Can I get a QRD on her? Is she red-pilled?
Can I get a QRD on her? Is she red-pilled?
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She's pretty red-pilled.
She was a flaming LIB then had an awakening from watching the Jordan Peterson video where he was swarmed by those "TRANS" students after he protested against Bill C-16.
She has good commentary on her red-pilling and the Trump MAGA movement.
Does she ever mention the JQ?
she's the burger equivalent of Elizabeth
i'd redpill on her forehead if you know what i mean
She’s had an awakening on Peterson recently. She mentions how she hates that he doesn’t believe whites can collectivize and how it’s hypocritical. She’s a pretty based /ourgirl/
will she be my gf?
i want her to ride a bbc while i watch
she's relaxing to watch, you can literally see her thinking..forming thoughts..considering don't see females do that much these days
Wife material.
Don't know who she even is, but she doesn't have an Instagram account listed on her channel or twitter so that's a huge plus already.
She fucks black guys. She's just another fake like Lauren Southern.
She's been steadily moving further and further right over the last year or so, but she's a 30 year old boomer so it's taking a while
She's a quintessential roastie. Loved to travel, went on months long vacations to South Asia, considered herself close to an anarchist and generally to the far left and as you can imagine rode the cock carousel and then when she turned 29 suddenly discovered that she's a traditionalist lol.
Your an embarrassment to the country.
Delete yourself.
Gibs proofs
She follows David Duke, Mark Collett, Spencer, etc. on twitter. She knows about the JQ.
what about the based version of cara delevingne
How do we solve the Beta Male Problem?
How do we deal with the fact that so many of you faggots, no matter how far to the right you get, are still subservient to women?
welcome jidf
who's this thot
alias: barbara4u2c
fuckin lub Based Barb
No you fucking bitch. Stop posting your dumbass here
This reads like a shill thread
After Lauren Rose crashed & burned, I'd hope Jow Forums was smarter than falling for the latest pandering THOT
they never learn.
they're white nationalists incels. their desperation overcomes any logical thought process.
confirmed coalburner btw
why because she showed in a pic with another youtuber someblackguy?
stay in denial wh*Toid
don't act like it was just one pic
Oh look the newest tradthot flavour of the months shilling herself on Jow Forums
Post your tits, slut
With Jews You Lose your probably hasbara since your promoting your fellow tribesmen but this is for the non red pilled on the JQ ...the Jew will involve and eventually monopolize every movement they see as a threat and by their definition is all goyim movements... For example the alt right was no sooner being promoted by the (((media))) with these (((alt right))) heroes like Milo Lauren southern Mike cernovich and shabboy goy married into the family like Alex Jones... The Golden rule is to Go with What Tesla advised in saying "never trust a Jew" might think your being red pilled or woke but it's only ever gonna be kosher
2 pictures hanging out with a black youtuber = banging a black guy. Come on you cant be this retarded.
yeah, she took a bikini picture of herself laying by the side of the pool with "just a friend"
She sounds Irish she half potato or something?
she's probably at least half potatoe
she's CIA or Mossad
all the way afaik
and she's also very good optics
1) are you saying black dick is so irresistible that anytime white women are around blacks they fuck.
2) are you suggesting that women cant have male friends that they dont fuck?
>but m-muh based waifu
Women discovered there was an untapped market of male attention in traditionnal right wing politics so they swarm in. Same thing happened with games. 90s and early 00s there was no such thing as a female gamer, at least not publicly announce it. This is all it is. There's no deep thoughts, no value being added, no real act of self sacrifice, nothing. Just some "like whore" who wants to be the center of attention in a less competitive market.
Men and women can't really be friends.
The less attractive of the pair always developes a love interest in the more attractive.
>are you saying black dick is so irresistible that anytime white women are around blacks they fuck
what the hell
those are your words, I never said anything like that
>are you suggesting that women cant have male friends that they dont fuck?
dude, I'm starting to actually feel sorry for you
This Barbara bitch has all attributes of a coalburner
>bleaches her hair blonde
>admitted mental health problems
>takes pictures with a literal nigger subhuman putting his arm around her
read the fucking caption, it even has a heart emoji in it
also, that nigger admitted that he was trying to get into RageAfterStorm's panties before her race realism video
>Women discovered there was an untapped market of male attention in traditionnal right wing politics so they swarm in.
The same goes for guys in left wing politics.
She's hooked up with black guys.