Stalin was evi-

>Stalin was evi-

Wake up.

Attached: muh gulags.jpg (1193x720, 92K)

Other urls found in this thread:

and holocoust never happened
or was less than 100.000

Attached: 1515687611697.png (644x598, 112K)


popsi popsi porkkanaa

Attached: 1509257188299.gif (700x600, 1.77M)

Commas are master race and white. Stop using periods where you use commas.

Unlike the mountains of supposed ash. We have real evidence of GULAGs.

Attached: 1538684285291.png (237x230, 101K)

Cite or go back to getting assfucked by your queer lover...

and of course you hid your flag you stupid fucking kike. die from cancer

>purges jews like (((Trotsky))), Kamenev, Zinoviev, Radek, Sokolnikov...
>creates laws against "rootless cosmopolitans"
>openly anti-semitic, calls political opponents Jews as an insult
>writes letters about the "jewish faction" competing with "true Russian Bolshevism"
>kills more Jews than Hitler
>Causes the greatest economic boom in history with his reforms

No wonder kikes are still defaming the man

Attached: GUNS.jpg (2000x861, 138K)

>when 30million die from forced labor but it's okay because they were given silver medals


Still better than the billions that have died because of Capitalism

>wages equal to common citizens
Makes sense. Everyone was equally poor even outside gulags.

Such bullshit. Post a link to source.

Shame he wasn’t a fascist

LITERALLY all of human history you mongoloid!

> GULAG was a cakewalk
For non-political prisoners (read: the minority of gulag prisoners who committed ACTUAL crimes... and continued to do so on the inside.)

> Wages equal to common citizens
Mostly diverted to corrupt prison officials

>Sending savings to family allowed
Mostly diverted to corrupt prison officials

>No prison uniform
You think Stalin's Gulag is going to spring for clothes? No. Most prisoners basically had the clothes they were wearing at the time of their arrest AND NOTHING MORE. They'd be working with a pick-axe in sub-zero temperatures in slippers and pajamas.

> No leg-irons and handcuffs
Not needed in the middle of fucking nowhere. If you ran you'd die of exposure or be picked off by sniper guards stationed in towers all around.

Ever play Goldeneye 007? Remember the Kamchatka level? Yeah it was like that except no high-tech heated buildings. Sometimes they had ramshackle wooden buildings with no insulation. Often they had tents in the middle of a snowy field.

>Common living no cells
They didn't do much "living." At least not for very long.

Generally for informing on other prisoners... And then, NOT for the 58s (political prisoners)

>Education, music etc...
Because so many of their talented artists, educators, etc... ended up in prisons and had to do SOMETHING to occupy their time. The powers that be would be sure to break it up if people were actually having a good or enriching time-- 58s were less than dogs.

>Capitalism has been killing people for all of human history!
>But yeah capitalism was totally invented in Europe around 1500 after the end of Feudalism.

Seriously, give me examples of deaths caused by capitalism before 1000 AD. I'll wait.

That's pretty much what American slavery was like.

Attached: TOtC.jpg (324x500, 37K)

>>Common living no cells
Also they DID have fucking cells. In urban prisons especially. If they DIDN'T have cells, it was because there wasn't a building with separate rooms available.

It was generally worse if they didn't have cells. There might be a bucket in the corner everyone's expected to use for a toilet, and it may or may not be emptied before it had filled to overflowing. Sometimes prisoners learned it was just better to pee on the floor than try to use the bucket-- the bucket would fester and stink, while going on the floor it would dry out relatively quickly, and stink far less.

Also the floors were often already so filthy, pissing on them would be an improvement.

You seriously have NO IDEA what you're talking about.

Looka like a german concentration camp, to be honest.

Don't you idiots always say that Capitalism is the natural human condition? Therefore every economic death can be attributed to it.

>Agree with opponent's core argument when convenient.
First off, Jow Forums is not one person.

Secondly, either:

A. Capitalism is synonymous with the human condition, an amoral reality that must be contended with.

B. Capitalism is an evil system invented by the bourgeoise to promote their own interests and can be readily replaced with another invented system.

You can't have it both ways. You can't use an argument that you fundamentally disagree with to promote your point of view... Because then it's made all too clear that even you don't believe what you're saying, at least not in any kind of deep way-- you're using motivated reasoning, believing whatever is convenient to promote your (power-grabbing) goals.

Prediction: if you're not a LARP you're going to post a tweet saying something like "NEVER talk to those alt-right nazi jew haters! They will twist your words around and try to contaminate you with nazism!" and then you'll get 30 retweets and 100 likes with responses like "Yeah fuck drumpf!" and you'll feel like you won this argument as a result.

Predates Club Gitmo?

>wages equal to the common citizen

0 is 0 everywhere my dude.

>natural human condition

Biologically there are two natural human conditions. The Main Eurasian branch, hunter-gatherer adapted ... and the Basal Eurasian branch, communal irrigation agriculture adapted. Extrapolate these genetically set behaviours and then think which group would be suited for communism and which would not.

Anyway ... natural order has to be restored.

Attached: tree.png (577x751, 173K)

Also, considering the fact that you're a fucking tankie, you'll then proceed to rag on the right for being a bunch of "racist assholes" and immediately launch into a screed about how white cis-hetero singleton human-kin males are the new kulaks that must be liquidated as a class.

Seriously Jow Forums I see these people come here a lot and you people don't have any idea how serious they are. You are completely unprepared for the levels of delusion and malevolence that exist out there. Spend some time looking at Tankies on Twitter-- search the hammer and sicle symbol (--if Jow Forums allows unicode symbols) and just read some of these people.

You'll see furries that want to reorganize society into separate communes based on your fursona's species, you'll see antifa witch doctors who believe cutting a cat's head off and pissing on it is a ritual to make Donald Trump die of a heart attack, you'll see people who write fanfiction of murdering "republicans" (as an obvious codeword for "whites") that make Harris and Kleibold look well-adjusted. And then these fuckers get applauded by blue checkmarke useful idiots.

It's a fucking madhouse.