The future of Sweden and of the world

Sweden has been going down a dark path these recent years (depending on who you ask) and I can't help but to imagine what the future would look like.
In the future of 2030 tensions between Swedish nationalists, who want their country to stay as it was by enforcing swedish values and restricting the flow of refugees in to the country, and the globalists, who want to save the people of a war-torn middle-east, will have gotten to the boiling point: sparking conflict or even a civil war between the two groups.
This would result in huge scale demonstrations and violent riots with the nationalists being outnumbered as public opinion sway towards the globalists. This opinion would be reinforce by the demonization of the nationalists made by the swedish media. Thought policing will become more commen and a conflicting opinion to what the public wants will be an arrestable offence.

What do you think, how close am I to the mark? What predictions do you have for the future judging by the state of politics right now?

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You have two options, you'll either into full blown civil war and start uncucking yourselves or your population get brainwashed enough that noone does anything and stands idle while your country goes literally extinct

either erupt*

There are no political solutions. There are no solutions within the voting system. The only solutions exists as social, human, grassroots solutions.

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you mean 2020

never listen to a russian, that is what a true swede must do

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Jesus, Svensson, pull yourself together.

We, who already are awake, we must improve our understanding of the situation further - by for example reading books such as these.



And at the same time redpill/awaken as many normies as we can, including women - that's exceptionally important, so that they understand their value of becoming a mother and so they maintain healthy values. And we must have more children, at the very minimum 3 per couple (in Germany 5 to 8 was the recommended), and teach them healthy traditional values. And we must stay together, support each other, network, etc etc, and think less of ourselves and more about our people. and think tribally/racially - we must try to work towards more and more of us see ethnic swedes and other nordic people as a family belonging together. Sweden and other European countries may turn into hellholes, but as long as a big enough portion of us stick together remain awake (and therefore refuse to race-mix or engage in other self-destructive behaviors), then we will survive. Just remind yourself of the enemy - they were always a tiny minority in our countries, and they've stuck together very closely and networked and helped each; and they've survived, and look at the influence and power they have today. That's the power of tribal thinking, and the power of your people being racially aware.

We must remember, that we who are awake/redpilled, that we're all highly responsible for the destiny of our people. The choice between taking action or doing nothing has huge consequences. Those of us who aren't at least doing something, something effective and meaningful, they are part of the problem and they're only aiding our destruction.

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All slavs are russian

Liberal educational system and his name is muhammad.

If you want to know what Scandinavia and Western Europe will look like in 20 years, watch Children of Men.

get in the streets and fight for your homeland.

Honestly your less cuck then the UK

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>We must remember, that we who are awake/redpilled, that we're all highly responsible for the destiny of our people.
Then we should seize the power or be the ones who wield it. Infiltrate organisations from the inside and subdue them to gain power.

All Finns are Chinese

Nordmännens gryende framtidsland
stiger ur gyllene skyar
Här stå vi fasta mot fienders band
Komna ur skogar och byar
Ja, folket som blödde
när utländska hopar vår torva förödde,
till samling vi ropar:
Folk i gevär! Folk i gevär!

Stulen är arbetarns mänskorätt
Stulen är kraften och mödan
Trots att man skönaste löften gett,
gråta de små efter födan!

För svältande skaror som
fegt man förrådde -
Mot guldmaktens snaror,
tyranner som rådde -
Folk i gevär! Folk i gevär!

Ja, låt oss bliva ett folk i gevär
ända till friheten vinnes
Brunklädda leder sin trohet svär -
skönare lösen ej finnes!
I takt vi marschera
mot skenet i öster,
och snart repetera
mångtusende röster:
Folk i gevär! Folk i gevär!

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all liberals will be dead by 2030.

Of course, you are right about that, and it would be effective if we can change society from the top down (from positions of government power), but I think what he means is we can't afford to wait for that day to happen. We're already responsible right now and we can already right now make a difference by what actions we take or don't take. It's up to us to change the way we behave and act as a people. We can all for example talk more openly about the truth with our fellow countrymen and not just friends and family but even when we meet people we've never spoken to before, instead of talking about normal "safe" stuff, let's discuss the fact we will become a minority in our own country unless dramatic changes aren't made, and let's talk about (((who))) caused that to happen... things like that.

>implying Slovenia is anyhow russia

Please, this is Sweden we're talking about. The leadership will convert the population to Islam, because it will be easier that way, and Swedes will go along with it without any real resistance, in much the same way as Sweden was converted from Catholicism to Lutheranism.

>We can all for example talk more openly about the truth with our fellow countrymen and not just friends and family but even when we meet people we've never spoken to before, instead of talking about normal "safe" stuff, let's discuss the fact we will become a minority in our own country unless dramatic changes aren't made, and let's talk about (((who))) caused that to happen... things like that.
Of course, that's already happening to some extent where I am. We should also attack the establishment from as many angles as possible. If we can't shut down the MSM we should get more and more people to turn to alternative medias.

More accurately, you mean:
>The anti-swedish foreign-controlled leadership will try to forcibly convert the population to Islam, because they think it will be easy to destroy the Swedish people that way, and they believe Swedes will go along with it without any real resistance much the same way as Sweden was forcibly converted from their native european religion to the hostile Jewish desert cult known as Chrisitanity

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>destroy Swedish people
No, because it will be easier to keep the country under control. It will be a nice, Moderate Islam that will most importantly allow usury and keep immigration happening.

>implying the war is about control, and not White Genocide

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It's about making money.

Have you ever watched a candle die out once it runs to the bottom of it's wax. how it slowly gets smaller and smaller then just dies?
Well that's what's going to happen with Sweden and every other country going down the same path.
There is no great last gasp of fierceness from the flame in it's last seconds, it just finds it increasingly harder to hold on.