>He currently lives in Pennsylvania with his wife, her son from a previous relationship with a man named Darnell Brown, and two dogs He currently lives in Pennsylvania with his wife, her son from a previous relationship with a man named Darnell Brown, and two dogs >He currently lives in Pennsylvania with his wife, her son from a previous relationship with a man named Darnell Brown, and two dogs
Suburbs/exurbs and rural places that aren’t Appalachia, aka dependent on manufacturing, are fine. Ruralites fell below 2.1 in 1990 and are never going back
are you asking seriously or asking to posit a notion? because it's fucking youtube
Mason Nguyen
Brandon Hall
Kek, there's a reason that "cuck" still makes them nuclear white hot mad all these years later.
Kevin Gray
I wonder if these people will ever realize its working exactly as intended.
Joshua Gonzalez
The forcibly celibate of our societies are chosen by God to save women from themselves, whether they're Otakus NEETing in Kyoto, Incels residing in Isfahan, or creeps from Crete. We've bided our time, absorbed all the scorn and humiliation heaped upon us by status-seeking normies into patience, endurance and willpower. We've watched warily as those same normieshit locusts swarmed our entire internet, consuming it's precious bandwidth with their NPC problems, their thirst for pleb pornography and their fawning for hypergamous medical marvels politely called "women." Overtime, those thirsty normieshits became meatspace automatons implementing a new age of favoritism for all roastie harlots, and any transgression, however microscopic, drew a call to arms amongst those loyal white knights who defended any slack-snizzed feminist by day and edged to poisonous cuckporn at night. These trendy and progressive rules were to underpin the dawn of the Fempire, we're it not for the rise of us incel memelords. It was us who mustered the chutzpah to nudge our way into the gangbang pile of society, shocking everyone by not rolling over and dying after being denied any licks on the fuzzy, dirty, demonically bespectacled Tootsie-Pop feminists that rule by writ of their sea of thirsty orbiters. There will be none of Sarah Jeong's castration events, nor Katy Perry's Interracial Breeding Grounds. Men will not endure compulsory detainment and arousal analysis in the hopes of helping harpies' "predict rape." Instead, it is the Roasties who shall rue this day, the day when the forcibly celibate redpilled even the pussy-eating NPCs on the secrets to fighting every bitchy feminist whore: ignore her and if you need to, simply use your masculinity to overpower them.
She gets on her knees. And then she tries to open the door's pants.
Adrian Lee
Angel Russell
he's a literal cuck lmfao, no wonder he's slowly losing it. Make sure this guy doesnt have any access to guns, he's approaching the 'maybe I can make a difference' stage
Dominic Campbell
Earlier he was missing for days and it was revealed China had detained him to investigate him over some conduct
If we do something then we could save tens of thousands of white lives from OD and increase the birth rates by greater than 5%, which is my general level of primary engagement when possible.
the funniest thing about the pulse shooting is the amount of salt for years about people who laughed at the fags and not at the fucking muslim terrorists who did the actual shooting
Jose Williams
While the result is close to what I expected, the demographic breakdown in these polls isn't very good. Whites voters are underestimated while Hispanics are overestimated.
Jaxson Parker
>president meng hongwei >vice president kim jong yang wtf
Colton Taylor
wait I thought minority voice should be louder than majority :v)
Zachary Flores
>yfw president chi is cleaning up interpol at Trump's request interpol has become the yuroSJWs secret service
Are you unironically shilling for democracy on Jow Forums?
Josiah Ross
A bunch of screeching retarded women don't make decisions for the country oh no!
Colton Cooper
> China demands their person is made head of INTERPOL > EU cucks and lets him run it > Prosecution against Chinese criminals drops off to essentially nothing > He collects thousands of hihg-security documents outlining not only ongoing investigations but also sources and methods for the entire European domestic security services > Flies back to China of his own free will > China then claims it "detained him"
The fact that there are people who can't figure out what just happened makes me want to rip my eyes out and bleed to death instead of facing the future we're locked on the train heading to
I'm still voting for Cruz. Tired of seeing all these shitty beto signs in the city.
Luis Taylor
>if you're tired of winning, join the dem party he listened
Andrew Cook
>He currently lives in Pennsylvania with his wife, her son from a previous relationship with a man named Darnell Brown, and two dogs Wikipedia is a valuable resource for truth Have you seen Murderin' Joe's page? archive.is/nV5NO
>If we do something then we could save tens of thousands of white lives from OD That is something that Trump is working on with Congress. >increase the birth rates by greater than 5%, which is my general level of primary engagement when possible. Not sure increasing the white birth rate is easily achieveable.
It doesn't. They're describing what they see as injustice and bug, they will not be convinced by explanation telling them it's a feature. They are describing how the system should be.
Juan Morales
>49 voted no >51 votes yes What?
Luke Murphy
Live in Houston or Dallas and you must live with the non white politics
>That is something that Trump is working on with Congress. Hope it goes through then, deep punishment of distributing companies would be the best thing in my mind. >Not sure increasing the white birth rate is easily achieveable I'm sure it isn't, most things worth doing aren't easy.
>Tired of seeing all these shitty beto signs in the city Same here. But there were lots of Hillary signs where I lived too, yet Trump won my district. Democrats are just more vocal about there support