8values Thread

LINK TO 8VALUES - 8values.github.io/

If you have not taken an 8values test within a month, please do so. Your political affiliation may have changed. Personally, for example, I always get conservatism or capitalist fascism, it changes often.

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Data mining faggot. Go to hell, cunt.

go back to my oven, kike

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I always get theocratic socialism

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Also Jow Forums is a socialist board

Did I win?

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>Did I win?

You won at being on file with a marketing compant for targeted advertising, you fucking idiot.


What does it matter that it is datamining, (((they))) already know everything from my search history

I'd say it's probably about right.
I identify as a British Facist but Right wing populist is close enough.

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>implying tradition isn't progress

personal liberty is worth dying for.

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Centrist coming through! Out of the way shithead extremists!

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>Fellow whites

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Idk I guess I am pretty middle

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what, you watched Tim Pool yesterday too?

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>all these trad fags

real niceeeee

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