So anyone else agrees on this?
What did you guys think of the fight?
The Reality Of The Current World
Why do they call him "Russian" when he has an Arab name/face?
It was a FIGHT, by expanding it beyond that and saying "hur durudru dis how tha worl is 2day" you're an idiot.
he's from dagestan; native russian muslims
sloppy haymaker. i know these people fight professionally and would kick my ass but i can't help thinking that punch wouldn't have hit me.
Islam dominated Christianity in that fight and it will soon dominate the world
Islam will conquer UK + Ireland
Expect Sharia courts to become the norm.
How does it make me an idiot tho?
To makes russian look bad.
Khabib like all other caucasus muslims isn't russian, doesn't consider himself russian, and hates russians. Most of russians cheered for the irish monkey.
Conor's an atheist. He's said fuck religion on his social media.
It's more
wrestling > boxing
it doesn't go deeper than that in terms of the actual fight.
As Dagestan is a federal subject of Russia
>anti-trump potato nigger vs sand nigger
Whoever wins we lose
I assumed Khabib would win but I was rooting for Conor. Still someone should have killed Khabib after the fight. Back in like the 20s whites would sometimes riot if a nigger won a boxing match against a white. And this event definitely deserves some anti muslim rioting and killing. Shows how cucked whites are today that nothing happened to him in a stadium with thousands of whites.
because it was a fight
a fight between two strangers does not mean anything beyond who wins and who loses
its on the same level as those faggots on twitter who compare trump to voldemort and likewise related horseshit
I was just thinking this. I’m an amateur boxer and I’m wondering how a pro didn’t see that coming? That punch was broadcasted a mile away.
XD fair enough
I don't see the rest of the world doing shit to the West. Like most of human history, the West continues to dominate everywhere in every sense of the word. Only Westerners are crushing Western liberals. The hell are Asians or Eastern Europeans doing against them?
not only that but his guard was already up. all he had to do was raise his left hand a few inches.
i didn't watch the fight. maybe he was pretty worn down by that point.
But McGregor did chat shit about nationalities thats all im saying so im glad Khabib ate him
>The hell are Asians or Eastern Europeans doing against them?
What we should be doing. Not allowing them to exist in the first place.
Cant agree much more than that, exactly my friend.
>t. someone who doesnt know Russia
Russia has all different kinds of people, meme flag
okay, that's good
but saying this the "reality of the current world" is idiotic
McGregor was looking at the left hand of the opponent, probably expected a hit from there
Yeah, in their countries. So an Eastern Liberal gets stomped in the East and that's great. But they're doing nothing against Western Liberals in the West.
>killing an athlete for winning a game of sportsball
looks like he was preparing to defend a takedown attempt
I must agree then, still with the refugee crisis due to the European unions management the reality is that eastern Europeans are fighting it. Thats all
>Being this eager to post
Still failed
dawww were the bantz to much for your culturally enriched sensibilities?
Proofs of what?
Its more like chat shit get banged i'm relating to.
>McGregor was looking at the left hand of the opponent,
right, his opponent pulled back his left hand to rotate himself for a strike coming from the opposite side. he should have raised his guard without even looking over. i guess it's easier said than done though.
McTapper got his ass handed to him all around, tried to cheat multiple ways, and then hints at a rematch.
Fuck him
Khabib put the tombstone on the grave of a one dimensional fighter.
And he tried to kill that douchebag Danis. so Khabib 2-0 for the night.
Conor started the brawl in the cage, hit an old man, and then got a few licks to the head for his trouble.
I hope we never see Conor again.
Hope he hangs himself.
This board always goes full retard calling this ape a white man.
>so anyone else agrees?
↑literally no one but dumb foreigners talk like this,.
man i hate you pasta munchers. I get so tired of foreigners trying to "speak" english
Fucking hell yes, agreed
are there not literally millions of young man who fight each other for a couple of millions?
are these guys any exceptional? I don't get it
It was pretty good. Kebab wrecked drunk irishman
he's friends with Putin you retard
You wanna talk cucks, look at all these Conor nuthugger casuals dressed like faggots.
Why would Conor rush to punch an old man when he was barely conscious? Is there something you aren't telling?
Yes apologies for the bad grammar, its not easy speaking Polish as your native tongue and having to write English grammar
A few minutes before greenig was getting repeatedly pummeled in the floor. I’m honestly impressed he got up from the second round.
>talk shit get hit
How antiquated.
this is objectively wrong. The perspective each society creates effects training and diet.
because conor tried to cross the cage, got held back, saw the old guy going across the cage, decided to swing.
