Portugal is by far the most underrated nation and poster on this board. I feel here we should appreciate their accomplishments
>Got rid of the Moors
>First to circumnavigate the globe
>Genocides Jews
>Beautiful art, architecture, history
Portugal is the most underrated country in Europe
Other urls found in this thread:
They are also extremely bro-tier
>The only allies of my country when the rest of the world, including america, turned their backs
God Bless Portugal
t. white zimbabwean
>poor Spain
Thanks i guess.
but we need to be mass redpilled again,we are being invaded by non europeans, sepcially from africa/brazil
Portugal is based, and it's people are great.
not like the good old days, but still struggling to protect our identity and all europe
t-take that back
Portugal is a cucked mixed race shithole ruled by an Indian. The sooner mudetteranigs of all sorts die out, the better
Portugal should be the one invading Brazil and Africa, not the other way around!
Angola é Nossa!
Won’t be in a few hours.
explain this portugal
Cool lie albanian mutt
a painting of a slaves market, nice
We are ruled by traitors, like all the west.
>Angola é Nossa!
No, Portugal is a nation, not a multiracial empire
Portugal is still whiter than you, Abdul
slave market? why is the black guy riding a horse and wearing a cape with the Order of Santiago?
>Started the transatlantic slave trade
>Genocided sandniggers in the name of Christ
Yep 100% underrated.
Deport the natives to the Congo, Zambia, Namibia, and other nearby nigger nations.
>still thinking portugal is relevant
the capital of your empire was once located in Brazil kek
Some best buddy you are.
I'm interested in a cute Portuguese woman, any tips?
imagination, you have no ideia how was portuguese people back in the days
you sill have your tip? :D
Are you trying to counter a proper Oxford study with a literal what chart from a conspiracy theories website? Infamous 90 IQ right there
Imagine literally being Spanish
Stop using drugs for Portuguese are ugly as fuck.
>"the capital"
the king had to flee from Portugal because of the napoleonic wars, but in fact he ruled nothing.
>imagination, you have no ideia how was portuguese people back in the days
what are you saying?
>minimal involvement in navas de tolosa
>magallanes died half way to circumnavugate the globe, elcano (spanish) did it.
>lapdog to the english
>earthquake destroyed all their pre 1755 architecture
>irrelevant for the rest of its existence commonly overshadowed by spain
>riddled with socialists
>sells mayor electrics company (edp) to chinese instead of europeans
Really bro people but they deserve what they have
>a proper Oxford study
lmao Not true at all, the paper, was debunked, to a point the autor admited it had flaws, like no north african samples, low differentiation and so on
do you really wanna debate about IQ? third world albanian peasant
>Got rid of the Moors
>Genocides Jew
Both were done mostly by converting them to Christianity and mixing with them until lost their separate identities.
She's half French, half Portuguese. I made her take a dna test.
She's a 8/10 dude. Petite, white fair skin, light brown hair, strong character though. This is what I'm struggling with.
Portugal is north african and indistinguishable, only reason you call them white is because they worship one more semitic prophet than jews do.
They are famous for their mustaches, i'll let you figure out the rest
>>magallanes died half way to circumnavugate the globe, elcano (spanish) did it.
not our fault
>earthquake destroyed all their pre 1755 architecture
not our faut
>riddled with socialists
gee, we have something in common then
>>sells mayor electrics company (edp) to chinese instead of europeans
Our goverment, and goverments in general don't care if the buyer is chinese/european, they only care about the profit, and that's how it works.
>>lapdog to the english
t.French puppet
>>irrelevant for the rest of its existence commonly overshadowed by spain
Spanish education everyone, similar to the turkish one.Pic related.
You forgot
>Porto sandwich
>t.french puppet
Hahaha we were the first to defeat them in continental europe and fought to the last man to repel them, meanwhile you got betrayed by your own master uk and didn't even complain
>spanish education
Spanish education doesn't teach shit about anything. Although I must recognize that pic of turkish education is just hilarious.
Just stick to being the geriatric for old rich people in europe and keep making god-like sweets. That's what you were made for.
>Both were done mostly by converting them to Christianity and mixing with them until lost their separate identities.
That's insane, and delusional.
There are decrets wiritten with the expell, the numbers and even the ports from where they were shipped,the moors were an absolute minority and expelled in the reconquista (even if the mjority of theme were native iberians converted toislam), the jews were only expelled later, in 1496.
Sure americanmutt sure
>Hahaha we were the first to defeat them in continental europe and fought to the last man to repel them.
How heroic of you, don't forget you weren't the only one. how do you think we survived the eternal pierre?
>meanwhile you got betrayed by your own master uk and didn't even complain
Well, considering that you got cucked by the french who usurped your king, you had it worst.And we did resist, we resisted so much that we expelled them from the country by force.
