How long until Trump just outlaws the Democratic Party?

And makes being a communist a federal crime?

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Hopefully he starts giving commies free helicopter rides too

Sadly he cannot make laws for that. But I’d vote for it everyday and twice on sunday

being a communist is already a crime

October surprise.

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Trump IS the law. He should just carry out the self coup already and seize full control of the federal government. Get this democracy charade over with.

>And makes being a communist a federal crime?
It already is. It's just not being enforced.

As it hasn't been tested yet, it will inevtiably go to the Supreme Court. I wonder what will happen now?

they thought they were so smart, now Trump and Jow Forums have them dancing around like monkeys

Not just that he should have them all arrested under RICO statutes.

More people need to throw leftist mentality people under the bus every day. We need to throw them under the bus at school, we need to throw them under the bus at work , and we definitely need to throw them under the bus in the government. We need to show the left no mercy for they know none for they are insects not human, they are animals and dumb so they should always be treated that way because they will never change. You will always be their superior and they will never be your equal.

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He should do it immediately to be honest

The Democratic Party cannot coexist with America

>college law

Are you retarded?

It won't be approved if it goes to court.

Lets make their hollywood fantasies real.

LMFAO based
Trump should just rewrite the Constitution tbph

He and his party are toast in the coming elections and he knows it.
Impeachment will follow.
>the EU will make full use of the american political clusterfuck to squeeze deals
Now that's the real art of the deal.

day of rope now

He will.

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>Are you retarded?

Are you?
The LII is one of, if not; the largest open access libraries to American federal law on the internet.

not soon enough

Piss on the left.

Praise kek

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