Guys, I think the libs are seriously angry this time. Are they totally gonna revolt now?
Um...uh oh
Other urls found in this thread:
>He currently lives in Pennsylvania with his wife, her son from a previous relationship with a man named Darnell Brown, and two dogs.
>tfw your wifes boyfriend buys you a Nintendo Switch
That webm gave me diarrhea, thanks.
Sir, this is a White Castle
I wish.
The saddest thing is, this guy will never ever understand that it was his brand of stupid arrogant nu-male bullshit is what directly led to lots and lots of people who used to vote democrat, moving to the right.
It's not that Trump really spoke to them or the Republicans had anything truly amazing for them to come on over. But the left losing their goddamn minds and become insufferable assholes as a unit that called anyone that was even a smidgen apart from their groupthink as an evil incel racist literal Hitler. So people wanted to distance themselves from that dumbasery and all of a sudden, Republicans keep winning every election.
White Castle? WHITE Castle?
They are revolting.
I hope that guy gets violently murdered.
Ben Shapiro will never be accepted on Jow Forums stop trying.
I honestly love the insane, tangent call-to-arms all these people are posting online. It is adorable because we know that they wont do anything effective, but also because there is no way they're winning over anyone who wasn't already on their side in the first place
Allow them to continue alienating moderates. The left is the impulsive, crazy mob and the right is everyone else
To them, a serious call to arms is go stand in the middle of traffic on the interstate and seriously fuck up traffic for a day. Or otherwise go get some poster board and make angry signs then hold them up, but in a public space and piss off lots and lots of people.
When yet again, all they accomplish is getting a lot of people that would otherwise have no opinion about them, decide they really hate these sign waving assholes and want to be against them now.
>the saddest thing
You meant to say the BEST thing.
Why is he so mad? Trump hasn't done a single thing that he alludes blame towards Trump for. It's like these people literally imagine up non-existing injustices to whip themselves up into frenzies.
For what purpose, who would intentionally make themselves angry like this
his writing is horrible and I wish he would never write again.
Or at least someone attacks him with some vigorous, vulgar language.
>Calls for violence
>"this is not a call for violence"
This is great
We want to encourage them to get more and more extreme, then the government can take them down completely legally.
cuck wendig
The estrogen levels are high in this one.
My testosterone dropped 50% and I can no longer conduct an inner dialogue after watching that webm
This guy is fucking insufferable. I can't wait for him to get #MeToo'd
Yes goyim, become completely reliant on the government protection. Continue to sign acts such as the (((patriot act))). Remember, what is giving up a few of your liberties compared to protection?
The $oy levels are over 6 million
Reminder: This man writes Star Wars novels for the new canon. He won't get fired though because Lucasfilm is completely a leftist company now.
Reddit Assault Warriors, assemble!
God, I hope so.
>if I cram a shit ton multi-syllabic adjectives into every sentence, people will think I'm smart!
Wow, champ. You know words. So impressed.
Is this the same one as in OP? No wonder I instinctively hate this fuck. Fuck you, whoever spammed this shit on /b/. Fuck, it's worse than the goddamned banana.
No it's not the same one as in OP, but that makes it even scarier.
Not just yet.
Depending in the weather we may get serious riots in November, after they lose the elections.
If November won't be too cold it may happen in November and if cold it will be during Spring.
>I can't wait for him to get #MeToo'd
That's not a bad idea at all, user. What if there was a way sow mistrust and infighting using their own tactics? They would tear themselves apart at the seams.
I saved it just in case of constipation.
because everybody hated his star wars novels. that's right, that's how far star wars has fallen. lucasfilm hand picked this bitch boy to write the disney star wars novels.
Star Wars was shit anyways. There's way better StarStuff out there.
battlestar or stargate?
Every single time
>people of color and women need our help!
If we had "you shave you lose" threads this webm should be posted in every single one because I just took this pic
Kill him now before he breeds.
Cuck Wendig?
Numales are ugly chickswithdicks
Fucking pussies
Lotion tards
I love how he stole that post then came into the same thread to say he posted it half an hour before hand. Fucking beji the miniscule
>implying basedboys breed
I'm interested in listening to political discussions and the right tends to have a huge variety of civil discussions about all sorts of topics. From ethnic nationalism to ancap globalism, whether one should bake the cake or not, teleology etc etc
Does the left ever discuss things? Whenever I listen to them they just seem to be spreading what they already know to be true, they're all in agreement. Are there any topics that the left disputes within themselves like the right?
i read his name as cuck wielding
Don't 'Grab 'em by the pussy,' Grab them by the balls and squeeze until they cry 'Uncle.'
I am one of those people. And I know a handful of others.
It won't so much drive up republican votes, not in the 2018 midterms, at least, its that it will really drive down voter turn out.
Male turn out of all colors will be down, almost entirely from moderate dems, with a fraction being moderate republicans.
White women turn out will be up, but not much, and not greatly favoring democrats anyway, white females will be a near 50/50 split.
