Australians are not subhuma-

Holy kek lads aussies are literal apes

>They could just be the missing link between man and ape, the holy grail scientists have sought for generations. They're living, breathing men and women, but they walk on all fours, just as we did four million years ago. And until this film was shot, they were hidden away, unseen by the outside world.

Attached: typical australian.png (741x517, 474K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>what are immigrants for 500 Alex.

>generations of muslim inbreeding
>missing link
are these people retarded?

They're not australian, they're turks. It's five retarded people in a family.

No, I’m pretty sure they’re Australians

We have to walk like that because we’re down under you fucking flat earther

You might need to wash your hands from all that emu shit before enjoying that roo meat Nigel

>hidden away
>never seen
Wearing store bought clothes. OK.

nice (((divide and conquer))) thread you got here

Inbred retards ffs. Oh, and we didn't come from a damn ape. This shit is fake anyway, if they had actually been walking like that all of their life they would be accomplished at it while these tards can barely navigate a stair.

this reporter is framing this as if there was a group of people who evolved alongside humans but never went upright. this is clearly just a dysgenic group/family. what retarded reporting

How stunning and powerful these brave people are. We can learn something very valuable from them.

So basically they are inbred muslims with some sort of debilitating birth defect that made them disabled and they now get around better by getting on all fours. Okay then.

anything for the clicks


(((they))) expect me to believe this nonsense? Let me give you a hint OP they are faking this shit. it is a LARP

Attached: 1538891066038.jpg (900x900, 85K)

just because you deny Evolution christcuck...

>nobody could have imagined they'd return to an animal like state
>everybody wears clothing even with floural patterns on them
yeah sure, go fuck yourself with your fake clickbait documentaries

>village people walk on all fours
>60 Minutes on air time
shitposting irl

This is fucking bullshit. These people look awkward as fuck walking like this. They're pranking these researchers for gibs or something.

If you walk on all fours for your whole fucking life you're gonna either fuck up your body or adjust to be able to do it efficientlym neither has happened. Look at their necks ffs. They're very uncomfortable.

lol. wtf is wrong with Australians?

The village is in Turkey you mongoloid shill

Attached: 1533506228686.png (586x578, 37K)

This is literal retardation.
Why would you post literal fake news on this board?

all Jow Forums users walk on all fours too

Attached: 1537748519300.png (268x400, 150K)


how is this fake news? did you even watch this?

Attached: ing+spiders+on+the+internet+nobody+knows+you+are+a_5c142e_4177284.jpg (500x477, 57K)

>Inbred Arab family walk like retards because they're retards
>"oi its da missin link cunt"

Attached: 1514351079639.png (403x448, 53K)

those are roaches you dumb fuck

bonus: fuck australia

you know spiders are kinda just like octopuses

Attached: 1528742319619.gif (379x440, 140K)

>Australien television: are people with disabilities the missing link between humans and apes?


im shocked its not abbos

Whats so fucking special about this? I did the same thing upstairs last Saturday after a Bourbon bender.

Aussies are the only ones able to hold back the death world from spreading like a cancer to the rest of the planet.

>bunch of inbred muzzies
>weird birth defects as a result


how did they build those houses then?

They're Kurds living in Turkey mostly faking it for freak show monies. This story is like ~15 years old like most of Jow Forums

this is intolerant. australians might be the missing link in humanity and you just mock them