Its over

Romania will soon allow same sex marriage and adoption

Attached: 1280px-LGBT_flag_map_of_Romania.svg.png (1280x906, 36K)

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what do the votes look like so far?


19,5% showed up out of 30%
These are the final results. It is over.

Once the civil code is revised gay marriage will be legalized

It was just a matter of time anyway.

they didnt get enough turn out to legalize it though?

penos :))

A románok örökkévalók, Atlantiszról származnak. Ők találták fel a lisztbefingást és az űlvehugyozást is.
Amikor az első ufonauták majd leszállnak az égből na azok is mind egytől eggyig románok lesznek, mert már kolonizálták az egész kibaszott galaxist 7 millió évvel ezelőtt.
Csak azért ért végett a jégkorszak mert a románok bekapcsolták a fűtést.
Ha a románok nem lennének a nap meg a hold is lepottyanna az égből.
A románok találták fel a platinafaszú nikkelbolhát amikor az pattan az ég a határ a newyorki tőzsdén.
Még a Jóisten sem tudta megvarrni Szűz Máriának a szűzhártyáját a názáreti Jézus Krisztus születése után, de a románok igen.

Welcome to 2018 friends. Its about fucking time you joined the rest of rhe world.

Its the other way around.
Not enough people turned up not to legalize it.

The media told people that they should stay at home


why didnt you fuckers go out and vote then?

Romanians are retarded. Nuke this gay ass country.

Also, a few days ago the head of the romanian secret service was sharing stuff about how zoophilia is not that bad on facebook.

Gay marriage is not even legal yet and they push zoophilia.

Also new school textbooks have been created for kids ages 5-10 with characters teaching children stuff like
"Why should you be a boy, just because your parents told you so? Maybe you, are a girl, you could be a girl"

Return to Ottoman Empire and Allah will purge faggotry in your gypsy country.

Attached: Claude-Johannice-Romania.jpg (1023x575, 92K)

Only 20% of romania go to church
Only 19,5 % romanians showed up to vote


Allah is your last chance, gypsy bro, why don't you submit already?

Attached: Mashhad IRAN 17 May 2016_ 06.jpg (740x470, 56K)

Also new school textbooks have been created for kids ages 5-10 with characters teaching children stuff like
>"Why should you be a boy, just because your parents told you so? Maybe you, are a girl, you could be a girl"
Pics? Dear God...what went wrong?

Id rather be raped to death by niggers with aids than be a muslim.

And also, we were never part of the ottoman empire, we were only vassals.

The ottomans decided we were too autistic to even fight us
They thought going on suicidal missions to set bulgaria on fire and then setting our own countries on fire to make it harder for them was overkill for defending some worthless land.

More trouble that it was worth for them

I dont have pics yet , i kept hearing about them on the radio

Antigay referendum has failed. I don't have AIDS but will fuck you in the ass for sure.

ignore the retards, the media told everyone to go and vote, not only the media, the churches and the priests, the mayors of towns, literally fucking everyone, but in the end people stood up for themselfes and remained home

Submit to Allah, accept the Qur'an and you will be spared, or let faggotry spread all over your gypsy lands!

Attached: mosque-in-constanta-romania.jpg (1024x768, 128K)

Based retard

When gays are allowed to marry it means more gays head towards being conservative.

Islam can save you and make you strong. Return to the religion of your ancestors!

Attached: romanias-future.jpg (3872x2592, 1023K)

Goodbye lads, youll be subverted, society will get gayer, then people will get pissed off
>Gays are ok, don't hate them they aren't coming after your kids bigot
>So conservative
Gay marriage opened up a can of worms, every little fucking group wants attention. Because we said theyre ok, weve had to accept the whole LGBTQ+++++++++tesaberh community. And now look, trans bull shit is rammed down our kids throats and fucks them up. Better to never have given them the right to marry

Attached: 1536977823867.jpg (655x901, 192K)

It should never have happened

Attached: 1536116072492.png (616x880, 591K)

What? Are you retarded?

Attached: 806.png (503x746, 470K)

Sauce please, ideally on everything

I personally don't see the big deal, but I understand where you two are coming from. I think the negative results were inbound anyways and had more to do with 8 years of democrats after 8 of Bush, but once the gays have no wedge issues left they tend to vote conservative. It's not like the majority care either way about abortion and the conservative gays don't do the parade bullshit. It's as if they're still gay, but not as fucking gay.

Mental ilness has to be treated. Show me the efforts of the enstablishment to prevent it before the child forms his consciousness and I will tolerate the existing homos in order to not damage them any further. But if you tell me that this is 'normal' 'sexuality', I will suspect you of bullshitting me, for how can it be normal when it is occuring so rarely in nature, and how can it be sexuality when they can't make sex, and desperately try to imitate it using their digestive organs? This homosexuality is normal shit reminds me of the orwellian 2+2=5. And when you show this shit to children, who don't have their critical thinking formed, my bullshit detector is off the fucking charts in that they want to just prime them into thinking it's normal, so as to avoid any rational discussion in the future.

>Romanians are eternal, they came from Atlantis itself.
>Romanians have invented how to piss while sitting.
>The first extraterrestrials to contact us will be all Romanians since they have colonized the galaxy 7 million years ago.
>The last Ice Age has ended because Romanians have turned on the heating.
>If there were no Romanians gravity would seize to exist and the Sun and the Moon would fall from the sky.
>Romanians have invented the platinum-made magic jumping kangaroo, when it leaps the Dow Jones rises exponentially.
>After Virgin Marry had given birth to Jesus Christ not even God could fix her hymen, but the Romanians did.
>The pure willpower of Romanians can turn heavy water into regular one and back to heavy again, without them no nuclear reactor would be capable of working on this planet.
>Romania is an eternal and unending salt mine.
>Romanians can't steal land since all land on the planet belongs to Romanians by allodial right.

Attached: I am back.jpg (800x538, 79K)

There is nothing wrong with that

Submit to your Ottoman overlords, gypsy, or Allah will turn you faggots.

All the other nations are just Romanians who lost their ways. Reject all that hatred and come back to your ancestral craddle, brother.

* Every single language out there is just a dialect of Romanian.

You're starting to civilise. Of course, the West will always own you in perpetuity because of your xenophilia but, hey, it's what you, Romanians, always wanted: the Occident instead of the Orient.

Except yours. You've devised your language based on sounds that your horses made.

I like these threads

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In your dreams maybe. This wasn't a defeat, as the gays still can't marry eachother, and any referendum for allowing them to do so will easily fail, exactly or even worse than this one. Remember that both the PSD and PNL were for modifying the constitution, and let's not talk about BOR, which will get even more insane than how it was in these days. Gay marriage is virtually impossible in Romania, at least for medium term.

Maybe because we are not stupid? This whole thing was a waste of money and it was unnecesarry, it's not like the gays can marry, and before this stupid referendum the LGBT was pretty much silent and unimportant, barely noticeable.

>waste of money
For the most part it probably was just laundering of money which they already stole.

I wouldn't call it "normal". It's something that happens. Someone with bowed legs isn't normal, but it happens. Are redheads normal? No. It's something that happens. Same with bi-polar disorder. It happens. Not normal.
There are all kinds of things that aren't normal, but you're hung up on gay people. You know who are hung up on gay people? Gay people.
Gays aren't going after your children. Your child is more likely to get preyed on by a straight person.
You know who is pushing the gay on kids?
Straight women who want to brag about how diverse their fucking kid is and use it as a tool to make themselves look diverse.
Instead of punching the straight woman in the face you're going after the gays who never had an interaction with the kid.
Gay men are not having kids and trying to turn them gay.
Straight women are.