By the power invested in kek

RBG will die on Oct. 17 of a stroke, and President Trump will enjoy a third SC pick

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Stop spamming RBG threads kike.

Kek wills it.

Looks like you my friend got, B B C C U C K O L D E D E D.

We must continue to meme this old kike bitch into her grave. If we can elect a President with memes we can kill this witch.

Look at you vile Russiapublicans wishing for the death of others for political purposes. Shame on you all. We will retake this country in November. Be afraid, we are coming for you rapists.

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We will it into reality. Chaos reigns.

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Trump is not going to save you


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I got you senpai

>kek wills it.

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YES!! RBG Needs to die so that we can have a bigger conservative majority.

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checked 4 kek

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praise kek

> She will die in 2019


666 get?

If she dies, she dies

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I wonder what the left will do if this happens. This kick off the civil war 2 that's been creeping up.

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Wait, what? What timeline is this. She had a stroke and died the day after the election. She said she would never work with trump


>President Trump will enjoy a third SC pick
no three scoop

how many others will retire so we have 100% Trump bench?

You just KNOW she's gonna live to 110. Same as Soros and Jacob Rothschild

>She had a stroke and died the day after the election
that was Janet Reno

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The pro wrestler?

She will never die and blue wave will be a thing ..

You are all being to confident like the dems were over knowing Hillary would win....

Kek wills it. He chooses no sides.

she won't die, she has another decade in her,
stop using energy to keep her alive by saying
she will die, morons. if you want her dead you
should be saying she's going to live forever.

Civil war 2, you mean a the first great round up.


No Jew will ever enter US politics again

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trump will die on oct.18

blessed threead

die sooner, kike hag!

Would Jow Forums impregnate Teenage RBG?

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Ruth Ginsburg will not live to see another summer day.

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Like the iceberg that sank the titanic, the clot has broken lose and is headed for the brain.

777 and 420 GET

she'll die before year's end. her brain won't be able to deal with kav getting on there and her kike legacy being ruined.

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> (OP)
iii am a disgrace to kek

You just haven't tried hard enough yet, get on it

Stroke of luck.

RBG dies, and that will be the beginning of the next wave of White rule. The Jews will slowly lose their power from this point on. Trump is creating a future that insures Whites men will rise up and flourish. The Jews will burn in the end.

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Smells like antifaggots in this thread. Better lube up that boipucci

she gay

and why would you be worried? don't be a pussy. the civil war is exactly what we need. it'll be fun.

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How are Kagan's and Sotomayor's health these days? Poor old Ruth already has one foot in the grave and is overdue for her third cancer bout, but Obama's appointees honestly look like they aren't taking the best care of themselves either.

She will.

you have no power here

I generally don't endorse encouraging death on people...
buuuuuutttt... my salt stocks are doing really well these days.

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she'll die on my birthday? awesome

You're going to hell and so is everyone in this thread that participates.

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I really hope some jew reporter picks this story up. "Jow Forums calling upon ancient gods to kill Ruth Ginsburg"

The Tower is more suited symbolically than The Devil. The Devil represents slavery to the passions and base desires, the inversion of the natural order, etc. The Tower, to put it briefly, is the fall that cometh after evil pride.

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Let Kek's will be done

Why are you people always talking about RGB dying? Do you prefer HSI? I don’t get it.

It's kek's will

>1 off

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Checked. Disgrace confirmed

After RBG dies, and he gets a third pick, President Trump might actually get a forth pick during his last year as well.

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Imagine the stench as she sits there in chambers shitting & pissing herself

Those digits hold too little power.

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Stay in your lane, faggot. Go suck on Trudeau's cock, leaf nigger.

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Oct 17

17th letter of the alphabet

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>Trump might actually get a forth pick
When Clarence Thomas retires.

Just realized the Eight Sevens GET poster ID ended with QEK


We need a better get than this one.

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This thread is truly blessed.

>dem 2s

She's doomed

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Kek is here

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Quit undermining our efforts. Who's the real kike?

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He is with us.

Chaos will strike and grant the trifecta of
before 2020.
Jow Forums will rejoice and live forever for the rest of days.
So let it be written, so let it be done.

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T-that's a heck of a coincidence

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The kikes have her on a pure foreskin diet.

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double digits wills it

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