Demand it

demand it

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Other urls found in this thread:

Oh, come on. You know we wish you the best.

Being this scared of democracy. Lmao burgers.

Why are people still against voter ID again

demand it

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It's a must

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What did Russia do? A couple facebook ads by private citizens?

Because it allows illegals to vote, and das raycis

Now that Kavanaugh is old news, I hope Trump starts talking about Voter ID again

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we should restart the voter ID campaign

I'm doing my part

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Honestly don't even believe they did anything at this point. At least nothing more than the usual which every country does.

We know the Russians are interested in influencing American elections. Voter ID is the only solution

We need to push this.

Lots of young people support common-sense Voter ID laws
>pic related

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Fuck no.

DEMAND dead niggers

Berry Gud!

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>demand it

Trump is the problem.

Attached: CaptureNN.jpg (800x433, 54K)

So good.

We'll just hack your voting machines and change result. Resistance is futile. Submit.

I don't understand, can't you just use this thing?
I just show mine to the lady at the closest school and she hands me the ballots.

Attached: Us-passport.jpg (400x584, 32K)

>I don't understand, can't you just use this thing?
we can't because democratic party wants voting fraud

Attached: 1531686015457.jpg (624x595, 99K)

>Implying Repubs don't
This is not how Democracy works. But your point is that Dems are overabusing the system, right?

see pic

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Rebublicans are also party of crime, your point?

republicans are the party of law and order, and soon the party of criminals will be banned


Believe the women!

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That's the joke. If they get voter ID requirements, dems will lose 60% of their voting base (i.e. illegals).

it's ok when the following countries "intervene" though
an actual non-meme US/Russia alliance would literally wipe out everyone on the planet and hopefully turn EU into a reservation for wypipo
never gonna happen though :(

we are using reverse psychology on the leftist vermin here.
voter ID will make them lose.
they cheated in our election and then blamed you.

I want to know more

So let me get this straight, Dems want illegal immigrants (aka, citizens of other nations) to have the right to vote, but specifically not Russians. So, essentially, they want other nations to interfere with our voting only so long as they are guaranteed to interfere in a way that benefits the left. Can we meme this sonehow so that even NPC's can get what I am trying to say here?

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few americans have passports
we travel freely between all states and even to canada and mexico if by land without one
they cost ~$135 for processing fees
I have had one since 2007 because of 911
I also have a Trusted Traveler card (Global Entry)
Either of these would be acceptable at polls
Driver license is cheap and almost everyone has one.
Most states will issue ID only cards similar to driver license at low cost or free if you can't afford one
The only excuse is Democrats saying it would be a terrible burden on the minorities.

Shush. Don't let (((them))) in on the secret

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No lib-cuck will stand against might of Putin's internet-corps

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It's an analog IRL op called 'Operation Insertion'. Here's how it works:

Hit post too soon. Here's how Operation Insertion works:
>find Voter ID memes on Jow Forums
>print at home
>find empty free newspaper boxes in a high-traffic downtown area
>discreetly insert memes into boxes
>no vandalism, no glue
>revisit after one day to see if memes are still there
>report results to Jow Forums
>rinse and repeat

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This guy gets it

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What do you use for identification for flights?

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You propagate this tactic with the same theme as you did with the draft our daughters shit,
They will bite through that.
Stir it up a more, change the theme

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You must be the Republican shill, I have heard so much about lol

It'll be interesting when Russia invades Estonia

You don't even have a country to speak of lol

Just 2-3 years ago, Democrats demanded that you didn’t have to show voter ID so they could let more illegals vote them in.

I'm American living in this shithole overpoliticized country. Estonia is a beautiful country because it's the only one out of Lithuania and Latvia not built on shitty 1970s Soviet infrastructure. Russia could fuck that up at any given moment (and they are with information warfare currently).

How are we going to build a 2,000 mile bridge

dont let russia interfere, voter id cards mandatory!

Have you been here to even speak about it?
You don't shit what is really going on around here..
Its exactly like any other Eastern European country. Dont let yourself be fooled about that beautiful flag and what tv shows you.


Reminder these pics are posted by a fat bitch and her pajeet assistants.You will be tracked everywhere you repost this trumpnigger npcs follow caution.

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I use my passport.
If you're booked on an international flight, you aren't allowed to board without showing it.
For domestic flights, beginning soon if not already, you must have an 'approved secure id'
State drivers license are being issued with the 'government approved' security features.
I'm 75 so I don't have to take off my shoes and belt.
My Trusted Traveler card get me into a pre-approved lane at the security checkpoint.

This faggot

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I'm a phone fag you numbnut - Guid-base filenames are the default on IOS

>secure id

I just checked. It's REAL ID and enforcement begins Oct 1st 2020.
>just in time for the election

Made a new image for you burgerbros

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Nice work bong

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Don't let kikeistan interfere in 2020. Demand it. All dual citizens of US-Israel must resign from office or renounce their kike connections


It's afraid

I'm in


Seriously, this could tie with the 2016 election for the best op of all time. It has everything it needs to be a YUUUGE Success!

I love these

DoD was by any measure wildly successful. It's the best template for an ironic meme campaign yet devised. Why wouldn't anons copy every element of DoD?
>pic related

Attached: B5E5E93D-B687-4755-B4EB-CEC430AE15B5.png (800x500, 594K)

And the Spanish version

Attached: protect-the-vote_1200x628_spanish.jpg (1200x628, 219K)

billions of dollars spent on Facebook ad campaigns, fake articles, paid posters and trolls. ironic that the right thinks soros does this to any meaningful extent when Russia literally does it on record

Billions? Fucking kek

how are Jow Forums tards this stupid... no one thinks Russians literally voted they think they influenced. these obviously fake images aren't going to fool anyone lol.


Even if Russia does do this why is it their fault the election turned out the way it did?

People are capable of researching claims made on the internet so who cares? It seems more like a problem of Facebook users being inherently less critical and intelligent than the rest of the internet.

Those are only obviously fake because they use the 2016 branding style.

>no one thinks Russians literally voted they think they influenced. these obviously fake images aren't going to fool anyone
You're conveniently ignoring the 24/7 coverage of muh Russia Investigation on CNN, MSLSD and the rest of the MSM. Now that the Kavanaugh debacle is being memory holed, I fully expect them to return to muh Russia narrative as soon as possible

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>>if Russia manipulated stupid people into ruining the country its the stupid peoples fault! Russia can't be blamed

how do the boots of putin taste

you heard the man, accelerate production

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More concerned about China... Oh, I guess they don't count because they fund Communism in America..

you literally didn't read the comment that you replied to, or you didn't watch the coverage of the Russian investigation

this operation could easily be expanded to include not only Russia but also China and North Korea. Might as well throw a ran into the mix as well. The point is not about stopping Russia, it's about implementing voter ID to keep Democrats from having millions of fake voters casting ballots on their behalf

We will meddle the fuck out of it. I will personally shill daily on Jow Forums and other sites.

its grey concrete, swamp and depression like the rest of the east block

>gorillions pf dollars
Nigga they don t spend that much in syria lmao

You obviously have no idea how cognitive dissonance works

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Daily reminder people who post #DemandVoterID memes get suspended permanently from twitter.

Daily reminder that Sarah Jeong is Twitter Verified

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Are Americans really so delusional that they think Russia has to be behind it when shit doesn't go their way?
I even see it in the comments of youtube videos, People disagree with a leftist opinion and it is instantly "i see the Russian trolls are out in force"

I'm nobody, let this bitch waste her time tracking me lol

The Kavaugh vote showed her

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