselves in prison. structured society lets us cheat natural selective pressures, so we must enforce them ourselves. many ancient people understood this on some level. before darwin was ever born people knew these things.

>What is needed to fix the prison system?
Executing criminals who are so bad they need to be taken out of society rather than warehousing them for later use.

many people here understand this. the big wigs running the show understand this. people in ancient babylon understood this. the modern american has such a limited and warped perspective. we're conditioned to sympathize with everything and everyone, to make us docile. prison is necessary and eugenic. of course there are lots of black people in prison. they're less evolved, they never endured the natural and artificial selective pressures that our ancestors in eurasia went through. we paid our dues and we're better off for it. because in past times people had the sense to take out the trash.

>Then they will be an even bigger burden on the state.
People with missing limbs are perfectly capable of panhandling where it's legal and are easily removed from areas where it's not.

I propose enforced meditation in schools and in prisons.


because in the old days, when a person was deemed a danger to society, the judge ordered him hanged and he was dragged out back of the courthouse and hanged. There was no reoffence to dangers to society. You steal a horse, you hang.

now niggers fucking rape grandmothers and are free in a few years. And people dont take to the streets demanding mob justice.

>What is needed to fix the prison system?

forced labor, prisoners should be working from sun up to sun set and completely exhausted. they should not be sitting around all day contemplating their next crime



Well let's see, how did they fix the Philippines? How are they about to fix Brazil?

Oh yeah.

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and of course, john oliver has an entire episode advocating for prison reform and a bunch of sob stories.

look, i don't like it either but how do we improve as a society if we embrace individualism and ignore darwinism?

But you can't embrace individualism and ignore Darwinism?
The two are inseparable. This bullshit system we have where the authoritarian state babies everyone and protects them from their idiotic decisions is what is ignoring Darwinism.

Former CO here.
You fix the prison system by making life in prison less nice than the lives they live on the outside. Most of these fuckers sat in their cell all day jerking off in their underwear eating snacks with a fan blowing on their stinky asses.

Literally lay in bed like NEET all day.

In Europe they will be getting increased disability benefits for life.

Gee thinking niggers are human; thinking they can stop "re-offending."

UK is a shithole kill your jew queen and take out the jew bankers and your problems would be fix. But no your too clucked and too many PoSc on your little island. In 20 years you'll all be bowing to mecca as your jewish overlords pedo your little subhuman brown kids. Pic is something you'll never see has you age into your hellhole.

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it sounds like you're arguing semantics with me. all i'm trying to say is that yes, it's totally natural for our prisons to be full of black people, and no, there's no way to fix them aside from making sure they don't contaminate the gene pool. all of you "good blacks" and "non-niggers" should appreciate this, because african-americans are the people who will benefit most from this in the long run.

Those monkeys are 30 thousand years behind, a time span where Europeans had just killed all of their offenders without all this mercy justice bullshit.

We dont have the balls for this and it will be our downfall. The men of the future will remember our downfall as one that was facilitated by our pathological altruism and unwillingness to make the hard decisions.

The US has already worked on it, take a look over there.

kingdom of saturn/satan and lilith there is nothing
to fix, this is the way they want things, they want
you to desolate yourself through sin and get the
chance to be born into the hamite ie nigger race.
so you will never escape this place ever.

starting to get the pictures, morons?


Bullets are cheap, nigger storage is expensive.

ah shit cuba get it together man smdh