4 dudes punching him later....leaves in a hurry
and cuck Dana had 3 of Khabib's men arrested.
The fact that whites didn’t chimp out after kebab hopped the fence is proof that European spirit is dead.
>thinking UFC is real in any what way anymore
it was bought and sold to people who profit off the stage show, not the actual competition.
The actors involved are actually fighting but they are very much limited in what they can actually do to hit one another.
it looks like mcgregor got clocked stepping back from his opponents left feint.
Not bait, everything I say I say with 64% irish ancestry and a meaner left than conor.
Fuck him. He has almost singlehandedly destroyed a legit sport, the only sport I will watch.
He thought he was the pikey from snatch, but really he's just a pikey.
i don't know what you're trying to say.
don't apologies lol. I was hoping you'd get mad and write profanity at me. You are a good sport user,
they got let go
Dana prolly had to to cover his ass in case some kid got punched in the crowd
You are getting ahead of yourself.
Let's start with Conor being barely conscious, barely able to stand up.
What happens next?
It's mma not boxing. Conor was more concerned about a takedown attempt or a clinch. If he keeps his guard too high he'll be open for a single/double leg.
It's the same reason Conor wasn't throwing wild kicks and punches, any error and he gets wrestlefucked.
Khabib won fair and square. Conor spent his time doing coke and drinking whiskey while he should have concentrated on training for the fight.
next, faggot danis tried to get attention and got more than he asked for
I'm used to it by now, Ireland isn't a nice place to live in.
McTapper was just there to get a check/promote whiskey and not look too bad which he accomplished.
desu what he did to Aldo was legendary but I swear he just fucked it up, first with the Floyd fight then flying in his goons to attack people on buses and then that failed press conference with his crap whisky.
Foregone conclusion. No one has an answer for Khabib's top game and that answer DEFINITELY is not coming from a striker with stamina for 8 minutes.
As for what happened after the fight, Khabib's actions embodied literally everything Jow Forums claims to stand for, but because muh izlam they won't ever recognize it. He did what he said he would do. He is who he says he is. He is based.
>Drake at the rematch
Yes he did haha, should have tried making some potato vodka instead.
i'm hesitant to support islam over irishmen, but theres something to deeply respect about khabib... you dont flippantly insult everything most dear to a man who cares deeply about honor, and expect to walk away clicking your heels.
i have little patience for people for whom absolutely nothing is sacred.
Anyone who gets paid to be punched in the head for entertainment is a worthless degenerate.
this is a Ketchum thread now.
America is great. Come here through the proper channels and you will love it as well. Come here and help us BTFO the SJWs
i know they got let go. the point was Dana has favored Conor from day one so even though Conor attacked a man in the cage which set off the attack on him in the cage, Khabib's people are the ones arrested and kicked out of the UFC. Dana is a fucking bum who had to leave Boston because the mob was after him.
I agree with all you said user
Conor got in Conors head
and then Khabib did
Conor is his worst enemy
He should simply walk away and live a rich man
I immediately watched cuck porn after seeing this loss. I recommend looking up 'cuban hot wife first bbc'
UFC was sold by the mafia to WME, who also owns WWE. They turned the UFC into pro wrasslin. The fights are fixed. The drama is scripted.
you just watched Khabib "turn heel" to try to gain popularity.
Godbless, the packing noises of those punches. They were getting hit with the force of God.
he didnt even touch him wtf is this stupid shit
Trump curse strikes again
Aren't Russians white? Just because he's a muslim that doesn't mean that he's not a European.
Sign me up no problem then. We have to get rid of the bad DNA
muslim or satanist
there's something to be admired about a man who won't take shit from shittalkers.
white bois are weak cause look what they willingly CHOOSE to eat
Didn't know the mob stuff that's wild.
Agree with rest
This is really bad news
Russians are shitskins just like Serbs.
well technically he is a Caucasian. Dagestan is part of The Caucasus.
I'm no big Conor fan, but that isn't what happened at all. The dude RAN INTO THE CAGE, then RAN AROUND PEOPLE TO RUN AT HIM HEAD ON. Conor goes to defend himself because that guy was starting to attack him, and then he gets SUCKER PUNCHED in the side of the head from behind.
Well, Drakeistanian, they are literally called Caucasians...
makes sense. i guess there's a lot to think about and it his opponents strike was pretty quick for being so wide and awkward-looking. still, how do you not see that in your peripheral vision?
hes not arab, hes an avar. pic related is ancient avar symbols
There is nothing white about him, so lets stop pretending like there is.
no, i only support sharia law and accept our mohammed overlords, please don't beat me kebab.