Fucking BASED. Are you ready to stand up for minorities and women and show the country what Republicans are REALLY about, Jow Forums?
Fucking BASED...
Other urls found in this thread:
hell yes
that's how you win an election
Fucking hate this cucked piece of shit
Cringe traitor
>muh Democracy
>God Emperor Trump will save whites as a whole! You’ll see! You’ll all see!
I have legitimately never fucking seen a good post from anyone hiding behind that memeflag. Everyone on this board, site, and the internet can agree that you are by far the worst posters with eternally assblasted Poles coming in second. And everyone can still fucking agree that all leafs should be rangebanned.
big tent vs. many tents
Shut up Spain
fuck off moor; Woods is based.
You hate winning?
As based as Woods is it looks like he got some of that Hollywood boomer faggotry on himself.
>after we saw the left destroy itself, we should become the new left!
Why do people like this have access to oxygen?
Le epic based and redpilled God Emperor blowing, Kek praising, Shadilaying Kekistani MAGApede crowd has arrived.
Blah blah blah. You faggots hate literally everyone. It’s exhausting.
he's right about minorities, but women need to fuck off.
the world is handed to them on a silver platter, they need less, not more.
This. James Woods is epic, based, and redpilled. He said our God Emperor Trump is epic so he’s epic too. Hail Trump, praise Kek, and Awoo and Shadilay by fellow Kekistani MAGApede.
based, and redpilled, fellow magapede
praise kek XD
If I ever see that old cumrag on the street, I'll knock his teethes out
This. Minority republicans are epic, based, and redpilled.
Handed to them on a silver platter by you. Specifically you, and no one else, you fun guzzling gutter slut cuck-tease
>My opinion matters while I’m cowering and hiding behind a memeflag
So much salt. Everybody has a job to do and he's doing his now do yours. Foreigners not welcome
This. Only epic, based, and repdilled minorities like yourself.
Ho goyim, millionaire actor here! Lol sorry that affirmative action and gender quotas literally destroyed your life and your future but hey at least you can work really hard for that promo—- oh, no white men allowed? er, well... there’s also tech companies where meritocra—huh? Fired for not giving your infant son a sex change? Well support minorities ok? And wammin!
and cucks like your dad, don't forget.
Says the increasingly frustrated leftard for the 3rd year in a row. Get a new fucking gimmick you pole smoker elephants are supposed to be slow not jackasses
fuck off. ironic shilling is still shilling you horses ass
goddamn, libs owned VERY hard
Line up faggots
Oh dude, you just wrecked him epic style right there. Fuckin roasted.
Are you trying to say that minorities can’t be epic, based, and redpilled? Are you assuming that I’m part of the Alt-right? Let me tell you libtard, just because I’m a right wing conservative Republican, I’m not automatically Alt-right, okay? You’re the real leftard here.
Fake and gay
Are you trying to say James Woods isn’t epic, based, and redpilled? Or Trump isn’t the God Emperor of the Universe? Let me tell you something, LIBTARD, we enlightened individuals on r/The_Donald have this down already, and have come to the conclusion that both James Woods and our God Emperor Trump, are both indeed, epic, based, and redpilled. So what do you have to say now, LIBTARD? You just rekt epic style!
Get in here for keks
i love niggers now
Like we don't have 50 years worth of wasted effort and failures and good deeds being punished thanks to trying to 'elevate' women and non-whites.
He's a crypto.
Look at his face.
how the fuck do you "stand up for women and minorities" ? who or what is this evil force holding anyone down and how?
Very fake indeed. mobile.twitter.com
Race traitors like you= cucks
I'm sure he'll be impeached any day now.
Stop shilling your shitty thread in actual good threads. If your thread is actually good and worth reading, it’ll gain traction on its own newfag.
Ye, the real facists and racists are the dems!
>Use Twitter to shit on leftists for months
>make one comment to appease the Twitterlords
>"Wow what a jew cuck"
>If you don’t blow le epic BASED God Emperor, you’re an NPC that now still awaits his impeachment after like three years now.
So this is the intellectual power of the r/The_Donald crowd that also watches Rick and Morty?
>Bending the knee ever
Yes, that’s called being a cuck here in America. I’m sure that word is banned in Europe so you wouldn’t know the exact meaning. It’s not your fault.
No. That's how we lost our countries
*DemocRATS are the real racists!