Colored males will still all vote democrat, just fewer of them will be able make themselves go through the hastle, and associate subconsciously with the anti-masculinity that repels their ego.
Whites are literally the least misogynist race. Blacks, Hispanics, Asians are all much more psychologically devotes to gender norms and will avoid the absurd faggotry at greater rates than whites. They're just less culturally malleable than the average euro-mutt.
I was talking about the webm. I didn't even read the post I responded to.
Strange how when you go on progressive forums they're not full of men whimpering about how lonely and unloved they are.
Anarchists and tankies call each other idiots and faggots all day so there is that.
The problem is that no one in authority has seriously called out these faggots for their stupidity. The Republican Party shluld be ashamed of itself, it’s silence is facilitating and emboldening these faggots.
Oh fuck off you insufferable faggot, how much of a sperg do you have to be not see the larger picture here??
The faggot should be pistol whipped
like really, i never show my teeth when i smile. ive got pearly whites and straighter than straight teeth, but i always felt if i showed them off when i smiled, i was bragging to some degree. so i never smile or grun showing teeth, or atleast just a glimmer. i dont get how all these onions boy cucks have full smiles, mouth agape, and showing off teeth yellower than piss. do they have no shame? atleast brush every once in a while ffs
go try your tactics elsewhere you faggot shill
He used to sext with this broad on twitter, Sara Amundson. Told her he would help her “writing” career. Saw some of their DMs when she shared it with me, laughing over his fetishes.
look at the onions face on that loser
cant wait for the civil war to start
Libtard here, stuff like this is why I hate libtards.
I really really hope they start sperging out in public even more.
I honestly read "savvy bully" as "savage bull". I couldn't figure out why no one had said anything.
>>It won't so much drive up republican votes
No, that vote drive was accomplished with another genious D's move: the Kavanaugh circus. They managed to nearly energize right leaning voter base with this.
>implying I haven't been on Jow Forums for over 10 years with the same woman the entire time since high school
I don't understand their rationale. in what way is this supposed to encourage people to their side? the more extreme they get, the more people are turned off by them. example: the Kavanaugh shit, and the subsequent protewsts after.
and yet, they still think they should become more extreme.
I know logic is their forte, but like...there doesn't seem to be a single iota of thought going into their actions. just react react react.
these same people want positions of power...I mean, fucking think for a second d. holy shit.
You don't give an arsonist a box of matches, user.
BY GOD, just observe the retweets and likes. The slippery slope of violence has just started.
Liberals have been angry and violent for decades. OUR civility is what enabled and emboldened them for so long. 2016 was when we decided to not put up with their shit anymore and fight back. And look what we've accomplished so far...
When a liberal hits you, hit them back twice as hard. And preferably 1-2 bystander faggots cheering them on.
New pepe to me.
This has been a productive week for all meme farmers. The famine is over. Praise kek.
mamas big boy!
This is absolutely true. I hope these leftists keep on chimping out and showing us their true colors.
so liberal here. i was fucking my gf when kavahnaw got elected to supreme court. she got so mad she punched my balls. we are ready to fisght you conservacucks if you assholes think you are better. lets fight conservacucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>See pinned tweet
>"act like a crazy person shouting random words at trolls that is how to deal with them"
Why can't these people just sit and learn about hoe the internet works?
You don't understand their rationale because you don't know how they think.
They actually believe that they are in the majority.
On top of that they believe that they are morally superior to the minority that disagrees with them.
They also believe their own propaganda wholeheartedly and close themselves in echo chambers, which cause the 2 points that I mentioned above.
We should reclaim the term "white trash" and use it for guys like this.
>meanwhile, in the year 2050
>"The blue wave will rise again!"
>a hero
I hope she gets caught and sued into oblivion
Well they are already revolting
>>stop being polite to anyone that still votes Republican
Sure, stop. Absolutely act like spoiled brats throwing tantrums. Better yet: please please please actually physically attack your Republican voting neighbors and coworkers.
Yeah, she’s a thot I used for awhile. Has a husband who provides for her while she cucks him. Way too crazy for anything other than a cum receptacle.
I'm still registered as a Democrat, from back when I was young and naive. I haven't got around to changing it because it lets me fuck around in the Democrat primaries.
Are leftist being fooled by some genius republican psyop or are they just this stupid on their own
Bring it Faggokin (The Basedborn)
I'm still holding out in hope that when you do overstep the mark and give the government an excuse to reclaim Silicone valley under the jackboot that they accept requests from foreign citizens to be involved in the communist genocide in return for citizenship.
A hook nose and a tranny are going to kill you fascist
look it's another episode of pretend to be a chad on Jow Forums what did you think of the last episode of baruto
lmao tran is right I can see it's mustache
Great suggestion user. Like you guys assaulted protesters at your rallys, right? Sounds fair. Seeing as you like to call us whiny babies and special flowers, it must be time to deal out the same treatment to you guys. But I am not so sure you are gonna like it much.