It is with high probability that Trump placed the entire GOP on a testosterone regimen.
Graham is a one man wrecking crew--single-handedly BTFO Dems in committee and then--not satisfied--went on to give lefties protesting some more middle fingers. Still not happy, Graham then hit up Kate Bouldan on CNNs 'At This Hour' with; "...if you don't like me working with President Trump to make the world a better place, I don't give a shit".
Chuck "What-The-Fuck" Grassley--told the media piss off and questioned women on the SCOTUS.
Mitch McConnell. Talk about a 180. This faggot didn't do shit until he did. Told Bathhouse Barry and Merick Garland, "Not this timeline" and weaponized Harry Reid's own nuclear option to wreck any chance of filibuster.
We're seeing unprecedented levels of backbone. So when will we see Jeff Sessions redemption arc and the finding of his ball? Does he need a higher dosage of testosterone? There are so many people going to jail when he finally finds his sack.
Sessions is achieving more of Trump's agenda more than any other cabinet member.
Jaxson Turner
Never. He is a plant. A real one. Not the conspiracy-shit. He is there to stop any legal maneuvers by the President. It makes sense, seeing as how he was the original person to jump on the train. He is assigned to this, in case Trump became president, to be put in some position of power and limit the executive.
Benjamin Butler
James Murphy
Sessions explicitly stated that he has no intentions of ever punishing anyone in government for crimes
Christopher Young
Oh, so OVERTLY allowing oversight to go to Rosenstein, someone who is actually GUILTY of the fraudulent spying investigation into the "Russia" lie, was all a honest mistake? Get bent.
Wyatt Wilson
As Richard Spencer said. We are witnessing the neocons slink back into power so they can go back to business as usual as soon as Trump is gone. So many dumb fucks actually going along with this and they'll try to elect another George Bush after Trump and call it " based "
Andrew Myers
After trump is re-elected sessions will comedown on the Clintons with the wrath of a God. For now he sits quiet.
Juan Myers
>A leaf citing a loser No surprises here.
Isaiah James
a tactic not a mistake.
Adam Morgan
I'll bite Obama-leaf. Please explain.
Aaron Garcia
Kys kike.
Joseph Murphy
If it wasn't for Jeff Sessions blocking everything, we'd already have gotten rid of most of the corrupt elements in Washington.
Trump needs to trash him, but he's probably gonna wait until after the midterms
You kiss your sister, fool. You shills come here and post these Mueller is /ourguy/ Sessions is /ourguy/ memes to spread disinfo.
Andrew Lewis
Sure thing kike
Parker Lee
Makes no sense. When sessions came out for Trump (Feb 2016) Trump was not taken seriously as a legitimate candidate. Deep State did not anticipate Trump would win (as evidence by Lisa Page text to Strozk about insurance policy almost 6 months later and post Clinton Exoneration by Comey).
Chase Smith
What assurances can you give me?
Carson Richardson
I actually think he takes back his Senate seat in 2020
FBI is not the only player. I'm referring to the actual political conservatives.
He is doing great work on the fronts he should, like rounding up the pedos, etc. He has done nothing to shine light on the very illegal actions taken against the Trump campaign. In fact, he recused himself from it, it's all very shady to me.
Joshua Barnes
Dominic Peterson
I really never want to see any recurrence of this corruption again in my lifetime and I want them to lay the hand of god down on it. I just do not see it happening, so I fear it may happen again.
Carson Lopez
Sessions is just a traitor installed to waste time and energy.
William Murphy
Friendly Reminder: despite the lack of backbone, Sessions has reorganized DoJ largely around tackling illegals and getting them out ASAP.
He is not the best team player, but deep down he’s still one of our guys. If Graham, even in his new based state, took DoJ he would be nowhere as tough on illegals and that’s the truth
Jose Bennett
Ok, that's fair. It seems he just doesn't do anything about political corruption. That is a high priority for me and many others.
Samuel Watson
watching too much dinesh dsouza lol
Ayden Rodriguez
Highest priority.
The Mueller investigation needs to end.
At the very least: Comey: Jail Strozk: Jail McCabe: Jail Page: Force to be raped Ohr's: Jail Rosenstein: Jail
Pictured deserve Nobel Prizes for their whistleblower reporting.