>Last polls before the election Jair Bolsonaro (PSL): 42,6% Fernando Haddad (PT): 27,8% Ciro Gomes (PDT): 11,5% Geraldo Alckmin (PSDB): 6,7% Marina Silva (Rede): 2,6% Alvaro Dias (Podemos): 2,0% Henrique Meirelles (MDB): 1,9% Cabo Daciolo (Patriota): 1,5%
-- BACKGROUND Jair Bolsonaro is the front-runner in Brazil's presidential election. He is a conservative Christian, pro-gun, a former army captain, and the only candidate with no corruption charges against him. He's looking to modernise the lethargic Brazilian economy with the aid of UChicago economist Paulo Guedes. He wants to align Brazil's foreign policy with Western nationalist governments against the influence of China, Iran, Syria, Palestine, Russia, North Korea and regional socialism (Venezuela and Cuba). He has a hard stance on crime and supports increasing the power of police forces and the army to tackle Brazil's drug and violence problems.
>VOTE FOR BOLSONARO RIGHT NOW You mean Amoêdo 30, right? He is /ourguy/. Bolsonaro is just a lesser evil that we'll vote for in the second turn to avoid another PT government, user.
have a streaming to see the vote? where I see the count (and the protests hue hue)
Gabriel Jones
As in preventing them? Not really. We can chimp out after the elections if we suspect rigging, though. I think a massive chimpout (excluding the usual one) is unlikely, though.
Christopher Anderson
Bolsonaro ganhou com 53% dos votos
Que Nosso Senhor Jesus nos ajude a se livrar do lixo marxista nos próximos 4 anos
twitter.com/FlavioBolsonaro/status/1048941882116661248 One account replied to this post with around 10+ videos of people denouncing they couldn't vote for Bolsonaro, the machine said their vote was null after they hit 17
The military will step in if it gets too obvious in other words if bolsonaro doesn't win
Christopher Cooper
>Bolsonaro is just a lesser evil that we'll vote for in the second turn to avoid another PT government >risking the chance of PT stealing the second round when there's a VERY high chance of killing the snake on first round by voting Bolsonaro 2/10 got me to respond
Bolsonaro polled better than the two of them yesterday, in a second round scenario.
Joseph Jackson
besides chimp out? no. bolso had proposed to have a printed vote and it was made into law, as well in order to do a proper recount buy (((they))) STE shot it down.
Wir wollen unseren alten Kaiser Pedro wiederhaben! Wir wollen unseren alten Kaiser Pedro wiederhaben! Aber denmit dem Bart, mit dem langen Bart! Aber denmit dem Bart, mit dem langen Bart!
Easton Allen
Jow Forums will hate me for this but 95% of rigging reports are bullshit.
Tell me /hue/, are you annoyed by the self-hating cucks that live in your country and can't stop talking about getting out too? How butthurt are they by this election?
Benjamin White
yeah, but Ciro can actually speak. Andrade can only mumble.
Jacob Flores
>tfw you just helped elect our next President of the Chamber
TSE is saying everything is FAKE about videos and people saying there are fraud.
They took your last hope from us
Also anons, notice the patterns how media is trying to sensationalize other things to change the public attention spam from frauds. Notice how artificial sudden news they bring. This is all programmed
Isaac Sanders
cute even cuter if boy
Caleb Nelson
>Ciro can actually speak Yeah, he can speak and say the exact shit that cost Bolsonaro a few votes. In an eventual second round against Ciro (tip: it's not happening), it'd be pretty easy to expose all the -actually- homophobic and misogynist shit he says.
Wyatt Price
Jason Brown
How can you ever win over your country for Bolsonaro if you can't even win your family?
Nathan Lee
>voting for women >ever No user, I voted for pic related.
Sailor Moon voting for Jair Messias Bolsonaro Que nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo nos ajude a nos livrar da praga vermelha, dos comunistas, dos estudantes de história e do pessoal com cabelo pintado de azul que mora em na zona sul
Not a hue but this is very fucking annoying here, especially since college teachers promote this wetback behaviour of fleeing and leeching off Europe or Aussies and Americans. They never seek to build, only to leech