with thunderous applause . . .
So this is how liberty dies
It's treason then
>meme flag
How hard to do you think big K fucked his wife after he got sworn in?
as hard as he fucked Ford's 15 year old pussy
Seeing that little girl stand there like that, with her back to her father facing the rest of the room, shielding and protecting him, is the biggest statement out of all of this.
Come to think of it the Republicans are literally like the Empire from Star Wars - they want a huge oversized military and oppress minorities (aliens), with Trump as the heartless piece of shit Emperor at the top of it all. Meanwhile democrats are the underdogs fighting to take down the empire, with a few big losses along the way (Kavanaugh getting away with rape is like Vader escaping getting shot down by Luke) but eventually they'll win (2020)
Digits confirm
>meme flag
Anyway, this was just the beginning of your suffering. We're only getting started. The white man is back in charge and there's nothing you can do about it.
Confirming the confirmation of the post-confirmation sex