>Just stick to being the geriatric for old rich people in europe and keep making god-like sweets. That's what you were made for.
While i see i bright future for this nation haunted by socialism and forest fires, i can't say the same of you, thanks to the doctors , women & children coming to your country, spain is, like the ottomans, becoming the sick man of europe.
>minimal involvement in navas de tolosa
we have finisehd our reconquista 200 years earlier than you, we were there at Navas just to help you tard, i wonder how many times you have done the same for us?
>magallanes died half way to circumnavugate the globe, elcano (spanish) did it.
Magellean, organizated all the expedition in Lisbon kid with portuguese maps,and cartography, even the crew.
>lapdog to the english
lapdog of the french, to a ridiculous way, that even in the napoleonic wars we and the brits had to liberate you, laughable indeed
never trust a (((portuguese)))
At least those socialists didn’t start a civil war that would inspire generations of pantyfag terrorists like yours did.
Sephardics were north africans along with actual north africans, this makes up "portuguese" people.
you think that this picture represents us being european or north african?
>bright future
Forest fires and socialists will be the least of your problems. However i wish you the best in this dire times.
>liberate us
More like sacking our cities and taking credit while we did the heavy lifting all throughout spain.
Pfft said the singlemost producer and promotor of pc and socialist culture throughout the world. You academia got subverted and now you are fucking us all over, that's a disgrace not fighting against the communists in the 30s which as a reminder you did not do.
You tell me.
the girl looks tunisian or marrocan
>half French
the horror
Based. Basques should spearhead a genocidal cleansing warfare in Iberia
German and French autosomal dna is known to be filled with north african and negroid shit, rights
on the other side the man looks pretty dubious. I'm also not sure if that is the portuguese ones
>The mestizo shows his face in this thread
What a surprise!
I do not agree on the phenotype of the girl
More meme maps.
For a good reason!
It is currently ruled by communists, who are in a coalition with super communists and super-duper communists
>"German and French autosomal dna is known to be filled with north african and negroid shit"
>Source given: my anglo ass.
Is this guy not portugues?
Must agree. Nice, strong, but simpleminded people. Great history and all but meaningless on the world stage, both influentially and economically.
can you post the marrocan and the tunisian ones?
>ginger beard
there are records of an ghetto of jews who were ginger. this guy as that ogre face of jews, plus the ginger beard
He looks just like salazar, he is from portugal
I can also brighthen or darken the image on photoshop
Is this one portuguese?
this one algerian
Google it yourself, smart ass.
Portugal is literally a cheaper Spain copy
its west spain
are you nuts?
Portuguese sounds so ugly though
Like you've got something stuck in your throat and you're trying to get it out
This is a horrible country
Do NOT come here, thanks
We love you because you are bros, but
In fact we (Portugal) are the only nation that iberian peninsula has, Spain is not a nation, but a state.
Is this one portuguese?
Portuguese from portugal is the ugliest shit ever
Keep coping.
nice try achmed
How are you not achmed?
Literally semitic faces
this is not clear
there are 3 individuals here that clearly aren't white
He is catholic and therefore White European you see
You think I was joking?
Portugal is a semitic sephardix nafri syrian nation, the sephards are north africans too.
No semitic al-tugal can prove me wrong.
the eternal albanian, yesterday russian proxy, today brit
already debunked american mutt.
portuguese genetically have nothing to do with semitic -north african populations.
You are literally not white.
All hail king Henri the navigator who single handley opened up the western oceans for exploration, if not for the Portuguese sailors north America would be a Russian or japanese continent
t. Mexican Mestizo LARPing as Iberian/Basque
I have only known one Portuguese dude in my whole life, my old drummer. On one hand he liked to fuck around a lot, did lots of jrugs, scammed disability for gibs, but on the other hand at the end of the day he had a certain sense of old world ethics; treated women well, loved his mother, was good and loyal to his friends and family. He was openly proud of his culture and accepting of other cultures so far as they didn't create too much strife. Not the best example of a new comer, but by no means the worst. I have nothing for or against Portugal as I have not visited and really cannot make an assement, but I cannot help but respect the navigation and maritime skills of the Portuguese. The Italians had their navigators of great renown, as did the Norse, the Russians, the Dutch, the British, the Chinese and the Spanish, but Portugal is the only nation or culture to my knowledge to have a prince who was nicknamed the Navigator. So with that factor, I would say my view of Portugal is more positive than that of other countries, but I would really need to visit to form a solid opinion.
Keep pretending you are right.
I'm sure you'll believe yourself eventually.
I know. They are filthy and dumb nafri nigger mutts
The only thing ALBAnian about me is my Scottish ancestry