>roastie tier passive aggressiveness
lol cope
or maybe he is just a sensible minded man who thinks for himself instead of swallowing the far left/right narrative thats spoon fed today
I don't see why you're making excuses for your leftardism you bout to get dabbed on by a nimble navigator. We MAGA around here for everybody especially for minorities and women. Equality of opportunity, not equality of outcome!
He’s right, though, at end of the day.
It’s us, US, against the world.
>white women get bred by niggers
oh wow dog bleebb the rublicans hurrrrr
>15 posts by this ID
>women's rights
>build one big tent
>invite everyone in
>turn on the gas
this is a good plan. i like it.
They're just niggers like you.
>minority opportunities
They already have them, all they have to do is work
>women's rights
They already have them and are now surpassing equality with shit like California is pushing through
>I brought up roasties when roasties have nothing to do with this! I win! Get Shadilay’d on by a Kekistani warrior!
>stand up for minorities and women
In all seriousness we either win or they come for what's left of our dicks. Just sayin
Thank you fellow BASED Kekistani. Now we must Shadilay!
Ayuh nigga das wat we all bout here on Reddit dawg
No fuck off shill
Yup, it is whites against everyone else including white traitors.
>How dare you post what I deem to much
Unironically yes
Jow Forums basics
>Who we are against.
>What we do. What we want.
White supremacist,Nazi,Alt-right among others are just labels given to those who speaks for white people and to those whites who want to preserve their culture,heritage & identity. So situation is like -Die or be the "bad guy"
That’s not how Trump won. That’s how cuckservative yeb lost.
Racist alt righter. You’re being BTFOd by our God Emperor at work as we speak. Get rekt, epic style.
All these fucking cuckservatives and boomers I'm seeing in this thread agreeing with James Woods LMAO
>You must all go back to being cuckservative now
>Yes goy, give women more rights and more rights for minorities
You’re a racist Alt righter that makes us right wing conservative Republicans look bad. Don’t you understand what our God Emperor said? When you’re heart is filled patriotism, there is no room for prejudice and hatred. GET BTFO’d!
Only niggers, spics, actual mutts, and other assorted shitskins watch Dragon Ball Z. Thank you for letting us know to discard your opinions as they’re coming from a nonwhite and therefore they don’t matter.
>handed to them on a silver platter
Let's give our countries and culture to non-whites on a silver platter. MAGA
>coming from the morrocan immigrant
>No, you guys don't understand it, that tweet is just multidimensional-underwater-backgammonchess, he is secretly /ourguy/
B-but, he’s with our BASED God Emperor? He can’t be wrong you stupid racist Alt righter that just makes us right wing conservative Republicans look bad!
Aren’t you a nigger lover? What problem would you have with a Morrocan immigrant? As long as they come legally, remember?
Based and redpilled R*ddit 4ever
> far left - stupid nonsense about lvt and power
> left - stupid nonsense about diversity & inclusion
> center - stupid nonsense about liberalism
> right - stupid nonsense about free marker & nap
> far right - stupid esoteric nonsense about white identity
Shitskin, it's your fucking fault we deal with lazy Mexicans. if you'd developed any education skills in the territories you raped for 300 years there'd be a functioning culture in Mexico.
Make America Great Again and all citizens are invited to join in the glory!
Is that a jab at Q and our BASED God Emperor’s strategies?
This. Legal immigration is what made America great. MAGA
Thank you nihilist (((Anglo.))) I too, agree that nothing matters and that I hold no values or beliefs because fuck it, we’re all going to die in the end anyways. Do whatever you want dude, lmao.
>no reply
>le ironic posting
confirmed sub 100 iq immigrant
top yourself
Based and redpilled. Minorities are oppressed by white males and the reason they illegally enter our countries is because colonialism
>hes right about minorities
shitskin detected
fake and gay
Yes, subhumans would’ve been better if the white Spaniards had done more for them. Thank you new redditfugee intellectual that thinks pretending to be edgy makes you epic on this site and board.
>irish ancestry
>thinks he's not a shitskin
oh boy, you got me!
Yes, let’s stand up for them by treating them as equals. No more oppressive welfare. No more bigoted double standards. No more demeaning pandering. Add a fewmore seats to the adult table and give women and minorities the same authority and responsibility that men have struggled under all this time. We’re all “white men” now.
No sir, please don't report me to the Kekistan Police Department.
Fuck off Euronigger, we need to show our legal minorities and women respect and unite against the illegal invaders, this matters