How is this acceptable?

How is this acceptable?

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Other urls found in this thread:

1) She lives in California, which is not a sustainable life choice
2) She has a degree in Baloney (Gender studies)
Neither of those are America's fault. She made those dumbass choices herself.

Missing in the picture : how I spend too much money on useless shit

They brainwash our kids, even minimum wage is too much for these ZOG tools.

>Didn't even look at the pic

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Teachers are all libshits and get the rope

shit with money, why is that my fault

My wife and my mother are both not libshits

I see she went to the DSPs business school

>How is this acceptable?
Supply and demand. There are lots of people with teaching degrees. The volume of the available workforce dictates wages. Blame teachers for telling these faggot millennials they can be anything they want.

>Supply and demand
>Government work
Pls stop talking out of your ass

Norm Macdonald says it best.

To be a teacher, you only need an education level one step up. So to teach 4th grade, you only need a 3rd grade education.

At that point it's supply and demand.

She has 3 jobs, why are they only focusing on 1 of them not paying a living wage?

>master's degree
not a guarantee of income
>16 years of experience
not a guarantee of income
>work two extra jobs
not a guarantee of income
>donate blood plasma
not a guarantee of income
still not a guarantee of income

basically what she is whining is that she is just useless shit and being a useless shit is tough

>Those who don’t know, teach.

She sure did fly a long way to pose for a photo

In the Navy, we had a saying: "Choose your rate, choose your fate"
What that means is, if you pick a skate, no skill, non-watch standing job, you'll make shit $$$ on the outside, and be slow to advance.
If you pick a technical, watch standing job, you can make serious $$$ on the outside.
Engineering jobs are in high demand. Power plant operators, oil rig operators, pipe fitters/ welders, etc.

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Teachers do make less money, but that's because they get summers off and long holiday vacations, just like the kids do.
They bitch that they're not paid a lot, but then take a whole summer off.
It's a gravy ass job when you get nearly half the year off, and the other half merely requires that you wake up in the morning, hand out homework and grade papers.
Yes, some teachers go above and beyond this, but it's something like 90% of teachers (all the women teachers I had) who just did the absolute bear minimum.
This teachers aren't paid enough meme is beyond retarded. Maybe if you wanted to make over $50k a year, you shouldn't have taken a job where you're off the entire summer.

She must be stupid as shit

>Jow Forums is a bunch of proles with disdain for education
No wonder conservatism is fucked...

She should find work in a field that requires more than singing songs with children.
>masters degree
My fucking sides

People are worth what they can earn when we are talking about salary. There is no other logical way to pay people.

Because she is a fat wasteful bitch!!

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She's locked into that Jewish trap of being sucked dry. Jew rag TIME is capitalizing on her to promote their agenda.

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If she has kids I have no sympathy.

This is interesting user. In my country (Not Ecuador) I´ve heard high school droputs say that as a welder, you can make more money in the US than with a useless college degree. From your example, I´ll take it as true. Now, the question is, do you have to train yourself as a welder in some kind of technical school or can you make it good as a self trained welder after a couple of years working in the car repair?

Just saw a few of you literal niggers at fleet week here in SF. You need to tighten up your uniform and weight control standards. All three of them looked like they crawled out of a fucking duffel bag

Your salary is tied to federal and state taxes and policies. Ask them to increase taxes so you will get paid more.

...what do you mean higher taxes are unpopular?

>you can make more money in the US than with a useless college degree
That is not really true

Your master's degree might be for something that is not in demand.

Your skills are not in demand or they are oversupplied.

You are incredibly average or simply inept, so no one is interested in furthering your career.

You have nothing to offer.

You live somewhere with a very high cost of living.

Ta Daa

>tfw my big sister is a teacher in a majority black school
>She used to be fairly redpilled; keenly aware of how the black students fucked up her classes for all the students that were there to learn
>Apparently she got used to it over time.
>Now she's gone as left as the rest of them. Wailing and gnashing teeth over Trump.

I have
>masters degree in econ
>4 years experience
>unemployed for 6wks now
>pay my bills and put away $700/mo while on unemployment

This bitch lives above her means. My bills come out to $1300/mo

>be libtard teacher
>extoll virtues of immigration
>get btfo'd by h1-b scam
>my sides

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>takes a job solely for the amount of days off you get
>expects to be paid
sorry, sweetie, you don't deserve half of what you get.


You are right user, they did do the absolute minimum.

I'm a teacher in a nordic country.
I am kinda shittypaid compared to the other 4+years education. But I do not need two extra jobs and donate blood plasma to pay the bills.

The only thing that I could complain about is:
Who is most stupid?
10% of my students, or their parents.
The answer is BOTH.

What the fuck are you guys doing?

Failed to recognize that teachers are just babysitters these days.

Failed to recognize the real money is in admin

Or just lying like most women do.

Let's see those finances bitch.

Federalized education prioritizes following orders more than actually knowing the subject. The curriculum is designed so that someone with no more than a basic grasp of english and no knowledge in their subject can effectively teach any k-10 course as long as they can read and follow directions.

Are you fucking handicapped or did you misunderstand the question?

>pay the bills
Very nice nebulous, non-descript wording, sweetie. Let me take a wild guess: you live in a very decent house, in a very decent neighborhood, and drive a very decent car, have air conditioning, cable, good insurance, high speed internet, and on and on.
Maybe stop pretending you deserve a middle class lifestyle for babysitting kids all day for 9 months out of the year.
Get your ass into a shitty single-wide trailor and take the bus to work, boom, no more “need to sell my plasma to pay all these bills.” Retard.

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lol they could just pay americans more lol

Despite what people tell you, a welder does not make significantly more than a teacher does. A welder however has to work long hours in dangerous conditions. A teacher gets to work nine months a year in A/C. This is not even assuming those with academic degrees go into something like diversity consulting which pays $$$

What are her bills? High maintenance much?

The average teachers wage in Kentucky for elementary school teachers is $54,000. With 16 years experience I can guess she is around that wage. Where the fuck is her money going that she cannot live off $54,000?

Female teachers should be ancillary to their husband's income. A full-time self-supporting female teacher should only happen when her children have grown up.

The modern education system in america is truly amazing. On one hand you have niggers who are borderline illiterate just being pushed through, graduating high school because they treat school as an expensive, tax funded daycare. On the other you see high school freshmen taking differential equations with college students (I've personally witnessed both). What we have is disdain for the current public educational system, not all education in general.

You tell me.

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People live expensive and materialistic lifestyles now. It's not about what you have done in life, it's about the size of your tv.

I had the misfortune of having dinner with a liberal school teacher from California last month, Trust me when I say they aren't worth saving

If anything teachers are overpaid.

>bear minimum
You definitely had some garbage grammar teachers. If you want better teachers, YOU HAVE TO PAY THEM MORE

How do you figure?
they are required to have a masters degree.
literally any other job requiring that is paid more for the wide knowledge you possess.
why not argue to make their training less, then?

Have you not seen the 10 people in this thread say "duhhh teachers are redarted"? Standardized education is a different problem at the state/federal level that does not involve teachers.

Why would anybody need three jobs and to regularly donate blood to pay bills? I have one whole job making $13.50 and I get by just fine

Clearly teaching ain’t worth shit. And her other two jobs can’t be worth shit either. Come to think of it, this person must not be worth shit!

>charter schools

The navy teaches you how to weld, and depending on the length of your enlistment, advanced training is available, that can result in major $$$, depending on what route you take

LOL, I got out 20 years ago, and even then it was bad. Mostly people who work on the admin/ records can get away with it, because they have access to their own personnel files

>looks up article
>it's real
Jesus fucking christ. China do it, please

Teaching is not difficult. It does not require a master's degree or even a bachelor's degree for grade school. American students in the late 19th / early 20th centuries, when teachers just had to show up and there was no diversity, were FAR better educated than students today.

Governments requiring master's degrees for teachers is a scam to enrich both colleges and public school bureaucracies filled with fucking admins who don't do a god damn thing. She got caught in the scam. Now her life is fucked.

>hurr durr the laws of supply and demand magically disappear when i utter the magic word "gubermint"
Stop talking out of YOUR ass. Now.

There are a lot of fields of manual labor that pay really well, and they afford you with job security like no other, those are usually infrastructure jobs. And if you are a brainy one you can start a company and that will guarantee that you will beat most college educated salaries.

It's true that if you are in like factory work it's shit, and job prospects aren't that hot. But there is a real demand for certain jobs, it's actually part of the reason fucking immigrants keep coming to your country, there is a demand in manual labor, but they are uneducated so they don't get the jobs they want.

Armchair "economist", pls tell me how supply and demand works with an institution that is not designed to make a profit...

It is when (((they))) are up to their tricks.

pic related

This is the reason for this:

Define "pays really well." You can get a six figure government job where you can literally not get fired without a felony conviction. Also, two months off and not have to break your back.

LOL. My wife is a public school teacher. Pulls in $74k a year. I make about the same. We live in a modest home and save $3k a month with vacations every couple of months. Our retirement portfolio looks awesome.

education majors have low iq so it makes sense they don't know how to manage money. 40k or 200k they will still be poor. can't fix stupid

why would you be a teacher with a master's degree?

Also isn't being a teacher a government job?

>there has to be profit for supply and demand to be in effect
Supply and demand is operative even in non financial domains. The dating market can be easily models in those terms.

No, the economic law is still in effect. Look at what (((they))) are doing: increasing the supply by importing foreigners. If we took that option away from (((them))) the supply would be lower forcing wages higher.

And bureaucrats, mostly composed of (((them))), would have to give up some pay so teachers could be hired.

Because anyone who has been in a public school knows they're fucking pathetic. They're unionized up the ass, the state bureaucracy dictates instruction, they teach to the lowest common denominator, and anytime people try to institute something based on merit, the teachers sperg out because right now all you have to do is show up. For sucks sake in my High school biology class they played videos during instruction time and that was in 2007. Im sure now with the introduction of faggy trends like "new math" its only gotten worse

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Those that can, do. Those that can’t, are women.

Teachers get paid much more than most people think, plus their generous pensions are about to be the death of several States.

With a Rank I in Kentucky your salary can be like 60k, which is far more than most Kentuckians - who get by while whining far less than these teachers.

don’t be a teacher then?

Good, maybe they'll finally start shutting down those indoctrination centers.

To top it off, teachers i meet as an sdult are some of the most degenerate and unhinged women ive ever seen. Habitual roasties, many with fucked up marriages or single mom's. It's really true the saying, "those who can't do, teach". Outside of the school system these women are dregs.

>babysit children ~6 hours a day
>have every holiday off
>work 40-50 hours a week
>in the A/C
>most of your day is spent doing bull shit

I'm close with multiple teachers, they can't differntiate between their, there, and they're.

I forgot to add, also, that this woman also probably gets student loan forgiveness at a rate of like $5k per 5 years of teaching because most Kentucky school districts are considered "underserved." The idea she works TWO extra jobs is absolutely laughable unless she's a cocaine addict who is trying to fund her fix.

Why didnt she get married?

>How is this acceptable?

>teacher in America
>responsible for disseminating marxist/anti-American propaganda and brainwashing the goyim with (((common core))) and (((white guilt)))
>expects to be paid a wage commensurate with a teacher that doesn't promote communist ideologies.



welder here. its not easy. theres a reason it pays well. you do need training, either from the army or at a school. i went to community college to learn it. my advice is to learn how to TIG weld aluminum and stainless steel. thats what pays the most. its hard as shit, even i cant pass a weld test for it yet but if yoi do master it you can do crazy shit like build airplanes and spacecraft

How is it acceptable for you to be so easily manipulated by emotional propaganda?

>fat as fuck

a welder also has no crippling student debt.

Teachers work 8 months of the year and get paid as such they could choose to work 4 more months of the year like everyone else or they can bitch about only getting 3/4 pay for 3/4 work god help us if she is a math teacher

In such areas as the Los Angeles Unified School District, the little shitskin illegal alien anchor babies make up somethin like 80% of the children.

Their illegal alien spic parents use the free public school system (paid for by gringo tax dollars) as a free 8-hour babysitting service so Juan can knock up and impregnate Consuela for the 10th time in as many years.

Well said. (((They))) should be exorcised from all education offices.

Everyone with a full-time job should be able to pay their bills.
If they can't, then it is the bills that are the problem, they should therefor reduce their living-expenses.

I guarantee that if she showed her finances, you would see weird stuff like she has 5 horse, live in a 5 bedroom apartment in a nicer area, have taken a bunch of shitty loans.

Does the article go into detail of how much she earns and how much she spends?

Trying to justify your "career" as a public teacher isn't going to work here. We're well acquainted with the NPCs you turn loose into the world. You get the rope too. Only non-union teachers are exempt.

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It's Time, what do you think?

>Crippling debt

Literally proving the stereotype...

That's where it was printed, dumbass

Shhh, goy!

I see you're not from America, so I'm going to give you a pass.

Americans are not taught critical thinking skills in the (((public educational system))) because it leads to thought crimes like you just committed.

You're supposed to bow down and be thankful for Mr. Noseburgs 5'oclock news where his puppets tell us what he wants us to think.

This allows Mr. Noseburgs (((mass media in America))) to promote white guilt and this is exactly how that anti-American, nigger shit-stain Obama played up his cult of personality and got every single dumbshit gullible white person to only see the color of that commie niggers skin, not the fact he and his equally anti-white, anti-American regime were fucking America in the ass for 8 years.

Looks like you've had a bit too much to think there, my Portugese friend.

Not a teacher, but friends with many secondary teachers who are not soi or sjw. We're in a non Union state, so slightly different. You need a masters degree to pass a certain pay grade, and it's low so most teachers get them early. What I see that hurts the most is how much they fight the system. The teachers that study the system they work in and try to work with it rather than against seem much happier and more successful. Many though, refuse to move away from high cost of living areas and lifestyles. I earn over 150k a year in salary, and won't live where some of them do because of cost. Couple that with bad student loans, and suddenly the income looks terrible.

For reference, three teachers I know who act like op pic all just bought houses in a country club subdivision that runs 650k and up for a small single family. I live 8 miles away, paid 450k, and have 3 acres and a 2600sqft farmhouse- plus barn and sheds. All of us bought in same year.

What is "proof" to a leftist retard? Kryptonite!

The stereotype that conservatives are usually less educated.

well if she's stupid enough to be a teacher i doubt she's smart enough to know what budgeting it